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第五节、流水句的翻译. 第五节、流水句的翻译. 一、流水句的特点(形合与意合之别) 二、翻译方法(分分合合) 1 、合句法 —— 化隐为显,珠联璧合 1 ) 突出主题,避免主次不清。 2 )均衡分布,避免头重脚轻。 3 )调整语序,避免关系不明。 2 、分句法(断句法) —— 化整为零,结构清晰 三、译作分析 四、练习. 北京的冬季,地上还是积雪,灰黑色的秃树枝丫叉于晴朗的天空中,而远处有一二风筝浮动,在我是一种惊异和悲哀。.
第五节、流水句的翻译 • 一、流水句的特点(形合与意合之别) • 二、翻译方法(分分合合) • 1、合句法——化隐为显,珠联璧合 • 1)突出主题,避免主次不清。 • 2)均衡分布,避免头重脚轻。 • 3)调整语序,避免关系不明。 • 2、分句法(断句法)——化整为零,结构清晰 • 三、译作分析 • 四、练习
一、流水句的特点 汉语意合 • 政府工作报告 • government's work report • report on the work of the government • 《中共中央关于制定国民经济和社会发展第十二个五年规划的建议》 • the Proposal of the CPC Central Committee for Formulating the Twelfth Five-Year Plan for National Economic and Social Development
二、翻译方法(分分合合) • 1、合句法——化隐为显,珠联璧合 • 1)突出主题, 避免主次不清 • 上海是个充满活力的大都市,上海市民的居住正发生着深刻的变化。 • Shanghai, a metropolis full of vigor and vitality, witnesses dramatic changes in the housing conditions of its people. • 英语的主从与汉语的并列
1)突出主题, 避免主次不清 • 汉语为“板块” 式结构: 其“意合”特点常表现为句内各成分一一罗列,呈并列状,外形上没有主从之分,层面之间没有明显的逻辑标记。 • 英语为“多枝共干”型:英语句子的“主谓结构”为句子主干,其他成分则通过各种连带附加关系附着在这条主干上,犹如树枝与树干的关系。
环境好,图书设备充足,有良师益友指导启发,当然有很大的帮助,但是具备了这些条件,也不一定能保证一个人在学问上就有成就。环境好,图书设备充足,有良师益友指导启发,当然有很大的帮助,但是具备了这些条件,也不一定能保证一个人在学问上就有成就。 • [译文]You cannot be sure to succeed in learning even if you have got all the favorable conditions such as good environment,sufficient books and equipment,as well as instructions and enlightenments from scholarly mentors and beneficial friends,which are of great help, though.
2)调整语序,避免关系不明 • 时序律:时空顺序 • He had flown in just the day before from Georgia,(1)where he had spent his vacation(2)basking in the sun(3)after the completion of the construction job(4)he had been engaged in in the South(5). • 他本来在南方从事一项建筑工程(5),任务完成之后(4),他就上佐治亚去度假(2),享受着阳光(3),前天才坐飞机回来(1)。 • 逻辑律(事物间相互影响): “先次后主”“先副后主” 先因后果” • It was a keen disappointment that I had to postpone the visit I had intended to pay to China in January. • 我原打算今年一月份访问中国,后来又不得不予以推迟,(这使)我深感失望。 • 范围律
每天下午四五点钟喝上一杯茶,吃一点烤面包或饼干,相互之间再闲聊几句,这种情景在英国到处可见。每天下午四五点钟喝上一杯茶,吃一点烤面包或饼干,相互之间再闲聊几句,这种情景在英国到处可见。 • [译文]There is a scene to be witnessed everywhere in England at four or five PM.when people enjoy a cup of tea, with toast or biscuit and with a bit of conversation.
