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Kenny's Vocabulary Words. Date: . Word: benefit . Definition: money or Advantage Part of speech: noun Synonyms: Boon,behoof,use Antonyms:Evil,low,damage Collocations: benefit from,for someone’s benefit Original sentence: I get benefits when I clean the house it makes my mom happy.
Kenny's Vocabulary Words Date:
Word: benefit Definition: money or Advantage Part of speech: noun Synonyms: Boon,behoof,use Antonyms:Evil,low,damage Collocations: benefit from,for someone’s benefit Original sentence: I get benefits when I clean the house it makes my mom happy.
Word:contrast Definition: a difference Part of speech: noun Synonyms: compare, differ Antonyms: similarity, agreement Original sentence: I contrast my nice brother with my mean sister.
Word: convenience Definition: usefulness; ease Part of speech: noun Synonyms: paid, service Antonyms: inconvenience Original sentence: I am convenience that I get dropped off at school.
Word: Insure Definition: to buy protection Part of speech: verb Synonyms: guarantee, guard, cover Antonyms: NONE Original sentence: I am insure because I have new shoes and don’t want to mess them up.
Word: lessen Definition: To make smaller Part of speech: verb Synonyms: shorten, reduce, subtract Antonyms: increase, grow, multiply Original sentence: when I am angry I to less my anger .
Word: locate Definition: to find the position Part of speech: verb Synonyms: discover,find,site Antonyms: dislocate, lose Original sentence: my location is west middle school.
Word: logic Definition: a way of thinking Part of speech: noun Synonyms: connections, induction, relationship Antonyms: unreasonableness Original sentence: when I take a test I use logic
Word: rate Definition: how often an activity occurs Part of speech: noun Synonyms: tempo ,time, fee Antonyms: whole Original sentence: I rate me as a student a 10
Word: require Definition: to need Part of speech: verb Synonyms: wish, desire Antonyms: dislike, not want Original sentence: I require new shoes
Word: scale Definition: a size or level Part of speech: noun Synonyms: reach, range Antonyms: descend Original sentence: on a scale I weigh a apple and a banana
Class fill-in-the-blank Quiz Word bank: Benefit, Contrast, Convenience, Insure, Lessen, Location, Logic, Rate, Require, Scale A ____________ of cleaning the house is that it makes my mom happy. I always ___________ my nice brother with my mean sister. It is a __________ that I get dropped off at school instead of having to wait for the bus. At Best Buy, they always ask you if you want to buy additional protection for your electronics so they are ___________ against damage. When I am angry I go for a walk to try to _______ feel better. The ________ of my school is 271 West Street, Brockton, MA. When I take a Math test I use ______ to solve all the problems. As a student, I _______ myself a perfect 10. I ______ new shoes every season because I need to stay in style. I weighed myself on a ______ and could not believe the number!
Class Spelling Quiz benefit bneefitbenefet Cnotars contrast contrats Convenience coneeinnceconveniency Erusni insure ensure Lessen nessellessne Locaet locate etacol Logic cigollogci Rate etarraet Require eriuqerrequrie Elacs scale csale