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Strategies for Effective Interaction in the Classroom Sheltered Instruction: Strategies & Interaction

Strategies for Effective Interaction in the Classroom Sheltered Instruction: Strategies & Interaction. Quote. "One of the greatest discoveries a man makes, one of his great surprises, is to find he can do what he was afraid he could not do ." Henry Ford. More Quotes to Ponder.

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Strategies for Effective Interaction in the Classroom Sheltered Instruction: Strategies & Interaction

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  1. Strategies for Effective Interaction in the ClassroomSheltered Instruction: Strategies & Interaction

  2. Quote "One of the greatest discoveries a man makes, one of his great surprises, is to find he can do what he was afraid he could not do." Henry Ford
  3. More Quotes to Ponder "One must have strategies to execute dreams." AzimPremji, CEO Wipro Ind
  4. Today's Objectives Language Objectives Participants will exploreBest Practices for several components of Sheltered Instruction and discuss how to apply these components in the classroom. Participants will create and apply several interactive peer-to-peer oral techniques (IPOTs) that promote comprehensible output among ELs of all ages. Content Objectives
  6. YOUR MISSION Walk up to 3 people YOU DO NOT KNOW and ask… Tell me what you know about learning strategies and why this is important to you? What do you know about using interactional activities with students? What do you hope to learn from this workshop?
  7. What Is Sheltered Instruction ? A means to deliver grade level subject matter content in a manner that is accessible to all learners Instruction delivered by a core teacher Students receive comprehensible core content instruction throughout the day. Instructional strategies that scaffold the content learning by building background knowledge and through the use of visuals, gestures, manipulatives, paraphrasing, etc. Lessons have clear grade level, content and language objectives
  8. Sheltered InstructionComponents for Best Practices 1- Preparation 2- Building Background 3- Comprehensible Input 4- Strategies 5- Interaction 6- Practice/Application 7- Lesson Delivery 8- Review/Assessment Echevarria, Short, & Vogt (2000, 2004, 2008)
  9. Sheltered Instruction Continued Preparation Building Background Lesson Delivery Instruction Comprehensible Input Practice/ Application Strategies Interaction Review/Assessment
  11. SIOP ComponentInteraction “Use it or lose it” Is a saying that conveys what we know from our own experience in learning language If one doesn’t practice using the language, it is difficult to maintain it (Day, 1998)
  12. SIOP ComponentInteraction Language development is active, not passive Children learn their first language with the assistance of adults and others who encourage, model, paraphrase , and acknowledge Language is the primary vehicle for intellectual development (Vygotsky)
  13. SIOP Component Interaction Language affects not only communication, but learning and acquisition of knowledge Research consistently shows that teachers dominate the linguistic environment of the classroom (CREDE, 2000)
  14. SIOP ComponentInteraction Reading comprehension skills and writing skills are positively correlated with oral language proficiency Increased effort is critical in order for students to develop important oral language skills (Geva, 2006)
  15. SIOP ComponentInteraction Frequent Opportunities for Student Interaction and Discussion lead to: Increased Motivation Increased Attention More Processing Time Varied Grouping Configurations Opportunity for Students to Clarify Key Concepts Increased Vocabulary & Language Proficiency
  16. What is InteractionAccording to SIOP Frequent opportunities for interaction and discussion between teacher/student and among students, which encourage elaborated responses about lesson concepts Grouping configurations support language and content objectives of the lesson Sufficient wait time for student responses consistently provided Ample opportunities for students to clarify key concepts in L1 as needed with aide, peer, or L1 text
  17. Grouping Considerations Students choose Teacher chooses Consider pairing/grouping as a means of scaffolding Consider language proficiency Consider social elements Gender Try to be intentional when forming groups and reconfigure them often
  18. Engagementstrategies to create pairs or groups Numbered heads Popsicle sticks Colored stickers or colored index cards Use rank ordered lists per academic subject to create leveled groups (highs with mediums & lows with mediums) Use Selector Tools CD Team Timer device Use proficiency levels for ELs to create groups (ask your EL teacher for this info.)
