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Telecentre Multimedia Academy Zagreb , 26 September 2014. Co-financed by the European Commission’s Lifelong Learning Grundtvig Programme aimed at the a cquisition of key competences through adult education Nov 2012 – Oct 2014. PARTNERSHIP. LIKTA ( Latvia ) – leading reserach
Telecentre MultimediaAcademyZagreb, 26 September 2014 Co-financedbythe European Commission’sLifelongLearningGrundtvigProgrammeaimed at the acquisition of key competences through adult education Nov 2012 – Oct 2014
PARTNERSHIP • LIKTA (Latvia) – leadingreserach • Telecentar (Croatia) – leading design and revison • ESPLAI (Spain) – leadingdevelopment • EOS (Romania) – leading piloting • Langas i Ateiti(Lithuania) – leadingdissemination • IAN (Serbia) – leadingexploitation • DemNet (Hungary) – leadingevaluation • Telecentre-Europe AISBL – leadingthe project
GOALS • Improvelearning opportunities for adult learners inmedia literacy. • Equip learners with skills related to understanding, use and production of media,includingaudio, video, and photography. • Establishreference points for media literacy learningin 7 participatingcountries. • Increasetelecentres’ trainingcapacitythroughmultimediaeducation.
OBJECTIVES • Conductresearchtodiscoversuccessful methods and programmes fosteringtheacquisition of media literacy skills. • Design alearning pathway on media literacy for adult learners. • Developlearning materials and provide tutorials for teachers for the implementation of the learning pathway. • Pilot thetrainingprogrammein 7 countries. • EstablishTelecentre MultimediaAcademies.
RESEARCH • Extensivereview of the presentlearning offers in 7 countries and at European levelin the field of media literacy for adult learners • Identifythe needs of clients • Methodology • desk and fieldreserach • stakeholderanalysis throughinterviews and questionnaires • EU policies in the field, EU qualification frameworks and certification standards
DESIRED KNOWLEDGE AND SKILLS • To understand how different content(text, images, audio, video)is created • To learnabout which software/applicationfitsthebesttothe kind of content to be created • Tolearnhowtoedit content created by oneself or others • Todevelopconfidenceincontentcreationaswellasexplore new technologies, methods, waysand formats
RECOMMENDATIONS • Complementarytoalreadyexistinglearningoffers • Suitablefortheneeds of varioustargetgroups • Flexible, simplytoimplement, modularlearningpathway • ConnectedtotheDigital Competence Framework (identifiedcompetenceareas) • Two-levelapproach: basic and advanced • Compatiblewith major certificationschemes • Trainingmaterialsto be piloted and revised
BASIC COURSE OF MEDIA LITERACY Familiarizestudents with the basics of sound recording and editing, photography and image editing, and video recording and editing. Upon completion of the course, students shallbe able to • Create a simple digital audio content • Create a simple digital photography content • Create a simple digital video content
ADVANCED COURSE OF MEDIA LITERACY Familiarizestudents with the methods of project planning, creation and distribution of media content for teaching and learning with digital media technologies. Students acquire theoretical basics of project management, visual communication and digital media storytelling. Upon completion of the course, students shallbe able to • Write the script for media project • Develop and present a plan for the implementation of media project • Create a comprehensivedigital media content
TEACHERS HANDBOOK • Notesfortrainers • Practicalexamples • Assignments • Backgroundmaterials • Editablefilesforfurtherprocessing
PILOT TRAINING • Pilot trainingsorganisedin 7 countries • Over 90 participantstrained • Both basic and advancedcourceswerepiloted • Targetgroupincluded: telecentre operators, NGO activists, librarians, ICT teachers, youth, unemployed… • Training curriculum revised, translatedto 7 languages (Lithuanian, Latvian, Romanian, Serbian, Croatian, Hungarian, Spanish)
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