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Civil Disobedience Day 1

civil disobedience, small government, argument map, Thoreau's essay

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Civil Disobedience Day 1

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  1. Civil Disobedience Day 1

  2. Objectives: • To write a PERSONALIZED journal about your own thoughts on Thoreau’s philosophy of small government. • To achieve a COMMON definition of “civil disobedience.” • To COLLABORATE to create an argument map of each section of Thoreau’s essay.

  3. Do Now: Personalized Journal • “That government is best which governs least…That government is best which governs not at all.” – Henry David Thoreau • Journal: Do you agree/disagree? Why? • Use particular examples in your argument

  4. Civil Disobedience: A Definition • the refusal to obey certain laws or governmental demands for the purpose of influencing legislation or government policy • characterized by the employment of such nonviolent techniques as boycotting, picketing, and nonpayment of taxes.

  5. Small Groups: COLLABORATION • Create an ARGUMENT MAP for your assigned section of the essay. • In your map, address interesting RHETORIC employed by Thoreau (especially strategies that are similar to King’s). • BRAINSTORM at least one contemporary issue that would require a response similar to Thoreau’s.

  6. Tonight’s Homework • Prepare for tomorrow’s Socratic Seminar. • Pull quotes. • Write open-ended questions. • Essential questions: • What are Thoreau’s main ideas, and how does he use rhetoric and structure to convey them? • In what particular ways did Thoreau’s philosophy and style of writing influence King? • Facilitators and Participation.

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