北京的冬季,地上还是积雪,灰黑色的秃树枝丫叉于晴朗的天空中,而远处有一二风筝浮动,在我是一种惊异和悲哀。北京的冬季,地上还是积雪,灰黑色的秃树枝丫叉于晴朗的天空中,而远处有一二风筝浮动,在我是一种惊异和悲哀。 • Often I feel deeply depressed to see the Peking winter scene when the thick snow banks up on the ground and the bare ashen tree branches thrust up against a cold blue sky, while in the distance one or two kites are floating casually. • When, in late winter in Beijing, there was still snow on the ground and, up in the air, an entanglement of dark – grey bare branches against a sunny sky, a couple of kites were already fluttering up and down in the distance-a sight that filled me with amazement and folornness.
3)均衡分布,避免头重脚轻。 • 不一会,风小了,路上浮尘早已刮净,剩下一条洁白的大道来,车夫也跑得更快。 • Presently the wind dropped a little, having blown away the drifts of dust on the road to leave a clean broad highway, and the rickshaw man quickened his pace. (something that is heaped up by the wind or by water currents) (Yang) • After a while the north wind abated, leaving in its wake a clean stretch of road free of loose dust, which enabled the rickshaw man to run more quickly.(Chen) • That morning, not long after we got moving, the wind eased, leaving before us a wide, pale road blasted clean of loose dust, and my runner picked up speed. (Lovell)
2、分句法(断句法)——化整为零,结构清晰2、分句法(断句法)——化整为零,结构清晰 • 流水句的分分合合 • 话说天下大势,分久必合, 合久必分。 • They say the momentum (势头) of history was ever thus: the empire, long divided, must unite; long united, must divide.
1 ) 按照内容层次分 • 学年试验完毕之后,我便到东京玩了一夏天,/秋初再回学校,成绩已发表了,/同学一百余人之中,我在中间,不过是没有落第。 • After the annual examination I spent the summer enjoying myself in Tokyo. By early autumn, when I went back to the college, the results had long since been published. /I came halfway down the list of more than a hundred students—at least I had not failed.
2 ) 从主语变换处分译。 • 许多紫色的花朵在那里开放,莲叶就紧紧贴在船头。 • Many purple flowers were in blossom. The lotus leaves pressed against the prow. • 农民的生活水平不断提高,大部分农民已解决了温饱问题,不少农民已过上小康生活。 • The living standard of farmers has been raised continuously. The majority of farmers have enough food and clothing and quite a few are leading a quite comfortable life. • fairly comfortable life; moderately well-off life;
3 )从意义完整独立处分译。 • 但是她模样还周正,手脚都壮大,又只是顺着限,不开一句口,很像一个安分耐劳的人,便不管四叔的皱眉,将她留下了。 • But seeing as she had a good sturdy look, with big, strong hands and feet, and kept her eyes fixed docilely on the ground and let others do the talking for her, she seemed the kind of person who would know her place and do what she was told. And so, my uncle's scowl notwithstanding, she was kept on. (Julia Lovell) • She looked just the person for them, though, with her big strong hands and feet; and, judging by her downcast eyes and silence, she was a good worker who would know her place. So my aunt ignored my uncle’s frown and kept her.
4 ) 原文出现总说或分述时分译。 • 我们的政策是实行“一个国家,两种制度”,具体说,就是在中华人民共和国内,十亿人口的大陆实行社会主义制度,香港、台湾实行资本主义制度。 • We are pursuing a policy of “one country, two systems”. More specifically, this means that within the People’s Republic of China, the mainland with its one billion people will maintain the socialist system, while Hong Kong and Taiwan continue under the capitalist system. • 最近几年,学校对教学制度进行了改革,最明显的一点是学分制,也就是学生若提前修满预定的学分,就可以提前毕业。 • We have been undergoing some educational reforms in recent years. An obvious method is to adopt credit system which means students can graduate ahead of schedule when they complete the regular credits.
5)句子较长,内容复杂 • 海洋覆盖了地球表面的71 %,是地球生命支持系统的一个基本组成部分,也是资源的宝库,环境的重要调节器。 • The ocean, which covers 71percent of the earth’s surface, is a basic component of the global bio-support system. It is also a treasure house of resources and an important regulator of the environment.
