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Purple toga Laurel-leaf crown Cuirass of Augustus d) Armor of Hadrian

In this painting, Samuel Anointing David , David is depicted with an Imperial attribute indicating his royalty. Which of the following is that attribute?. Purple toga Laurel-leaf crown Cuirass of Augustus d) Armor of Hadrian.

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Purple toga Laurel-leaf crown Cuirass of Augustus d) Armor of Hadrian

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  1. In this painting, Samuel Anointing David, David is depicted with an Imperial attribute indicating his royalty. Which of the following is that attribute? • Purple toga • Laurel-leaf crown • Cuirass of Augustus d) Armor of Hadrian

  2. The Roman State persecuted the Christians. Which of the following would account for this persecution? • Christians refused to pay homage to the gods of the official State religion. • Christians fomented revolt against the Roman state. • Romans knew the Christians would be their downfall. d) Romans didn’t approve of anything originating in Judea.

  3. The Christ as Good Shepherd from the Mausoleum of Galla Placidia at Ravenna is said to be deeply rooted in the classical tradition. Which of the following would support that? • It is a mosaic rather than a fresco. • It is full of Greco-Roman illusionistic devices. • It is a fresco rather than a mosaic. d) It has a landscape included in the depiction.

  4. A small statue has combined a youthful Apollo-like head atop a body that is the mature philosopher-teacher type. Which of the following does this describe? • Portrait of Junius Bassus • Portrait of Constantine • Christ seated d) St. Peter

  5. This is: • S. Apollinare Nuovo, Ravenna • St. Peter’s, Rome • Santa Costanza, Rome d) Santa Sabina, Rome

  6. Which of the following was a reference for Dura-Europas? • Rome of the Desert. • Pompeii of the Desert. • Capital of the Desert. d) Teenage Wasteland.

  7. The Diptych of the Nicomachi and Symmachi is significant to the art tradition of the fourth century Rome because: • It adapted Classical tradition for a Christian wedding gift. • It initiated the tradition of ivory carving. • The diptych becomes a document acknowleding the marriage of the daughter of Junius Bassus. d) It deliberately sustained the Classical tradition.

  8. Which of the following is a basilica? • Santa Costanza • Old St. Peter’s • Santa Sabina d) San Vitale

  9. This is: • S. Apollinare Nuovo, Ravenna • St. Peter’s, Rome • Santa Costanza, Rome d) Santa Sabina, Rome

  10. Which of the following was the Prefect of Rome who commissioned a sarcophagus acknowledging his conversion to Christianity? • Constatine • Junius Bassus • Honorius d) Alaric

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