  19. I P O T s Lesson Delivery Interaction Interactive Peer-to-Peer Oral Techniques Practice/ Application Comprehensible Input Building Background Strategies Preparation Instruction Review/ Assessment The term IPOTs was named by Dr. Susan Spezzini,PhD, University of Alabama Birmingham
  20. IPOTs What Are IPOTS? Do you recognize these? Do you use these? 12-Roaming Reporter 13-Carousel Charts 14-Numbered Card Impromptu 15-Discovery Channel 16-Cloze Activity with Peer 17-Gap-Filling Tango 18-Matching with manipulatives 19-Classifying & Sequencing 20-Creating Poetry 21-Chants, Rap, and Songs 22-Hot Onion Review 1-Turn & Tell 2-Favorite Numbers 3-All of your Names 4-Favorite Room 5-Imaginary Photos 6-Adding to Circle 7-Creating Folk Tale 8-Puppets 9-Starting at the End 10-Concentric Circles 11-Parallel Lines
  21. Putting IPOTs to Practice Each group will be given an IPOT activity You will design and demonstrate your IPOT using any specific content that is currently being taught under the ACOS Be creative! Groups will present IPOTs at specific times throughout the workshop Spend 15 minutes to develop your IPOT Activity

  23. The Purpose The purpose of the SIOP Strategies component is to examine our strategy instruction, not just the strategies that we employ. The purpose of strategy instruction is to help students to access memory, make connections, solve problems, and monitor their own learning.
  24. What are Strategies? Strategies have been described as "special thoughts or behaviors that individuals use to help them comprehend, learn or retain new information." (Chamot & O'Malley, 1994). Teachers model and scaffold strategies, working toward independent competence. Teachers also push students beyond content knowledge to higher order skills including critical analysis and inquiry.
  25. Why Teach Strategies? Teaching explicit learning strategies improves reading and learning Helps ELs acquire the tools they need to approach learning tasks and solve problems with assistance, as part of a team or independently.
  26. THE MILLION DOLLAR QUESTION How do we teach strategies? Through careful modeling and scaffolding Through teaching a range of meta-cognitive, cognitive, and affective strategies Through repeated practice so that students acquire procedural knowledge of one strategy before introducing another.
  27. 3 Types of strategies Meta-Cognitive Thinking About Thinking Cognitive Active Learning Social/Affective Interactive Learning Questioning Techniques High-Order Thinking Scaffolding Techniques Building Independence!
  28. STRATEGIES ACTIVITY Divide participants into three sections Section I will divide into several groups and compose a list of Cognitive strategies they use in the classroom Section II will divide into several groups and compose a list of Meta-Cognitive strategiesthey use in the classroom Section III will divide into several groups and compose a list of Social/Affective strategies they use in the classroom Each group will assign one person to write their strategies on the blank chart paper hanging up in the room One person from each three sections will be called upon to share strategies with the whole group
  29. The GIST of It Activity Summarization procedure assists students in “getting the gist” from extended text Read only one article from Handout 1 per table ( Cognitive, meta-cognitive, social, or affective) After reading underline 10 or more words or concepts that are deemed “most important” Together, write a summary statement or two using as many words as possible. Write a topic sentence to precede summary sentences.
  30. Cognitive Strategies Organized learning through self-regulated learning Directly related to individual learning tasks Used when learners physically and mentally manipulate material Used when students apply a specific technique to a learning task
  31. Examples of Cognitive Strategies Previewing a story prior to reading Establishing a purpose for reading Consciously making connections between personal experiences and what is happening in the story Taking notes during a lecture Completing a graphic organizer Creating a semantic map Finding Key Vocabulary Mnemonics
  32. IPOT Sharing
  33. Meta Cognitive Strategy Purposefully monitoring our thinking Matching thinking and problem solving to learning situations Clarifying purposes for learning Monitoring one’s own comprehension through self questioning Taking corrective action if understanding fails
  34. Examples of Meta-Cognitive Strategies Predicting / Inferring Self-questioning Monitoring / clarifying Evaluating Summarizing Visualizing
  35. Social/affective Strategy Social and Affective influences on learning Examples When students interact with each other to clarify a confusing point Participation in group discussions or cooperative learning groups to solve a problem
  36. What Are Your Own Learning Strategies? Identify a challenge you have faced in the last month. Read Handout 2 Answer the questions Share with one partner Whole group
  37. Continuum of Strategies Teacher-Centered Lecture Direct Instruction Demonstration Recitation Teacher-Assisted Drill and practice Discovery Learning Brainstorming Discussion Peer-Assisted Role playing Peer tutoring Reciprocal teaching Cooperative learn
  38. IPOT Sharing
  39. Teaching Strategies
  40. A memory system often involving visualization and/or acronyms. Pi Mnemonics – the number of letters in each word correspond to a digit. How I wish I could calculate pi. Mnemonics Order of planets A Very Easy Method: Just Set Up Nine Planets. Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto
  41. SQP2RS An instructional framework for teaching content with expository texts, that includes steps. Surveying – scanning the text to be read for 1 – 2 minutes. Questioning – having students generate questions likely to be answered by reading the text, with teacher guidance Predicting – stating 1 – 3 things students think they will learn based on the questions that were generated Reading – searching for answers to questions and formulating new ones for the next section of text to be read. Summarizing – Orally or in writing summarizing the text’s key concepts
  42. GIST Summarization procedure assists students in “getting the gist” from extended text Students and teacher read a section of text printed on a transparency After reading, assist students in underlining 10 or more words or concepts that are deemed “most important” List words on the board Together, write a summary statement or two using as many words as possible. Write a topic sentence to precede summary sentences.