三、个例分析 我这回在鲁镇所见的人们中,改变之大,可以说无过于她的了:五年前的花白的头发,即今已经全白,全不像四十上下的人;脸上瘦削丕堪,黄中带黑,而且消尽了先前悲哀的神色,仿佛是木刻似的;只有那眼珠间或一轮,还可以表示她是一个活物。她一手提着竹篮。内中一个破碗,空的;一手技着一支比她更长的竹竿,下端开了裂:她分明已经纯乎是一个乞丐了。
Of all the people I had seen this time at Luzhen none had changed as much as she: her hair, which had been streaked with white five years before, was now completely white, quite unlike someone in her forties. Her face was fearfully thin and dark in its sallowness, and had moreover lost its former expression of sadness, looking as if carved out of wood. Only an occasional flicker of her eyes showed she was still a living creature. In one hand she carried a wicker basket, in which was a broken bowl, empty; in the other she held a bamboo pole longer than herself, split at the bottom: it was clear she had become a beggar. 我这回在鲁镇所见的人们中,改变之大,可以说无过于她的了:五年前的花白的头发,即今已经全白,全不像四十上下的人,脸上瘦削不堪,黄中带黑,而且消尽了先前悲哀的神色,仿佛是木刻似的;只有那眼珠间或一轮,还可以表示她是一个活物。她一手提着竹篮,内中一个破碗,空的;一手拄着一支比她更长的竹竿,下端开了裂;她分明已经纯乎是一个乞丐了
Of all the people I met on this visit to Luzhen, she was the most changed. Hair that five years ago had been gray was now completely white. Her ashen face gaunt with deprivation, she looked years, decades beyond her true age-around forty. The expression of haunting sadness she had once worn was gone, replaced by a kind of facial paralysis; only the occasional movement of her eyeballs indicated she remain a functioning organism. A bamboo basket in one hand contained a cracked, empty bowl; the other hand grasped a tall bamboo staff, split at the bottom. She had obviously become a beggar. • Lovell
Of all the people I had seen during this visit to Luzhen, none had changed as she had: her hair, streaked with white five years before, was now completely white, making her appear much older than one around forty. Her sallow, dark-tinged face that looked as if it had been carved out of wood was fearfully wasted and had lost the grief-stricken expression it had borne before. The only sign of life about her is the occasional flicker of eyes showed she was still a living creature. In one hand she had a bamboo basket containing a chipped,empty bowl; in the other, a bamboo pole, taller than herself, that was split at the bottom: she had clearly become a beggar, pure and simple..
流水句英译的句式负迁移现象 • 学生译作主要有以下几个方面的负迁移: • 1.一逗到底,层次不清 • 五年前的花白的头发,即今已经全白,全不像四十上下的人;脸上瘦削不堪,黄中带黑,而且消尽了先前悲哀的神色,仿佛是木刻似的;只有那眼珠间或一轮,还可以表示她是一个活物。 • 学生译文1: The grey hair five years ago had been completely white now, it did not seem that she is only in her forties, her face is so thin, yellow tingled with black, with the air of sadness disappeared, she seems to be a wood sculpture...
2.主语杂乱,重点不明 • 五年前的花白的头发,即今已经全白,全不像四十上下的人;脸上瘦削不堪,黄中带黑,而且消尽了先前悲哀的神色,仿佛是木刻似的;只有那眼珠间或一轮,还可以表示她是一个活物。 • 学生译文2: Her grey hair, five years ago, is pure white now. She does not seem a woman of forty. Her face is gaunt, black and yellow. The previous sad expression has gone away. As a woodcarving…
3.句式杂糅,衔接不当 • 五年前的花白的头发,即今已经全白,全不像四十上下的人;脸上瘦削不堪,黄中带黑,而且消尽了先前悲哀的神色,仿佛是木刻似的;只有那眼珠间或一轮,还可以表示她是一个活物。 • 学生译文3: She wasn’t like the person of forties with her grey hair five years ago having turned into white completely, her haggard face being yellow and black, which lost her previous sad expression, just like being sculptured, her eyes which could only manifest she was a living creature.
