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Properties of Numbers

Properties of Numbers. We’ll learn 4 properties:. Commutative Property Associative Property Distributive Property Identity. Commutative Property. We commute when we go back and forth from work to home. Algebra terms commute when they trade places. This is a statement of the

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Properties of Numbers

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Properties of Numbers

  2. We’ll learn 4 properties: • Commutative Property • Associative Property • Distributive Property • Identity

  3. Commutative Property

  4. We commute when we go back and forth from work to home.

  5. Algebra terms commute when they trade places

  6. This is a statement of the commutative property for addition:

  7. It also works for multiplication:

  8. Associative Property

  9. To associate with someone means that we like to be with them.

  10. The tiger and the panther are associating with each other. They are leaving the lion out. ( )

  11. In algebra:

  12. The panther has decided to befriend the lion. The tiger is left out. ( )

  13. In algebra:

  14. This is a statement of the Associative Property: The variables do not change their order.

  15. The Associative Property also works for multiplication:

  16. Distributive Property

  17. We have already used the distributive property. Sometimes executives ask for help in distributing papers.

  18. The distributive property only has one form. Not one for addition . . .and one for multiplication . . .because both operations are used in one property.

  19. We add here: 4(2x+3) We multiply here:

  20. This is an example of the distributive property. 4(2x+3) =8x +12

  21. Here is the distributive property using variables:

  22. Identity Property

  23. The identity property makes me think about my identity.

  24. The identity property for addition asks, “What can I add to myself to get myself back again?

  25. is the identity element for addition. The above is the identity property for addition.

  26. The identity property for multiplication asks, “What can I multiply to myself to get myself back again?

  27. is the identity element for multiplication. The above is the identity property for multiplication.

  28. Here are the 3 propertiesthat have to do with addition: x + y = y + x Commutative Associative x + (y + z)= (x + y) + z x + 0 = x Identity

  29. Here are the 3 propertiesfor multiplication: Commutative xy = yx Associative x(yz)= (xy)z Identity

  30. The distributive propertycontains both additionand multiplication: Distributive

  31. The End

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