  43. Rehearsal Strategies Used when verbatim recall information is needed Visual aids (flash cards) Underlining Note-taking
  44. Graphic Organizers Graphic representation of key concepts and vocabulary Teachers present as schematic diagrams Students use them to organize information Venn diagrams Timelines Flow charts Semantic maps
  45. GRAPHIC ORGANIZERACTIVITY Using the graphic organizer at your tables Discuss why the organizer is valuable How will you specifically teach your students to use this graphic organizer? Fill in your graphic organizer using any topic you desire Select one person per group to teach us, as if we are students, how to use the graphic organizer
  46. Comprehension Strategies STRATEGIES Enhanced when teachers incorporate instruction that includes strategies Prediction, self-questioning, monitoring, determining importance, summarizing The more they are taught explicitly and practiced, the more likely students will use them.
  47. IPOT Sharing
  48. Scaffolding Techniques From Vygotsky’s Zone of Proximal Development ZPD is the difference between what a child can accomplish alone and what a child can accomplish with assistance of a more experienced individual. 2 types of scaffolding Verbal Scaffolding Procedural Scaffolding
  49. Verbal Scaffolding Use of prompting, questioning, and elaboration to facilitate students’ movement to higher levels of language proficiency, comprehension, and thinking.
  50. Verbal Scaffolding Examples Paraphrasing – restating a students’ response in order to model correct English usage Using “think-alouds” – carefully structured models of how effective strategy users think and monitor their understanding Reinforcing contextual definitions – placing the definition of a word within the statement
  51. Procedural Scaffolding
  52. Variety of Questions to Promote Higher-Order Thinking Conversational Proficiency Knowledge Comprehension Application Analysis Synthesis Evaluation Academic Proficiency Dr. J. Cummins
  53. Importance of Questioning Special attention should be given to those at the top four levels of Bloom’s Taxonomy Researchers have found that of approximately 80,000 questions the average teacher asks annually, 80 percent of them are at the knowledge level. Teachers are encouraged to assist students in becoming strategic when they teach them how to determine levels of questions they are asked.
  54. Questioning Ask questions that promote critical thinking. Bloom’s Taxonomy
  56. IPOT Sharing
  57. I’ve got it! Summary “Just because they can’t speak English proficiently doesn’t mean they can’t think!” By conscientiously scaffolding support, and by thoughtfully asking questions that require students to interpret, apply, and synthesize, we increase the chances that English learners will become critical thinkers.
  58. Think, Pair, Write, Share Think about today’s objectives, share with your table mates what you think you’ll try in your classroom this week! Feel free to record your thoughts on note sheets.