Her hair which was grey five years ago has turned totally white now, making her not look like a woman of 40s at all; yellow with black, her emaciated face is just like carved wood, vanishing its previous grievous air; only the occasional turning of her eyeballs can indicate that she is a living creature. • 08级学分互认班 赵彤彤,王佳星,王雪,宋莲萍,王永葵,孔祥艳
作业的目的(发现问题,了解学生;不怕不完美,最怕不真实。)明明白白我的心:不断改进,不停探索。作业的目的(发现问题,了解学生;不怕不完美,最怕不真实。)明明白白我的心:不断改进,不停探索。 • Her hair, which had been gray and white five years before, was now completely white, so that she was not like in her forties. Her face was gaunt and thin, dark and sallow, and had moreover lost its former sadness, looking as if carved out of wood. Only her eyes, which occasionally turned from one side to another, showed she was still a living creature. • 组员 :范小珍 许丽娟 王春霞 张玉
翻译策略:1.完“形”分析,分清层次2.拆合重组,确立主干3.理顺关系,注重形合翻译策略:1.完“形”分析,分清层次2.拆合重组,确立主干3.理顺关系,注重形合 • 我这回在鲁镇所见的人们中,改变之大,可以说无过于她的了:/五年前的花白的头发,即今已经全白,全不像四十上下的人;// 脸上瘦削不堪,黄中带黑,而且消尽了先前悲哀的神色,仿佛是木刻似的;// 只有那眼珠间或一轮,还可以表示她是一个活物。// • Of all the people I had seen this time at Luzhen,none had changed as much as she: her hair, which had been streaked with white five years before, was now completely white, quite unlike someone in her forties. Her face was fearfully thin and dark in its sallowness, and had moreover lost its former expression of sadness, looking as if carved out of wood. Only an occasional flicker of her eyes showed she was still a living creature. • Of all the people I met on this visit to Luzhen, she was the most changed. Hair that five years ago had been gray was now completely white. Her ashen face gaunt with deprivation, she looked years, decades beyond her true age-around forty. The expression of haunting sadness she had once worn was gone, replaced by a kind of facial paralysis; only the occasional movement of her eyeballs indicated she remain a functioning organism.
人物描写1 • She was small and slight in person; pale, sandy-haired, and with eyes habitually cast down: when they looked up they were very large, odd, and attractive; so attractive that the Reverend Mr.Crisp, fresh from Oxford, and curate to the Vicar of Chiswick, the Reverend Mr.Flowerdew, fell in love with Miss Sharp; being shot dead by a glance of her eyes which was fired all the way across Chiswick Church from the school-pew to the reading-desk. -------Vanity Fair by Thackeray
She was small and slight in person;pale,sandy-haired, and with eyes habitually cast down:when they looked up they were very large,odd, and attractive;so attractive that the Reverend Mr.Crisp,fresh from Oxford, and curate to the Vicar of Chiswick, the Reverend Mr.Flowerdew, fell in love with Miss Sharp;being shot dead by a glance of her eyes which was fired all the way across Chiswick Church from the shool-pew to the reading-desk. • 她身量瘦小,脸色苍白,头发是淡黄色的。她惯常低眉垂目,抬起眼来看人的时候,眼睛显得很特别,不但大,而且动人。契息克的弗拉活丢牧师手下有一个副牧师,名叫克里斯泼,刚从牛津大学毕业,竟因此爱上了她。夏泼小姐的眼风穿过契息克教堂,从学校的包座直射到牧师的讲台上,一下子就把克里斯泼牧师结果了。 ——杨必译《名利场》
