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Certified Global Business Professional ™ (CGBP ™ ) Credential

Certified Global Business Professional ™ (CGBP ™ ) Credential. Rene Dentiste Mueller, PhD Director, Global Business Resource Center School of Business College of Charleston muellerr@cofc.edu Subtitle Goes Here. Introduction to CGBP ™. History and Rationale for exam Exam details and format

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Certified Global Business Professional ™ (CGBP ™ ) Credential

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  1. Certified Global Business Professional™ (CGBP™) Credential Rene Dentiste Mueller, PhDDirector, Global Business Resource Center School of BusinessCollege of Charlestonmuellerr@cofc.edu Subtitle Goes Here

  2. Introduction to CGBP™ • History and Rationale for exam • Exam details and format • Approaches to studying for the exam • Content/Knowledge • Sample Questions

  3. History of US International Trade Education • 1945- Fulbright established to help increase understanding and cooperation in order to avoid war and conflict • 1958 – National Security Education Act (known as Title VI) passed as Congress recognized the need to know thy enemy. Provided funds to internationalize education • Concentrated on developing languages programs and area studies • 1988 Omnibus Trade Act was passed to improve economic competitiveness through international business understanding. Funding is for: • Centers of International Business Research (CIBER). • 33 large, research universities • Focus on international business research, education and training • Business and International Education (Title VIB). • Business schools to improve international business education • Partner with trade associations to increase the capacity of the business community to conduct international business

  4. International Business Programs • Only 15 percent of US Schools offer an undergraduate IB Degree • Most IB programs Require Fewer than 5 courses • Largest IB Programs are: • Arizona State University (certificate) • Florida International University (Honors) • San Diego State University • Temple University • University of Georgia • College of Charleston ranks #12 • University of South Carolina #34

  5. Which international business course is required most often?

  6. International Trade Education in Practice • Academia (College and Universities)- • emphasis on “education” and developing critical thinking skills • Industry (Trade Associations, SBDCs, etc.)– • Emphasis on “training” and development of professional skills and specific skills-based knowledge

  7. Things not covered in traditional academic courses • Mechanics of Trade Finance i.e. how to get paid • Incoterms – terms of trade • US Trade Agencies • Sources of Trade Data • Paperwork requirements • Harmonized Codes

  8. What is NASBITE? • NASBITE International is a professional organization for the global business community. Its mission is to advance global business practice, education, and training. • NASBITE originally stood for the North American Small Business International Trade Educators. • NASBITE members include: • State and local trade assistance centers • Small Business Development Centers • Small Business Administration • EX-IM Bank • US Commercial Service • FITT and FITA (Canadian)

  9. NASBITE™ Certified Global Business Professional( CGBP)™ Test Content and Questions developed jointly by: • Academia(US Department of EDUCATION) • Title VIB – Business and International Education • Centers for International Business Research (CIBER) • Federal Trade Agencies Involved in International Trade Education • The Commercial Service of the U.S. Department of Commerce • U.S. District Export Councils • The Foreign Agricultural Service of the U.S. Department of Agriculture • FCIB - An Association of Executives in Finance, Credit and International Business • SIDO - State International Development Organizations • U.S. Small Business Administration • U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID)

  10. What certification means The NASBITE™ CGBP™ certification confirms knowledge in international trade and assures that employees are able to practice global business/commerce at the professional level required in today’s competitive environment.

  11. Benefits of certification • Can be used in recruitment of new hires • Is a useful professional development goal for current employees • Helps individual’s diversify their knowledge base because it focuses on four domains • Logo and word mark can be used on letterhead and resumes

  12. The actual exam • 150 multiple choice questions • 3 hour time limit • Scores range between 200 (automatic) to 800 • Each question is worth 4 points • Minimum passing score is 500

  13. Recent Exam Results • 72 candidates • 68% pass rate • Average score was 538 • 17 scored over 600 • 2 scored over 700

  14. Test Fundamentals • Cost ($395) • $100 registration fee • $295 exam fee • Re-take fee is $50 • Administered by Prometric (a national testing agency) • 200 US test sites • 200 overseas test sites

  15. Who Qualifies to Take the Exam? • Someone who has 2 years of College/university education • Someone with 2 years international trade experience • international sales, • international freight forwarding, international banking or • international customer support

  16. Content Area Tested • International Marketing • International Management • International Finance • Global Supply Chain Management

  17. Within each domain, there are five threads: • Documentation • Legal and Regulatory Compliance • Intercultural Awareness • Technology • Resources

  18. NASBITE™ CGBP™ Test Training • NASBITE does not directly prepare candidates to take the NASBITE CGBP exam • Individuals can pass the exam by • Self-study • Attendance at local seminars • On-line programs

  19. Independent Study • Practice Delineation http://www.nasbitecgbp.org/goto/95 • CGBP sample questions • 25 sample questions on-line (free) • 75 sample test for $50 • Review Terminology http://www.nasbitecgbp.org/resource/9 • Review INCOterms (available at International Chamber of Commerce) • On-line modules • GlobalEDGE (Michigan State University) • San Diego State University

