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Ratio mu+/mu- & muon reco studies on CRAFT data. Status update, 6 Nov 2008. A.Calderon, INFN Padova & Ministerio de Educacion Y Ciencia, Spain F. Cavallo, INFN Bologna U.Gasparini, Universita’ di Padova & INFN Padova A.Gresele, INFN Padova & Univ. di Trento
Ratio mu+/mu- & muon reco studies on CRAFT data Status update, 6 Nov 2008 A.Calderon, INFN Padova & Ministerio de Educacion Y Ciencia, Spain F. Cavallo, INFN Bologna U.Gasparini, Universita’ di Padova & INFN Padova A.Gresele, INFN Padova & Univ. di Trento A.Meneguzzo, Universita’ di Padova & INFN Padova
Intro statistics in CRAFT is not an issue: - Concentrate on variuos aspects of systematics: - perform different tracks selection, with loose/tight criteria on track topology/quality • study/keep control of momentum resolution, charge identification • Test stability of results against different runs, triggers, detector • data quality… - Work on going… some examples on following slides…
Example of DT-DQM certified good run Run 67838 good DT calibration, DT local trigger efficiency Missing DDU-trigger data in Wheel+1; data available anyway from trigger DCC
“2 legs” STA muons Run 67838 5.3 M events analyzed (~ 15% of total triggers) cut DT segment multiplicity associated hits to m tracks StandAlone muons 1,7 M with Nlegs>1 1st leg 460,000 STA pairs difference in Z-impact parameter Dz, both legs with Nhit>30 |Dz| < 20 cm spT/pT~38% 2nd leg
STA muons 460,000 muon tracks Nhit>30 in both legs STA azimuth angle @ perigee 15,000 associated with Tracker track
1 leg STA tracks vs Tracker tracks spT/pT~18% spT/pT~22% spT/pT~25% Tracker track 1 leg STA Track, Nhit > 60
Mu+/mu- ratio: 1st look Using “one leg” STA Tracks with Nhit > 60 unphysical tail… 11,000 tracks (this corresponds to ~2% of total CRAFT statistics) uncorrected for charge mis-identification