人物描写2 • 1)Scarlett O’hara was not beautiful, but men seldom realized it when caught by her charm as the Tarleton twins were. 2)In her face were too sharply blended the delicate features of her mother, a Coast aristocrat of French descent, and the heavy ones of her florid Irish father. 3)But it was an arresting face, pointed of chin, square of jaw. 4)Her eyes were pale green without a touch of hazel, starred with bristly black lashes and slightly tilted at the ends. 5)Above them, her thick black brows slanted upward, cutting a startling oblique line in her magnolia-white skin—that skin so prized by Southern women and so carefully guarded with bonnets, veils and mittens against hot Georgia suns. • ——Gone with the Wind byMargaret Mitchell
全国人民代表大会 (简称 全国人大) 全国人大常务委员会 全国人大代表 九届全国人大四次会议 中国人民政治协商会议全国委员会 (简称 全国政协) 全国政协委员 十七届五中全会 马克思主义立场观点和方法 全面建设小康社会 科学发展观 National People‘s Congress (NPC) the NPC Standing Committee deputy to the National People's Congress the Fourth Session of the Ninth National People's Congress National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference The members of the CPPCC The fifth Plenary Session of the Seventeenth CPC Central Committee The Marxist stand, viewpoint and method (sl) building a moderately prosperous society in all respects the Scientific Outlook on Development 四、练习
“十一五”时期是我国发展进程中极不平凡的五年。面对国内外复杂形势和一系列重大风险挑战,中国共产党团结带领全国各族人民,全面推进改革开放和现代化建设,国家面貌发生了历史性变化。 “十一五”时期是我国发展进程中极不平凡的五年。面对国内外复杂形势和一系列重大风险挑战,中国共产党团结带领全国各族人民,全面推进改革开放和现代化建设,国家面貌发生了历史性变化。 • 境内西湖如明镜,千峰凝翠,洞壑幽深,风光绮丽。 • 浙江素有“鱼米之乡、丝茶之乡、文物之邦、旅游胜地”的美誉,自然风光和人文景观交相辉映。 • 豫园在1982年被列为国务院重点保护单位,是中国南方最优秀的园林之一。
我们要高举中国特色社会主义伟大旗帜,以邓小平理论和“三个代表”重要思想为指导,深入贯彻落实科学发展观,适应国内外形势新变化,顺应各族人民过上更好生活新期待,以科学发展为主题,以加快转变经济发展方式为主线,深化改革开放,保障和改善民生,巩固和扩大应对国际金融危机冲击成果,促进经济长期平稳较快发展和社会和谐稳定,为全面建成小康社会打下具有决定性意义的基础。我们要高举中国特色社会主义伟大旗帜,以邓小平理论和“三个代表”重要思想为指导,深入贯彻落实科学发展观,适应国内外形势新变化,顺应各族人民过上更好生活新期待,以科学发展为主题,以加快转变经济发展方式为主线,深化改革开放,保障和改善民生,巩固和扩大应对国际金融危机冲击成果,促进经济长期平稳较快发展和社会和谐稳定,为全面建成小康社会打下具有决定性意义的基础。 • We must hold high the great banner of socialism with Chinese characteristics, take Deng Xiaoping Theory and the important thought of Three Represents as our guide, thoroughly apply the Scientific Outlook on Development, adapt to the latest changes in the domestic and international situations, and satisfy the new expectations of the people of all ethnic groups for a better life. Taking scientific development as the theme and accelerating transformation of the pattern of economic development as the main thread, we need to deepen reform and opening up; ensure and improve the people's wellbeing; consolidate and expand upon the success of our efforts to respond to the impact of the global financial crisis; promote long-term, steady and rapid economic development and social harmony and stability; and lay a solid foundation for building a moderately prosperous society in all respects.
“十一五”时期是我国发展进程中极不平凡的五年。面对国内外复杂形势和一系列重大风险挑战,中国共产党团结带领全国各族人民,全面推进改革开放和现代化建设,国家面貌发生了历史性变化。 “十一五”时期是我国发展进程中极不平凡的五年。面对国内外复杂形势和一系列重大风险挑战,中国共产党团结带领全国各族人民,全面推进改革开放和现代化建设,国家面貌发生了历史性变化。 • In the face of complex domestic and international situations and a series of major risks and challenges, the Communist Party of China (CPC) united with and led the people of all the country's ethnic groups in comprehensively advancing reform, opening up and modernization, bringing about a historic change in China over the past five years.