  20. Basic Marketing 4 Ps Marketing environment 02/03/01: impact on market selection of product, price, place, and promotion (the four P’s) Coordinate the marketing mix of goods and services to implement the company’s marketing plan: 02/03/03: market segmentation and demand analysis Task 02/06: Provide products and services for the targeted markets. Task 02/04: Develop and select market strategy to maximize sales and profitability. 02/06/02: product life cycle implications (or strategies) 02/06/03: (new) product development modification process 02/06/04: technical compatibility and product standards (e.g., CE marking) Knowledge of: 02/10/01: sales techniques (e.g., pull vs. push), sales knowledge, and business travel Marketing Research Internal vs external Information Contribute to the ongoing internal and external research efforts to determine viability of global ventures. primary vs. secondary datquantitative and qualitative analyses Harmonized Codes 03/01/04: product classification regimes (e.g., HTS, Schedule B) 02/03/03: demand analysis 02/02/02 public and private marketing resources (e.g., International Trade Administration, U.S. Commercial Service and the Country Commercial Guides, freight forwarders,) data sources for international market data (e.g., U.S. Dept. of Commerce, IMF, World Bank, UN agencies, Country Desks, and private firm data) 02/01/03: public and private sources of data and assistance including electronic and print 02/06/05: where to find packaging, labeling, and marketing requirements 02/06/09: trade assistance resources in support of providing products and services 02/01/09: how to research competitor activities internationally (e.g., PIERS, UN Comtrade, Kompass Directory, STAT-USA, USA Trade Online) 02/08/03: trade assistance resources in support of global promotion 03/02/06: databases available to search for intermediaries Harmonized Codes3/01/04: product classification regimes (e.g., HTS, Schedule B)

  21. Important Publications for Self-Study 26 pages Free download from ITA 345 pages New $52 520 pages New $295

  22. Training Programs • Four Accredited Training Programs (must have certified trainers and a pass rate of 75%) • University of Texas – San Antonio • International Trade Center SBDC – Richland College • University of South Florida • College of Charleston • Other Ad Hoc programs • Export Institute –Minnapolis, MN • 6 on-line courses ($195 each) leading to a Certificate in Export Management; Total Program Cost $875 • Barauch University (on-line) - $525 • Bryant University (Rhode Island) -4 weekly seminars; $995 • University Wisconsin- La Crosse - 4 day on-site course program • $195 for each one-day session; $695 all four sessions

  23. College of Charleston CGBP™ program • Next 2-Day Training Seminar is November 4th and 5th, 2011 • Next CGBP™ exam window is Dec 5-17, 2011 • Cost is $395 • Members of SC International Trade Coalition (SCITC) pay discounted fee of $295. SCITC members include: • World Trade Center Charleston • Charleston Women in International Trade (CWIT) • City of Columbia, Office of Economic Development • SC Department of Commerce • SC State Ports Authority World Trade Center –Charleston • SC District Export Council US Commercia Service • SC Department of Agriculture ECI Find New Markets • SC Forestry Commission

  24. Sample Test Questions

  25. Which of the following is not a micro-economic indicator • A. economic growth potential • B. inflation rate • C. currency stability • D. population density

  26. Which of the following is not one of the three risks associated with international trade? • A. basis risk • B. country risk • B. economic risk • C. foreign exchange risk

  27. A common method of assessing the potential for a new market is ____ • A. Porter’s Field Forces • B. Market Assessment Model • C. Five Forces of Marketing • D. Porter’s Five Forces

  28. Which is not one of Geert Hofestede’s Dimensions of Culture • A. Power Distance • B. Uncertainty Avoidance • C. Hierarchy of Needs • D. Individualism/Collectivism • E. Masculinity/feminity

  29. Grease payments____ • A. aren’t allowed under the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act • B. are also called familiarzation payments • C. are allowed to expedite routine government actions • D. are fees ports charge for recycling fuel

  30. If a company offers a different price in different countries, it is opening itself up to the ____ • A. White Market • B. Black Market • C. Grey Market • D. Green Market

  31. Another term commonly used to describe activities of complimentary marketing is _____. A. backhauling B. demand shifting C. piggybacking D. Shape shifting

  32. Harmonized Codes are: A. 3 digits B. 5 digits C. 12 digits D. Any number up to 6 or 10 digits

  33. The first four digits on an HS code are known as ____ • Item • Chapter • Heading • Commodity

  34. International Harmonization Codes are standardized up to A. 2 digits B. 4 digits C. 6 digits D. 10 digits

  35. Which is of the following statements is NOT true A. Schedule B is used for importing B. The Harmonized Tariff Schedule (HTS) is used for exporting C. The Harmonized Tariff Schedule (HTS) is used for importing D. Both Schedule B and HTS are derived from the same harmonized codes so either can be used for importing

  36. Which is the most risky form of payment for an importer? A. Cash in Advance B. Letter of Credit C. Documentary Collections D. Open Account

  37. Which of the following do INCO terms not specify? A. The transfer of risk B. Country of origin C. The sharing of expenses D. The seller’s documentary obligations

  38. INCOTerms are _______. • a way of expressing terms of payment for an international transaction • agreed upon after the exporter has quoted his price to the buyer • part of the nine basic export documents • agreed upon by the buyer and seller prior to quoting a price to the buyer

  39. Under the FOB Inland Carrier at Point of Shipment, the buyer is responsible for costs or charges of all of the following EXCEPT A. port charges B. forwarder’s fees C. consular fees D. export packaging E. Customs duties

  40. All of the following trade facilitation products/services are available to qualified US exporters through the US Ex-Im Bank EXCEPT ______ A. export Credit Insurance B. working capital loan guarantees to the exporter’s bank C. direct medium- and long-term loans to foreign buyers of US exports D. letters of credit financing

  41. ABA corporation has entered into a sales contract to sell 1000 of its widgets to a buyer in Nigeria with which it has done no prior business. Which of the following methods of payment would offer ABC the highest level of payment security? A. Revocable letter of credit B. Confirmed letter of credit C. Irrevocable letter of credit D. Open account

  42. The Country Commercial Guide (CCG) is a valuable management tools for foreign market evaluation. Which agency prepares the CCG? A. International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) B. US Department of Commerce C. US International Trade Agency D. CIA Factbook

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