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Engineering Analysis ENG 3420 Fall 2009. Dan C. Marinescu Office: HEC 439 B Office hours: Tu-Th 11:00-12:00. Lecture 10. Last time: Bracketing vs Open Methods Convergence vs Divergence Simple Fixed-Point Iteration Newton-Raphson Today:
Engineering Analysis ENG 3420 Fall 2009 Dan C. Marinescu Office: HEC 439 B Office hours: Tu-Th 11:00-12:00
Lecture 10 Last time: Bracketing vs Open Methods Convergence vs Divergence Simple Fixed-Point Iteration Newton-Raphson Today: More on functions nargin, nargout, varargin, and varargout The secant open method Optimization Golden ratio makes one-dimensional optimization efficient. Parabolic interpolation locate the optimum of a single-variable function. fminbnd function determine the minimum of a one-dimensional function. fminsearch function determine the minimum of a multidimensional function. Next Time More on optimization Lecture 10 2
nargin returns the number of input arguments specified for a function or -1 if the function has a variable number of input arguments. nargout returns the number of output arguments specified for a function. Example: Function myplot accepts an optional number of input and output arguments: function [x0, y0] = myplot(x, y, npts, angle, subdiv) % The first two input arguments are required; the other three have default values. . if nargin < 5, subdiv = 20; end if nargin < 4, angle = 10; end if nargin < 3, npts = 25; end ... if nargout == 0 plot(x, y) else x0 = x; y0 = y; end
varargin and varargout used only inside a function M-file to contain the optional arguments to the function. Each must be declared as the last argument to a function, collecting all the inputs or outputs from that point onwards. In the declaration, varargin and varargout must be lowercase. Examples function myplot(x,varargin) plot(x,varargin{:}) collects all the inputs starting with the second input into the variable varargin. myplot uses the comma-separated list syntax varargin{:} to pass the optional parameters to plot. The call myplot(sin(0:.1:1),'color',[.5 .7 .3],'linestyle',':') results in varargin being a 1-by-4 cell array containing the values 'color', [.5 .7 .3], 'linestyle', and ':'. function [s,varargout] = mysize(x) nout = max(nargout,1)-1; s = size(x); for k=1:nout, varargout(k) = {s(k)}; end returns the size vector and, optionally, individual sizes. So [s,rows,cols] = mysize(rand(4,5)); returns s = [4 5], rows = 4, cols = 5.
Newton-Raphson Method Express xi+1 function of xi and the values of the function and its derivative at xi. Graphically draw the tangent line to the f(x) curve at some guess x, then follow the tangent line to where it crosses the x-axis.
function[root,relative_error,number_iterations]=newton_raphson(myfunction,derivative,function[root,relative_error,number_iterations]=newton_raphson(myfunction,derivative, initial_guess,desired_relative_error, max_number_iterations,varagin) if(nargin<3) error('at least 3 input arguments, required'); end if (nargin<4) is_empty(desired_realtive_error), desired_realtive_error=0.0001; end % set desired_realtive_error to the default, 0.0001, if none specified if (nargin<5) is_empty(max_number_iterations),max_number_iterations=50; end % set max_number_iterations to the default, 50, if none specified number_iterations=0; current_guess = initial_guess; while(1) next_guess = current_guess; current_guess = current_guess - (myfunction(current_guess)/derivative(current_guess)); number_iterations=number_iterations+1; %fprintf(' %6.0f number_iterations', number_iterations); if (current_guess ~=0.0) relative_error = abs((current_guess-next_guess)/current_guess)*100; end if (relative_error <=desired_relative_error) | (number_iterations >= max_number_iterations), break, end fprintf('iteration= %2.0f guess= %8.5f relative_error=%8.5f \n', number_iterations, current_guess, relative_error); end root = current_guess;
Example –fast converging case f(x)=exp(-x) - x >> fun=@(x) exp(-x)-x; der=@(x) -exp(-x)-1; [root,rel_error,niter]=newton_raphson(fun,der,0.0,0.000001,500); root, rel_error,niter iteration= 1 guess= 0.50000 relative_error=100.00000 iteration= 2 guess= 0.56631 relative_error=11.70929 iteration= 3 guess= 0.56714 relative_error= 0.14673 iteration= 4 guess= 0.56714 relative_error= 0.00002 root = 0.5671 rel_error =5.0897e-013 niter = 5