境内西湖如明镜,千峰凝翠,洞壑幽深,风光绮丽。境内西湖如明镜,千峰凝翠,洞壑幽深,风光绮丽。 • Hangzhou’s West Lake is like a mirror, embellished all around with green hills and deep caves of enchanting beauty., • 浙江素有“鱼米之乡、丝茶之乡、文物之邦、旅游胜地”的美誉,自然风光和人文景观交相辉映。 • With beautigul landacape and rich anthropolocial feauters, Zhejing has long been known as a “land of fish and rice”, the “home of silk and tea”, an “area of rich cultural heritage”, and a “paradise for tourists”. • 豫园在1982年被列为国务院重点保护单位,是中国南方最优秀的园林之一。 • Yuyuan Garden, placed under the special protection of the State Council since 1982, is one of the best gardens in South China.
Compared with her grey hair five years ago, it becomes completely white. She does not look like a woman in her forties; her face is extremely thin with darkness on her yellow-brown complexion, moreover, the sad expression of previous timehas vanished. She is expressionless like a woodcut. Only when her eyes move occasionally can we realize that she is still alive. • 504 邵琳琳 宋倩 毕文婷 张敏敏 宋倩 姜冬冬 赵静
Dislike grey it was five years ago,her hair is totally white,making her doesn't like a women in forties entirely. Her face, with extremely angular and a brown-black complexion, seems to be a woodcut because of the disappear of her sorrow complexion. Only the scarcely move of her eyeball showed she's still alive. • 506宿舍:东文慧,张秋艳,闫肖美,吴圆圆,张伟
小结:汉语句子英译的难点 • 一、句子主干的确定 • 要将汉语句子翻译成英语,确定句子主干是句子翻译的首要步骤。第一步是确定主语,然后是确定谓语。
1、主语的确定:我们要善于识别主语,并在译文中妥善地表现出来。1、主语的确定:我们要善于识别主语,并在译文中妥善地表现出来。 A:如果汉语句子的主题与句子的主语一致,那么就直接将汉语中的主语译成英语中的主语。
1)三十多年来我一直没再见过他。 2)他突然发现地毯上有个深色斑点。 1)I have not seen him for over thirty years. 2)He suddenly saw a dark stain on the carpet.
1)昨天他们表演得很成功。 2)你问道此书从何而起? 1)Their performance yesterday was very successful. 2)What, you may ask, was the origin of this book? B:如果汉语句子的主题与句子的主语不一致,那么我们就应该将句子的主题转化成英语句子的主语。
C: 当然,主语的确定并非是绝对的,在许多情况下,同样一个汉语句子,由于侧重点的不同,其译文中主语的选择就可能有多种处理方法,具有一定的灵活性。这就要求我们根据具体情况具体对待。
1)这位母亲很为有个聪明漂亮的女儿而骄傲。1)这位母亲很为有个聪明漂亮的女儿而骄傲。 2)只有在显微镜下才能看见红血球。 1)The mother is very proud to have an intelligent and pretty daughter./ The intelligence and beauty of the daughter makes her mother very proud. 2)A microscope is needed to see red cells./ Red cells can be seen only under the microscope.
D: 有时候汉语句子没有主语,而英语句子一般是不可以没有主语的,那么我们一般要在译文中添加一个主语。
2、谓语的确定 • 汉语中的谓语同主语相似,具有开放性,几乎各种词类和语言单位都可以充当汉语句子的谓语,但译成英语时,句子的谓语只能转化成系动词或实义动词。
A:汉语谓语如果是名词、数词、形容词、介词短语等,译成英语的时候一般要在这些词前面加上连系动词,如be, look, appear, seem, feel, sound, smell, taste等,否则译文句子就不能成立。如: • 这个小姑娘漂亮。 • This young girl is pretty.