  59. SAMUEL III Resources The SIOP®Model and Response to Intervention for English Learners, Using Cognitive Strategies to Develop English Language and Literacy, Echevarria, Vogt, Short, Pearson The Development of Cognition and Language , Vygotsky, Pearson Educating HIspanic Students: Obstacles and avenues to Improved academic achievement, by the ( Crede)Center for Research on Education, Diversity & Excellence, University of California, Santa Cruz Comprehension Support for English Language Learners Using the Read Naturally Strategy, Geva, 2006 Using Cognitive Strategies to Develop English Language and LiteracyJOANN CRANDALL, UNIVERSITY OF MARYLAND BALTIMORE COUNTY ANN JARAMILLO & LAURIE OLSEN What is MetaCognition? Licia Morrow EFL TEACHERS’ SOCIO-AFFECTIVE STRATEGY USE IN RELATION TO STUDENTS’ ACADEMIC ACHIEVEMENT, MahnazSaeidi, NahidJabbarpour
  60. Questions or Comments ? Exit Slips Did You Sign-In? Sevim Whitaker- Regional EL Coach swhitaker@alsde.edu Dely V. Roberts – Title III/EL Specialist droberts@alsde.edu Dr. Tammy Hallman Starnes– Title III/EL Coordinator tstarnes@alsde.edu Presentation and handouts available: Click- ALEX…Professional Learning…English Learners…Professional Development…SAMUEL
  61. ComingSAMUEL IV Differentiating Instruction for English Learners & Success Stories from your Schools When: April 24 and 25, 2012
  62. 1) Turn & Tell Procedure Assign/identify a partner for each student Have partners explain to each other what they just learned or any other targeted focus for interaction Possible Applications Explain main points of lesson (mini-lecture) Define and use new vocabulary Extension Turn & Tell to puppet, the ceiling, and/or shoe ___________________________________________________________________________ Dr. Spezzini’s Original Source: Jayne Pollack (AASSA workshop, 2001, Chile) Ideas for Extension (observation at Oak Mt. Inter., Shelby Co, AL)
  63. 2) Favorite Numbers Procedure Write down a one-digit number, a two-digit number, and a four-digit number Tell partner why you selected each number Demonstration Use Turn & Tell to do above Possible Applications Ice-Breaker Intro to Patterns, Probability, etc. ___________________________________________________________________________ Dr. Spezzini’s Original Source: John Morgan (ELT workshop, 1986, Paraguay)
  64. 3) All of your Names Procedure Write down all of the names and nicknames to which you respond (examples: Christina, Christie, Chris, Sissy, Sport, Honey, Mommie, Mom, Hey you, … ) Sign your name Explain your names, nicknames, and signature to your partner Demonstration Do the above by using Turn & Tell Possible Applications Ice-Breaker How to brainstorm (piggyback strategy) ___________________________________________________________________________ Dr. Spezzini’s Original Source: John Morgan (ELT workshop, 1986, Paraguay)
  65. 4) Favorite Room Procedure Identify your favorite room or space Sketch this room and its contents Describe it to your partner Demonstration Do the above by using Turn & Tell Possible Applications Practice in using house-related vocabulary Practice in using adjectives Practice using structure: “I like this because…” Pre-writing technique ___________________________________________________________________________ Dr. Spezzini’s Original Source: John Morgan (ELT workshop, 1986, Paraguay)
  66. 5) Imaginary Photo Album Procedure Draw 3 simple geometric shapes (e.g., square, rectangle, triangle, and/or circle) Each shape represents a photo in an album Describe the imaginary “photos” to partner Demonstration One set of “photos” from the past A second set of “photos” from present A third set of “photos” from an imagined future (5 years from now, and also 10 and 20 years) Possible Applications Verb Tenses: past, present, and future (each on different days—depending on the lesson) Narration and/or Description Pre-Writing technique ___________________________________________________________________________ Dr. Spezzini’s Original Source: John Morgan (ELT workshop, 1986, Paraguay)
  67. 6) Adding to the Circle Procedure Teacher writes targeted sentence structures on the board Everyone says what was said before, and adds own information Demonstration Getting to know one another Practicing subject pronouns & contractions (I’m, he’s, she’s) A) I’m Tom, and I’m from Mobile. B) He’s Tom, and he’s from M…. I’m Sue, and I’m from Atlanta. C) He’s Tom, … . She’s Sue, … . I’m Bill, and I’m from Miami. D) continue adding around the circle or room Possible Applications Vocabulary: Practicing new words Grammar: Practicing new structures (I’m from …) Pronunciation: Practicing sounds Diagnostic: Identify language level of new students. ___________________________________________________________________________ Dr. Spezzini’s Original Source: Partners Leadership Training (1984, Paraguay)
  68. 7) Creating own Folk Tale Procedure Students write short answers to each question. Students share answers with class. After telling stories in groups, they write their stories. Demonstration Where did the boy meet the old man? What did the old man give the boy? How long was the boy away from home? What had changed when the boy returned home? Possible Applications Pre-writing, Literary genres, Creativity
  69. 8) Puppets Procedure Buy wooden clothespins in the Dollar Store Students make puppets by drawing faces on clothespins Possible Applications Overcome shyness and build self-esteem Practice new grammar structures Share content knowledge Extension Make puppets out of socks, popsicle sticks or other
  70. 9) Starting at the End Procedure Each group is given the final sentence for a story. On a strip of paper, each person writes what he/she thinks will be the second-to-the-last sentence for that story. The group members share their sentence strips and discuss the order of their sentences to create the final paragraph of the story. (A few words can be added or eliminated.) The strips are taped together. Individually, each student writes a story that ends with the same paragraph. Possible Applications Pre-Writing Literary genres Creativity
  71. 10) Concentric Circles Procedure Explain and demonstrate how concentric circles work. Put half of Ss in the inside circle and half in the outside circle. Write prompts on board and/or have students carry an index card or a completed graphic organizer. Outside circle moves to the right; inside circle does not move. Possible Applications Predicting what might happen in a story or science experiment Describing favorite character or scene from novel Explaining results from a group graphic organizer Conducting an interview.