Slow converging case: f(x)=x10-1 init_guess=0.5 >> fun=@(x) x^(10)-1; der=@(x) 10*x^(9); init_guess=0.5; [root,rel_error,niter]=newton_raphson(fun,der,init_guess,0.000001,500); root, rel_error,niter iteration= 1 guess= 51.65000 relative_error=99.03195 iteration= 2 guess= 46.48500 relative_error=11.11111 iteration= 3 guess= 41.83650 relative_error=11.11111 iteration= 4 guess= 37.65285 relative_error=11.11111 iteration= 5 guess= 33.88757 relative_error=11.11111 iteration= 6 guess= 30.49881 relative_error=11.11111 iteration= 7 guess= 27.44893 relative_error=11.11111 iteration= 8 guess= 24.70403 relative_error=11.11111 iteration= 9 guess= 22.23363 relative_error=11.11111 iteration= 10 guess= 20.01027 relative_error=11.11111 iteration= 11 guess= 18.00924 relative_error=11.11111 iteration= 12 guess= 16.20832 relative_error=11.11111 iteration= 13 guess= 14.58749 relative_error=11.11111 iteration= 14 guess= 13.12874 relative_error=11.11111 iteration= 15 guess= 11.81586 relative_error=11.11111 iteration= 16 guess= 10.63428 relative_error=11.11111 iteration= 17 guess= 9.57085 relative_error=11.11111 iteration= 18 guess= 8.61376 relative_error=11.11111 iteration= 19 guess= 7.75239 relative_error=11.11111
iteration= 20 guess= 6.97715 relative_error=11.11111 iteration= 21 guess= 6.27943 relative_error=11.11111 iteration= 22 guess= 5.65149 relative_error=11.11111 iteration= 23 guess= 5.08634 relative_error=11.11111 iteration= 24 guess= 4.57771 relative_error=11.11111 iteration= 25 guess= 4.11994 relative_error=11.11111 iteration= 26 guess= 3.70794 relative_error=11.11110 iteration= 27 guess= 3.33715 relative_error=11.11109 iteration= 28 guess= 3.00344 relative_error=11.11104 iteration= 29 guess= 2.70310 relative_error=11.11090 iteration= 30 guess= 2.43280 relative_error=11.11052 iteration= 31 guess= 2.18955 relative_error=11.10941 iteration= 32 guess= 1.97069 relative_error=11.10624 iteration= 33 guess= 1.77384 relative_error=11.09714 iteration= 34 guess= 1.59703 relative_error=11.07110 iteration= 35 guess= 1.43881 relative_error=10.99684 iteration= 36 guess= 1.29871 relative_error=10.78735 iteration= 37 guess= 1.17835 relative_error=10.21396 iteration= 38 guess= 1.08335 relative_error= 8.76956 iteration= 39 guess= 1.02366 relative_error= 5.83053 iteration= 40 guess= 1.00232 relative_error= 2.12993 iteration= 41 guess= 1.00002 relative_error= 0.22920 iteration= 42 guess= 1.00000 relative_error= 0.00239 root = 1 rel_error = 2.5776e-007 niter = 43
The same function but a better initial guess fun=@(x) x^(10)-1; der=@(x) 10*x^(9); init_guess=1.1; [root,rel_error,niter]=newton_raphson(fun,der,init_guess,0.000001,500); root, rel_error,niter iteration= 1 guess= 1.03241 relative_error= 6.54684 iteration= 2 guess= 1.00422 relative_error= 2.80760 iteration= 3 guess= 1.00008 relative_error= 0.41363 iteration= 4 guess= 1.00000 relative_error= 0.00787 iteration= 5 guess= 1.00000 relative_error= 0.00000 root = 1 rel_error = 3.5527e-013 niter = 6
Pros and Cons Pro: The error of the i+1th iteration is roughly proportional to the square of the error of the ith iteration - this is called quadratic convergence Con: Some functions show slow or poor convergence
Example • Find the weight m of a bungee jumper which reaches a velocity of 36 m/s after 4 seconds when the drag coefficient is c-0.25 kg/m. • The function to evaluate and its derivative are:
Example (cont’d) init_guess=140; fun=@(m) sqrt(9.81*m/0.25)*tanh(sqrt((9.81*0.25/m)*4)-36); der=@(m) 0.5* sqrt(9.81/(m*0.25))*tanh(sqrt(9.81*0.25/m)*4)- (9.81/2*m)*4*(sech(sqrt(9.81*0.25/m)*4))^2; [root,rel_error,niter]=newton_raphson(fun,der,init_guess,0.01,5000); root, rel_error,niter
Secant Methods The evaluation of the derivative could pose problems for the Newton-Raphson method. The derivatives of some functions may be difficult or inconvenient to evaluate. For these cases, the derivative can be approximated by a backward finite divided difference: Substitution of this approximation for the derivative to the Newton-Raphson method equation gives: This method requires two initial estimates of x but does not require an analytical expression of the derivative.
