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Poetry Seminar. Maya Angelou. By: George Kennedy. Biography. Marguerite Ann Johnson was born on April 4, 1928 in St. Louis, Missouri She is the first person to receive a lifetime professorship. In 1993, she recited her poem "On the Pulse of Morning" at Bill Clinton's inauguration
Poetry Seminar Maya Angelou By: George Kennedy
Biography • Marguerite Ann Johnson was born on April 4, 1928 in St. Louis, Missouri • She is the first person to receive a lifetime professorship. • In 1993, she recited her poem "On the Pulse of Morning" at Bill Clinton's inauguration • In 1995, she was recognized for having the longest-running record (two years) on The New York Times Paperback Nonfiction Bestseller List • "Maya", shortened from "my-a-sister“ • At age eight, while living with her mother, Angelou was sexually abused and raped by her mother's boyfriend, Mr. Freeman. • She confessed it to her brother, who told the rest of their family.
Freeman was found guilty, but was jailed for one day. • Angelou became mute, believing, her accusation was what lead to his death, • "I thought, my voice killed him; I killed that man, because I told his name. And then I thought I would never speak again, because my voice would kill anyone • She was mute for five years. • she worked as the first black female streetcar conductor in San Francisco. • In the late '70s, Angelou met Oprah Winfrey when she was a TV anchor in Baltimore, Maryland. • In the January Democratic primary, Angelou gave her support to Hillary Clinton in television adds. • Angelou was the first African American woman to direct a major motion picture.
The Detached We die, Welcoming Bluebeards to our darkening closets, Stranglers to our outstretched necks, Stranglers, who neither care norcare to know thatDEATH IS INTERNAL.We pray, Savoring sweet the teethed lies, Bellying the grounds before alien gods, Gods, who neither know norwish to know thatHELL IS INTERNAL.We love, Rubbing the nakednesses with gloved hands, Inverting our mouths in tongued kisses, Kisses that neither touch norcare to touch ifLOVE IS INTERNAL. Maya Angelou
The Lesson I keep on dying again.Veins collapse, opening like theSmall fists of sleepingChildren.Memory of old tombs,Rotting flesh and worms doNot convince me againstThe challenge. The yearsAnd cold defeat live deep inLines along my face.They dull my eyes, yetI keep on dying,Because I love to live. Maya Angelou
They Went Home They went home and told their wives, that never once in all their lives, had they known a girl like me, But... They went home.They said my house was licking clean, no word I spoke was ever mean, I had an air of mystery, But... They went home.My praises were on all men's lips, they liked my smile, my wit, my hips, they'd spend one night, or two or three.But... Maya Angelou
Momma Welfare Roll Her arms semaphore fat triangles,Pudgy hands bunched on layered hipsWhere bones idle under years of fatbackAnd lima beans.Her jowls shiver in accusationOf crimes clichéd byRepetition. Her children, strangersTo childhood's toys, playBest the games of darkened doorways,Rooftop tag, and know the slick feel ofOther people's property.Too fat to whore,Too mad to work,Searches her dreams for theLucky sign and walks bare-handedInto a den of bereaucrats forHer portion.'They don't give me welfare.I take it.' Maya Angelou
Questions • What is the theme? • What do you think Angelou is trying to express through this poem? • Did you enjoy this poem? Why/why not?
Videos • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HDtw62Ah2zY -Bill Clinton Inauguration • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JtYwQvFd_bg -Hillary Clinton add
Bibliography • http://www.poemhunter.com/poem/they-went-home/ • http://www.poemhunter.com/poem/the-lesson-2/ • http://www.poemhunter.com/poem/the-detached/ • http://www.poemhunter.com/poem/momma-welfare-roll/ • http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_1Ssoxfl0MvQ/R_XkKTUC_nI/AAAAAAAAD-U/OYn8PyB-2ac/s400/MayaAngelou1.jpg • http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maya_Angelou#cite_note-inprint-28 • http://kidsdontgetit.files.wordpress.com/2008/12/300px-maya_angelou1.jpg • http://static.oprah.com/images/tows/200410/20041028/20041028_111_350x263.jpg • http://cache4.asset-cache.net/xc/56773260.jpg?v=1&c=IWSAsset&k=2&d=77BFBA49EF878921F7C3FC3F69D929FDFEA8EC7C8262CCA96A746290577D6F32ABB6945DAE270561F06BF04B24B4128C • http://famouspoetsandpoems.com/poets/maya_angelou/biography