  72. 11) Parallel Lines Procedure Half stand in one line against the wall, and the other half stand in a second line at a conversational distance. Write prompts on board and/or have students carry an index card or a completed graphic organizer. Everyone in the second line moves down one person, and new conversation dyads are formed. The person at the top of the line rotates to the end of the line. Possible Applications Similar to applications for Concentric Circles Adaptations Post numbers on the wall where students are to stand. Have students stand along the wall in the corridor.
  73. 12) Roaming Reporters Procedure Students write questions on an index card about a topic of interest or else they are given prompts. Students become roving reporters as they roam around room and find new people to interview. Responses are usually written on a response sheet. Possible Applications Checking new knowledge and/or exploring more. Connecting lesson to student backgrounds.
  74. 13) Carousel Charts Procedure Charts #1, #2, #3 are on one wall. Groups #1, #2, #3 respond to charts 1-3. Charts#4, #5, #6 are on the other wall. Groups #4, #5, #6 respond to charts 4-6. Every two minutes, groups proceed to the next chart. Possible Applications Identifying background knowledge Reviewing for formal assessment
  75. 14) Numbered Card Impromptus Procedure All students select a numbered card from the stack. Student with #1 draws an impromptu topic and thinks for 30 seconds sitting in hot seat while #2 waits. #1 places numbered card in view of others. #1 talks for 30 seconds while #2 thinks in hot seat and #3 waits. Each student places their number on top of the previous. Rotation proceeds smoothly without much urging. Possible Applications Practice in responding to impromptu situations Practicing a targeted verb tense/aspect (e.g., conditional) Reviewing for formal assessments
  76. 15) Discovery Channel Procedure Tape cards under desks or chairs before students enter Tell students to look for and find mystery item. Students talk with partner to determine classification. Each pair walks to board Possible Applications Animal classifications in science Map locations in social studies Extension Borrow the title of any popular game show and adapt.
  77. 16) Cloze Activity with Peer Procedure Type introductory paragraph(s) of new chapter. Leave a space for every 7th or 8th word. Have students work in pairs to fill in missing words. Students compare responses to original text. Possible Applications Previewing new chapter (gaps for non-content words) Reviewing for formal assessment (gaps for content)
  78. 17) Gap-Filling Tango Procedure Type targeted information on numbered lines. Partner A receives page with gaps on even lines. Partner B receives page with gaps on odd lines. They sit shoulder-to-shoulder facing opposite directions. Students take turns reading for partner to fill in gaps. Possible Applications Introduction to a new chapter Reviewing for assessment
  79. 18) Matching with Manipulatives Procedure Convert list or chart from textbook into IPOT. Print “game board” and “strips” on card stock. Give “game board” to one partner and “strips” to other. Students work in pairs to match items. Check own responses with an answer sheet. Possible Applications Hypothesizing the meanings of new vocabulary. Introducing a new unit. Reviewing for formal assessment.
  80. 19) Classifying & Sequencing Procedure Convert list or chart from textbook into IPOT. Print “game board” and “strips” on card stock. Give “game board” to one partner and “strips” to other. Students work in pairs to match items. Check own responses with an answer sheet. Possible Applications Hypothesizing the meanings of new vocabulary. Introducing a new unit. Reviewing for formal assessment.
  81. 20) Creating Poetry Procedure Create scaffolded template for targeted poem. ELLs complete the template. ELLs copy their poem (just like others do). Poems are displayed for Open House. Demonstration “I used to…” “I wish I were …” “Spring is …” Two-word poems Possible Applications Practicing new grammar structures Expanding vocabulary Building self esteem (“I can do this!”)
  82. 21) Chants, Rap, and Songs Procedure Create chant, rap or song with new content Possible Applications Remembering new concepts Using new vocabulary and new structures Long-term learning
  83. 22) Hot Onion Review Procedure Type main topics in 48 font (centered, 3 per page). Cut into strips, one-third page per strip Crumple strip-by-strip into a big paper ball. Students stand in circles, about 6 to 8 per circle. Each circle has its own “hot onion.” Students toss “hot onion,” read strip, and explain topic. Establish rules (e.g., others can also help in explaining) Possible Applications Review and Assessment
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