fzero built-in function fzero applies both bracketing methods and open methods. Using an initial guess:x = fzero(function, x0)[x, fx] = fzero(function, x0) function function handle to the function being evaluated x0 the initial guess x the location of the root fx is the function evaluated at that root Using an initial bracket:x = fzero(function, [x0 x1])[x, fx] = fzero(function, [x0 x1]) x0 and x1 are guesses that must bracket a sign change
Example [x, fx] = fzero(@(x) x^10-1, 0.5) %Use fzero to find roots of f(x)=x10-1 starting with an initial guess of x=0.5. [x, fx] = fzero(@(x) x^10-1, 0.5) x = 1 fx =0 after 35 calls
fzero options Options may be passed to fzero as a third input argument - the options are a data structure created by the optimset command options = optimset(‘par1’, val1, ‘par2’, val2,…) parn the name of the parameter to be set valnis the value to which to set that parameter The parameters commonly used with fzero are: display: when set to ‘iter’ displays a detailed record of all the iterations tolx: A positive scalar that sets a termination tolerance on x.
options = optimset('display', 'iter'); [x, fx] = fzero(@(x) x^10-1, 0.5, options) Search for an interval around 0.5 containing a sign change: Func-count a f(a) b f(b) Procedure 1 0.5 -0.999023 0.5 -0.999023 initial interval 3 0.485858 -0.999267 0.514142 -0.998709 search 5 0.48 -0.999351 0.52 -0.998554 search 7 0.471716 -0.999454 0.528284 -0.998307 search 9 0.46 -0.999576 0.54 -0.997892 search 11 0.443431 -0.999706 0.556569 -0.997148 search 13 0.42 -0.999829 0.58 -0.995692 search 15 0.386863 -0.999925 0.613137 -0.992491 search 17 0.34 -0.999979 0.66 -0.984317 search 19 0.273726 -0.999998 0.726274 -0.959167 search 21 0.18 -1 0.82 -0.862552 search 23 0.0474517 -1 0.952548 -0.385007 search 25 -0.14 -1 1.14 2.70722 search Search for a zero in the interval [-0.14, 1.14]: Func-count x f(x) Procedure 25 -0.14 -1 initial 26 0.205272 -1 interpolation 27 0.672636 -0.981042 bisection 28 0.906318 -0.626056 bisection 29 1.02316 0.257278 bisection 30 0.989128 -0.103551 interpolation 31 0.998894 -0.0110017 interpolation 32 1.00001 7.68385e-005 interpolation 33 1 -3.83061e-007 interpolation 34 1 -1.3245e-011 interpolation 35 1 0 interpolation Zero found in the interval [-0.14, 1.14] x = 1 fx = 0
Polynomials Roots built in function to determine all the roots of a polynomial - including imaginary and complex ones. x = roots(c) x is a column vector containing the roots c is a row vector containing the polynomial coefficients Example: Find the roots off(x)=x5-3.5x4+2.75x3+2.125x2-3.875x+1.25 >> x = roots([1 -3.5 2.75 2.125 -3.875 1.25]) >> x = 2.0000 -1.0000 1.0000 + 0.5000i 1.0000 - 0.5000i 0.5000
poly and polyval builtin functions poly determine polynomial coefficients if roots are given: b = poly([0.5 -1]) Finds f(x) where f(x) =0 for x=0.5 and x=-1 MATLAB reports b = [1.000 0.5000 -0.5000] This corresponds to f(x)=x2+0.5x-0.5 polyval evaluate a polynomial at one or more points: a = [1 -3.5 2.75 2.125 -3.875 1.25]; If used as coefficients of a polynomial, this corresponds to f(x)=x5-3.5x4+2.75x3+2.125x2-3.875x+1.25 polyval(a, 1) This calculates f(1), which MATLAB reports as -0.2500
Optimization • Critical for solving engineering and scientific problems. • One-dimensional versus multi-dimensional optimization. • Global versus local optima. • A maximization problem can be solved with a minimizing algorithm. • Optimization is a hard problem when the search space for the optimal solution is very large. Heuristics such as simulated annealing, genetic algorithms, neural networks. • Algorithms • Golden ratio makes one-dimensional optimization efficient. • Parabolic interpolation locate the optimum of a single-variable function. • fminbnd function determine the minimum of a one-dimensional function. • fminsearch function determine the minimum of a multidimensional function. • How to develop contours and surface plots to visualize two-dimensional functions.
Optimization • Find the most effective solution to a problem subject to a certain criteria. • Find the maxima and/or minima of a function of one or more variables.
One- versus multi-dimensional optimization • One-dimensional problems involve functions that depend on a single dependent variable -for example, f(x). • Multidimensional problems involve functions that depend on two or more dependent variables - for example, f(x,y)
Global versus local optimization • Global optimum the very best solution. • Local optimum solution better than its immediate neighbors. Cases that include local optima are called multimodal. • Generally we wish to find the global optimum.
