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Non-anatomical features in wood identification and systematic wood anatomy. Regis B. Miller (retired) USDA Forest Service Forest Products Laboratory One Gifford Pinchot Drive Madison, WI 53726-2398. 2004. 1989. Standard Lists for Identification. Hardwood list of features. 221 features
Non-anatomical features in wood identification and systematic wood anatomy Regis B. Miller (retired) USDA Forest Service Forest Products Laboratory One Gifford Pinchot Drive Madison, WI 53726-2398
2004 1989 Standard Lists for Identification
Hardwood list of features • 221 features • 163 microscopic • 58 non-anatomical • 25 geographic origin • 33 habit, specific gravity, colour, odour, fluorescence, froth, chrome azurol-S, burning splinter
How do we identify wood? • Naked eye • Non-anatomical features • colour, specific gravity, odour, fluorescence, chrome azurol-S, etc. • Hand Lens • 10X - 20X • Mostly transverse surface • Light Microscope • 4X, 10X, 20X & 40X objectives • Mostly radial and tangential section
Non-anatomical features • Color • Density • Fluorescence • Surface • Extract • Water • Ethanol • Chemical tests • Burning splinter • Froth • Chrome Azurol-S • Color of water and ethanol extracts • Additional feature • Sodium nitrite
Non-anatomical features -- Color Color can be a good feature Color varies from nearly white to black
Non-anatomical features -- Color Color may change in light and air Color varies within a species
Tabebuia insignis Tabebuia donnell-smithii Tabebuia rosea Non-anatomical features -- Color 4 Groups within Tabebuia
Brosimum rubescens Non-anatomical features -- Color 2 Groups within Brosimum
Non-anatomical features -- Color 2 Groups within Cordia
Odour !! Spicy Rose-like
Non-anatomical features -- Density Density (weight/volume) Basic Specific Gravity (OD weight/green vol.) Standard List Low - ≤ 0.40 Medium - 0.40-0.75 High - ≥ 0.75 www.physics.montana.edu/ demonstrations/video/...
Non-anatomical features -- Density Tabebuia (lapacho group) - 0.85 - 0.97 Tabebuia (roble group) - 0.52 Tabebuia (white-cedar group) - 0.57 Tabebuia (primavera group) - 0.40 Cordia (dark) - 0.63 - 0.84 Cordia (light) - 0.34 Brosimum (guianense) - 0.82 - 1.10 Brosimum (rubescens) - 0.73 Brosimum (alicastrum) - 0.55 - 0.72 Brosimum (utile) - 0.35 - 0.50
Non-anatomical features -- Density Handroanthus (lapacho group) - 0.85 - 0.97 Tabebuia (roble group) - 0.52 Tabebuia (white-cedar group) - 0.57 Roseodendron (primavera group) - 0.40 Grose and Olmstead. 2007. Taxonomic revisions in the polyphyletic genus Tabebuia s.l. (Bignoniaceae). Systematic Botany 32:660-670. Grose and Olmstead. 2007. Evolution of a charismatice neotropical clade: Molecular phylogeny of Tabebuia s.l., Crescentieae, and allied genera (Bignoniaceae). Systematic Botany 32:650-659.
Non-anatomical features -- Density Brosimum (guianense) - 0.82 - 1.10 Brosimum (rubescens) - 0.73 Brosimum (alicastrum) - 0.55 - 0.72 Brosimum (utile) - 0.35 - 0.50 Datwyler and Weiblen 2004. On the origin of the fig: Phylogenetic relationships of Moraceae from NDHF sequences. Am. Jour. Bot. 91:767-777.
Non-anatomical features -- Fluorescence Surface fluorescence
Non-anatomical features -- Fluorescence Surface fluorescence needs a fresh surface
Non-anatomical features -- Fluorescence Surface fluorescence many legumes many anacards Miller, R.B. 2007. Fluorescent woods of the world. IN: Flynn, J.H. (ed). A guide to more useful woods of the world. Forest Products Society, Madison, WI
Non-anatomical features -- Extract Fluorescence Water and ethanol extract fluorescence Platymiscium Platymiscium Dalbergia
Non-anatomical features -- Extract Fluorescence Water fluorescence D. spruceana blue D. nigra negative
Non-anatomical features -- Extract Fluorescence Ethanol fluorescence D. spruceana blue D. nigra green/blue
Non-anatomical features -- Density Dalbergia nigra - 0.76 (0.85) 0.96 g/cm3 Dalbergia spruceana - 1.00 - 1.05 g/cm3 Miller, R.B. and M.C. Wiemann. 2006. Separation of Dalbergia nigra from Dalbergia spruceana. Res. Paper FPL-RP-632. USDA Forest Service, Forest Products Laboratory. CITES Convention on International Trade of Endangered Species
Non-anatomical features -- Froth Froth Test
Non-anatomical features -- Froth Froth Test: many Sapotaceae legumes Enterolobium Pentaclethra Mora Poeppigia Abarema Cojoba Inga
Non-anatomical features -- Extract Color Water and ethanol extract color Haematoxylon, Brasilettia, Guilandina, Caesalpinia Brosimum, Maclura, Vatairea, Loxopterygium
Non-anatomical features -- Tests • Chrome azurol-S test • Blue color on aluminum accumulators
Non-anatomical features -- Tests Chrome azurol-S test • Species of Vochysiaceae • Many species of Melastomataceae • Many species of Rubiaceae • Many species of Proteaceae • Species of Anisophylleaceae Kukachka, B.F. and R.B.Miller. 1980. A chemical spot-test for aluminum and it value in wood identification. IAWA Bull. n.s. 1(3):104-109.
Non-anatomical features -- Tests • Burning splinter test • Good for some specific separations
Non-anatomical features -- Tests • Sodium nitrite test • Dark purple to black on species in white oak group • Orange on species in red oak group
Non-anatomical features -- Tests Sodium nitrite test Examined all North American oaks! Miller, R.B., J.T. Quirk, & D.J. Christensen. 1985. Identifying white oak logs with sodium nitrite. For. Prod. Jour. 35(2): 33-38. What about all species of Quercus? What about all species of Fagaceae? What about other families?
Non-anatomical features CONCLUSIONS Take Home Message! • Non-anatomical features are very important in wood identification • Non-anatomical features may be important in systematic wood anatomy YOU NEVER KNOW WHAT FEATURES ARE IMPORTANT UNTIL YOU EXAMINE THEM!!