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Instructional Tools to Bolster High-Leverage Word Knowledge with Long-Term English Learners

2. Viewing of taped lessons with explicit vocabulary instruction Demonstration of evidence-based explicit vocabulary instruction Guidelines for structuring verbal and written application tasks Recommended formats for an academic vocabulary notebook Practical daily ?warm-up" interactive vocabulary assessments Guidelines for selecting high-leverage words for explicit instruction.

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Instructional Tools to Bolster High-Leverage Word Knowledge with Long-Term English Learners

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    1. 1

    2. 2

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    5. 5 How Can We Develop Students’ Expressive Command of a Word? Follow the explicit teaching routine Include structured verbal tasks and writing tasks with sentence frames Provide vocabulary notebook pages Begin class with a “Daily Do Now” brief interactive assessment

    6. 6 Video Observation: Grade 7 Intermediate ELD

    7. 7 Active Notetaking Task Identify the enhancements I make to the explicit teaching routine to bolster word knowledge and accurate oral fluency. __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________

    8. 8 A Notetaking Guide to Facilitate Active Listening and Retention

    9. 9

    10. 10 Explicit Vocabulary Teaching Routine with a Structured Verbal Task

    11. 11 Partnering Directions Partner #1 shares first using the sentence frame. Partner #2 shares next. Keep sharing until I say: “1-2-3, eyes on me.” If you don’t have a second idea, share the teacher’s idea or your partner’s idea.

    12. Response Frame 12

    13. Explicit Vocabulary Teaching Routine with Structured Verbal and Writing Tasks 13

    14. 14 Explicit Vocabulary Teaching Routine Guide students in reading and pronouncing the word a few times. Have students clap/tap out the syllables for polysyllabic words. Direct students to copy the word correctly. Explain the meaning using familiar language. Provide two examples within students’ experiential realm.

    15. 15 Explicit Vocabulary Teaching Routine Structure an oral task with an engaging context to create some “vocabulary velcro”. Model an appropriate response with a sentence frame. Lead students in chorally repeating your response. Partner students to share before calling on individuals. Guide making a quick, simple sketch of abstract words. Assign a writing task with a frame that requires application of the appropriate form of the word (plural, tense, etc.) and relevant content.

    16. 16

    17. 17 Vocabulary Notetaking Guide Prepared Using the Longman Elementary Dictionary

    18. 18 Lesson Planning Steps Using An English Learner’s Dictionary Write the word. Write the syllabication; separate syllables with dots. Write the part of speech in parentheses. Copy the definition and omit one or two words. Choose the appropriate meaning for the context. Copy the example sentence. Omit one word or phrase and leave a blank. Design a practice task using a different familiar context. Write a simple response frame. Determine the grammar necessary to complete the frame.

    19. 19 Student-Friendly Terms for Parts of Speech Noun a person, a place a thing, an idea Verb an action word Adjective a word that describes a person, place, or thing Adverb a word that describes an action

    20. 20 How to Refer to Parts of Speech

    21. 21 Sample Verbal Tasks Target Word: impact One of the ________ of exams on students is less time for _________ Losing your homework can have a negative _______ on your ________ Plenty of ________ and ________ have a positive ________ on a farmer’s crops.

    22. 22 Tips for Writing an Effective Verbal Practice Task Choose a familiar context. Write a sentence frame that doesn’t require complex grammar. Write a sentence frame that can be completed in many ways using students’ background knowledge. Prepare a model response that you anticipate students will not come up with on their own. Embed a grammatical target and specify the grammar to complete the sentence.

    23. 23 Bolster Expressive Word Knowledge with Structured Writing Tasks

    24. 24 Sample 5-Minute ”Do Now” Warm-Up Vocabulary Assessment Task

    25. 25 Words that Warrant Robust Instruction

    26. 26

    27. 27 The AWL: A High-Incidence Academic Word List (570 Critical Word Families for Secondary Curricula)

    28. A Word Form Chart for Academic Word Families to Foster “Word Consciousness” 28

    29. 29 English Learners and striving readers need all of their teachers to be:

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