One- versus Multi-dimensional Optimization • One-dimensional problems involve functions that depend on a single dependent variable -for example, f(x). • Multidimensional problems involve functions that depend on two or more dependent variables - for example, f(x,y)
Golden-Section Search Algorithm for finding a minimum on an interval [xl xu] with a single minimum (unimodal interval); uses the golden ratio=1.6180 to determine location of two interior points x1 and x2; One of the interior points can be re-used in the next iteration. f(x1)<f(x2) x2 will be the new lower limit and x1 the new x2. f(x2)<f(x1) x1 will be the new upper limit and x2 the new x1.
f(x1)<f(x2) x2 is the new lower limit and x1 the new x2 . f(x2)<f(x1) x1 is the new upper limit and x2 the new x1.
Parabolic interpolation Parabolic interpolation requires three points to estimate optimum location. The location of the maximum/minimum of a parabola defined as the interpolation of three points (x1, x2, and x3) is: The new point x4 and the two surrounding it (either x1 and x2or x2 and x3) are used for the next iteration of the algorithm.
fminbnd built-in function fminbnd combines the golden-section search and the parabolic interpolation. Example [xmin, fval] = fminbnd(function, x1, x2) Options may be passed through a fourth argument using optimset, similar to fzero.
fminsearch built-in function fminsearchdetermine the minimum of a multidimensional function. [xmin, fval] = fminsearch(function, x0) xmin a row vector containing the location of the minimum x0 an initial guess; must contain as many entries as the function expects. The function must be written in terms of a single variable, where different dimensions are represented by different indices of that variable.
Example: minimize f(x,y)=2+x-y+2x2+2xy+y2 Step 1: rewrite as: f(x1, x2)=2+x1-x2+2(x1)2+2x1x2+(x2)2 Step 2: define the function f using Matlab syntax: f=@(x) 2+x(1)-x(2)+2*x(1)^2+2*x(1)*x(2)+x(2)^2 Step 3: invoke fminsearch[x, fval] = fminsearch(f, [-0.5, 0.5]) x0 has two entries - f is expecting it to contain two values. the minimum value is 0.7500 at a location of [-1.000 1.5000]
Heuristics for global optimization • Global optimization is a very hard problem when the search space for the solution is very large. • Heurisitic adjective for experience-based techniques that help in problem solving, learning and discovery. A heuristic method is particularly used to rapidly come to a solution that is hoped to be close to the best possible answer, or 'optimal solution'. • Heuristics noun meaning "rules of thumb”, educated guesses, intuitive judgments or simply common sense. • Heuristics for global optimization • Simulated annealing • Genetic algorithms • Neural networks
Simulated annealing (SA) • Inspired from metallurgy: • Annealing is a technique involving heating and controlled cooling of a material to increase the size of its crystals and reduce their defects. • The heat causes the atoms to become unstuck from their initial positions (a local minimum of the internal energy) and wander randomly through states of higher energy; the slow cooling gives them more chances of finding configurations with lower internal energy than the initial one. • Each step of the SA algorithm: • Replaces the current solution by a random "nearby" solution, chosen with a probability that depends on the difference between the corresponding function values and on a global parameter T (called the temperature), that is gradually decreased during the process. • The dependency is such that the current solution changes almost randomly when T is large, but increasingly "downhill" as T goes to zero. The allowance for "uphill" moves saves the method from becoming stuck at local minima—which are the bane of greedier methods.
Genetic algorithms Global search heuristics to find exact or approximate solutions to optimization and search problems. Genetic algorithms are a particular class of evolutionary algorithms (EA) that use evolutionary biology concepts such as inheritance, mutation, selection, and crossover. The evolution usually starts from a population of randomly generated individuals and happens in generations. In each generation, the fitness of every individual in the population is evaluated, multiple individuals are stochastically selected from the current population (based on their fitness), and modified (recombined and possibly randomly mutated) to form a new population. The new population is then used in the next iteration of the algorithm. Commonly, the algorithm terminates when either a maximum number of generations has been produced, or a satisfactory fitness level has been reached for the population. If the algorithm has terminated due to a maximum number of generations, a satisfactory solution may or may not have been reached.
Neural networks Biological neural networks are made up of real biological neurons that are connected or functionally related in the peripheral nervous system or the central nervous system. In the field of neuroscience, they are often identified as groups of neurons that perform a specific physiological function in laboratory analysis. Artificial neural networks are made up of interconnecting artificial neurons (programming constructs that mimic the properties of biological neurons). Artificial neural networks may either be used to gain an understanding of biological neural networks, or for solving artificial intelligence problems without necessarily creating a model of a real biological system.
Multidimensional Visualization Functions of two-dimensions may be visualized using contour or surface/mesh plots.
Multidimensional Visualization Functions of two-dimensions may be visualized using contour or surface/mesh plots.