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网络测量与分析技术. 杨家海 清华大学 网络科学与网络空间研究院 2014 年 秋季. Course Information. Instructor 杨家海( yang@cernet.edu.cn ) TA 李晨曦 (423594899@qq.com) Lecture time: 每周四第六大节 (7:20~8:55PM) Office FIT 大楼 1 - 211 , Tel: 62603211 e-mail is the best way to communicate Course Web page

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  1. 网络测量与分析技术 杨家海 清华大学网络科学与网络空间研究院 2014年 秋季

  2. Course Information • Instructor • 杨家海(yang@cernet.edu.cn) • TA • 李晨曦 (423594899@qq.com) • Lecture time: 每周四第六大节(7:20~8:55PM) • Office • FIT大楼1-211,Tel: 62603211 • e-mail is the best way to communicate • Course Web page • http://nmgroup.tsinghua.edu.cn/classes/index.htm • check it periodically to get the latest information

  3. About Myself • Graduated from Tsinghua University in 1992 • Joined Dept. of CS since graduated • Research Area • Networking: design/analysis • Network management, network measurement • In charge of the NOC of CERNET from 1994-1999 • Teaching • 计算机网络原理 for Undergraduates, 1995, 1997 • 网络测量与分析技术 for Graduates, 2008,2009, 2010,2011,2012,2013 • Contact • email: yang@cernet.edu.cn • web: http://nmgroup.tsinghua.edu.cn/yang • office: FIT 3-210, 83492

  4. Goals • 全面了解网络测量与分析以及网络行为学研究领域的热点问题 • 在掌握计算机网络原理的基础上深入学习网络测量技术 • 基本掌握该领域最新研究成果 • 初步了解和掌握网络测量与分析领域中的基本研究方法 • 能够独立开展网络测量领域的相关研究工作

  5. Topics • Background • Networking review and measurement motivation • Analytical background • Infrastructure measurement • ISP relationships, topology modeling, network tomography • Traffic measurement • Self-similarity & heavy tails, traffic matrix, sampling and flow measurement • Application measurement • Web , P2P, OSN • Measurement application • Anomaly detection • Multipath routing

  6. Schedule 1、网络测量引论 (9.25) 2、网络测量基础设施与体系结构 (10.9) 3、统计分析工具简介(略) • 网络性能测量综述 (10.11(周六)) 4、网络流量测量综述(10.16) 5、网络性能测量(一):End-to-End Path Characterization(指标体系, Loss, Delay) (10.23) 6、网络性能测量(二):Bandwidth Measurement(10.30) 7、网络性能测量(三):Network Tomography (11.6)

  7. Schedule 8、网络流量测量(一):Traffic Modeling: Self-similarity and long-range dependence (LRD) (11.13) 9、网络流量测量(二):Sampling & Flow Measurement (11.20) 10、网络流量测量(三):Traffic Matrix (11.27) 11、路由测量与路由动态性分析 (12.4) 12、网络拓扑测量与建模 (12.11) 13、面向应用的测量:社交网络测量分析(12.18) 14、测量应用:异常检测(12.25)

  8. Approach • Lecture/Paper discussions • Cover the fundamentals • Interactive discussions from you • 分组讨论:每周一次,每次一个组(2~3人),每人均需就一篇文章(或一个主题)做Presentation • 从第4次课开始 • Reading • Not all papers will be discussed in class. • Background material (may be required for assignments/projects) • 每人任选非主讲主题的文章5篇(要分布在不同的主题),阅读并写出读书报告(>=500字)

  9. Approach(Cont.) • Project (以下三个任选) • 就分组讨论所选的主题,做比较全面的调研综述,最后写出综述报告 • 实现一个简单的网络性能测量系统,给出设计和实现报告(可以基于现有的工具:NDT、OWAMP、BWCTL) • 对所提供的部分网络流量进行分析,给出设计和实现报告 • 第10或11周左右要先通过简单的Presentation介绍一下思路 • 以小组为单位

  10. Reading Material • Most related textbook: • 杨家海等,互联网络测量理论与应用,人民邮电出版社,2009 • Mark Crovella, Balachander Krishnamurthy, Internet Measurement: Infrastructure, Traffic and Applications, Wiley, 2006 • Selected papers from top journals & conferences • Check class website!!! http://nmgroup.tsinghua.edu.cn/classes/ • Handouts • Other reference books on specific topics will be listed upon request, e.g., for routing: • Sam Halabi & Danny McPherson, Internet Routing Architectures, Cisco Press, 2nd Edition, Jan 2000. • C Huitema, Routing in the Internet, Prentice Halls, 2nd Edition, Jan 2000. • Comer D E. Internetworking with TCP/IP, Vol I: Principles, Protocols, and Architecture (4th Edition). NJ, USA: Prentice Hall Inc, 2000

  11. Review Assignments • Goal: Critical reading • Understand main ideas and concepts in the papers • Be able to provide constructive criticism and feedback to authors • Summary length: more than 500 Chinese char. • Main points presented in the paper • Review Content • Major contributions or innovations • Points you particularly liked/disliked, potential future research • Significant flaws? • Other comments (writing, conclusions…) • More on reviewing paper – reviewing guidance

  12. Evaluation & Grading • Class attending: 20% • Paper review assignments: 20% • Presentation: 20% • Term project and final report: 40%

  13. Q&A

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