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Example: VGA Text Display

Develop stunning visuals with this advanced graphics kit designed for high-resolution displays and monitors. Enhance your projects with precision and clarity. Includes VGA connector for seamless connectivity.

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Example: VGA Text Display

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  1. Example: VGA Text Display TYWu

  2. VGA Connector

  3. VGA Connector • Starter Kit

  4. VGA Connector • XSA-100

  5. 640x480 VGA Display

  6. 640x480 VGA Display

  7. VGA/SVGA • Timing Charts

  8. VGA/SVGA • Timing

  9. vga_text_10c.v module sync_gen50 (clk, CounterX, CounterY, Valid, vga_h_sync, vga_v_sync); : endmodule module vgafla_g(clock, vga_hsync , vga_vsync, vga_red0, vga_green0, vga_blue0, vga_red1, vga_green1, vga_blue1); : sync_gen50 syncVGA( .clk(clock), .CounterX(XPos), .CounterY(YPos), .Valid(Valid), .vga_h_sync(vga_hsync), .vga_v_sync(vga_vsync)); genchar genchar_u1(XPos, YPos, out_scan, in_text); : endmodule module genchar(CounterX, CounterY, out_scan,in_text); : endmodule

  10. module sync_gen50 //Counters always @ (posedge clk) begin if (ResetCntX) CounterX[10:0] <= 11'b0; else CounterX[10:0] <= CounterX[10:0] + 1; if (ResetCntY) CounterY[9:0] <= 10'b0; else if (EnableCntY) CounterY[9:0] <= CounterY + 1; else CounterY[9:0] <= CounterY[9:0]; end //Synchronizer controller always @(posedge clk ) begin ResetCntX <= (CounterX[10:0] ==1586); // was 381 was 798 EnableCntY <= (CounterX[10:0] == 1300); // was 39 was 25 ResetCntY <= (CounterY[9:0] ==527); end //signal synchronizer always @(posedge clk) begin vga_h_sync <= ~((CounterX[10:0] >= 1304) && (CounterX[10:0] <= 1493)); vga_v_sync <= ~((CounterY[9:0] == 493) || (CounterY[9:0] == 494 )); Valid <= (((CounterX == 1587) || (CounterX < 1288)) && ((CounterY == 527) || (CounterY < 480 )) ); end

  11. module vgafla_g (TOP) : assign in_text=80'b00000000_00000001_00000010_00000011_00000100_00000101_00000110_00000111_00001000_00001001; /* specify your text here */ wire red0 = Valid && out_scan; wire red1 = Valid && out_scan; wire green0 = Valid && out_scan; wire green1 = Valid && out_scan; wire blue0 = Valid && out_scan; wire blue1 = Valid && out_scan; assign vga_red0 = red0 ? 1'b1 :1'b0; assign vga_green0 = green0 ? 1'b1:1'b0; assign vga_blue0 = blue0 ? 1'b1:1'b0; assign vga_red1 = red1 ? 1'b1: 1'b0; assign vga_green1 = green1 ? 1'b1: 1'b0; assign vga_blue1 = blue1? 1'b1:1'b0 ; :

  12. module genchar `define TOTAL_SCREEN_CHAR 10 /* counted from No 0 */ `define LOG2_TOTAL_SCREEN_CHAR 3 /* floor(Log2 10) = 3 */ `define TOTAL_SUPPORT_CHAR 16 /* now, I only implement characters: 0, 1, 2 */ `define LOG2_TOTAL_SUPPORT_CHAR 3 /* Log2 16 -1 = 3, assume that we can support 16 characters*/ module genchar(CounterX, CounterY, out_scan,in_text); input [9:0] CounterY; input [10:0] CounterX; output out_scan; /* out_scan is used to show a pixel in the screen */ input [`TOTAL_SCREEN_CHAR*8-1:0] in_text; /* 10 words, each word need 8 bits for encoding */ /* 0: 00000000 */ /* 1: 00000001 */ /* 2: 00000010 */ /* if we want show 012... => in_text is ".....000000010,00000001,00000000 */

  13. module genchar reg out_scan; reg[`LOG2_TOTAL_SCREEN_CHAR :0] char_no_on_screen; reg[10:0] line_fac; /* line 0 ~ line 7 ; each line keep 16*8(=128) pixels */ reg[7:0] char_encode; reg[`LOG2_TOTAL_SUPPORT_CHAR+3:0] char_fac; reg[4:0] col_fac; reg[10:0] index; reg[10:0] char_no_on_screen_mul_8; reg[9:0] divY; reg[10:0] divX; wire[0:`TOTAL_SUPPORT_CHAR*8-1] line0; wire[0:`TOTAL_SUPPORT_CHAR*8-1] line1; wire[0:`TOTAL_SUPPORT_CHAR*8-1] line2; wire[0:`TOTAL_SUPPORT_CHAR*8-1] line3; wire[0:`TOTAL_SUPPORT_CHAR*8-1] line4; wire[0:`TOTAL_SUPPORT_CHAR*8-1] line5; wire[0:`TOTAL_SUPPORT_CHAR*8-1] line6; wire[0:`TOTAL_SUPPORT_CHAR*8-1] line7; wire[0:`TOTAL_SUPPORT_CHAR*64-1] all_lines;

  14. module genchar wire[0:7] dumy; wire[0:7] c0_0; /* line 0 of char 0 ; char 0 means that the character's encode is 0 */ /* In fact, char 0 describes number 0 */ wire[0:7] c0_1; wire[0:7] c0_2; wire[0:7] c0_3; wire[0:7] c0_4; wire[0:7] c0_5; wire[0:7] c0_6; wire[0:7] c0_7; : assign dumy=8'b00000000; assign c0_0=8'b00000000; assign c0_1=8'b11111110; assign c0_2=8'b10000010; assign c0_3=8'b10000010; assign c0_4=8'b10000010; assign c0_5=8'b10000010; assign c0_6=8'b10000010; assign c0_7=8'b11111110; :

  15. module genchar assign line0={c0_0,c1_0,c2_0,c3_0,c4_0,c5_0,c6_0,c7_0,c8_0,c9_0,dumy,dumy,dumy,dumy,dumy,dumy}; /* Only the first 3 records are usable because only 3 characters (0,1,2) are supported now. */ assign line1={c0_1,c1_1,c2_1,c3_1,c4_1,c5_1,c6_1,c7_1,c8_1,c9_1,dumy,dumy,dumy,dumy,dumy,dumy}; assign line2={c0_2,c1_2,c2_2,c3_2,c4_2,c5_2,c6_2,c7_2,c8_2,c9_2,dumy,dumy,dumy,dumy,dumy,dumy}; assign line3={c0_3,c1_3,c2_3,c3_3,c4_3,c5_3,c6_3,c7_3,c8_3,c9_3,dumy,dumy,dumy,dumy,dumy,dumy}; assign line4={c0_4,c1_4,c2_4,c3_4,c4_4,c5_4,c6_4,c7_4,c8_4,c9_4,dumy,dumy,dumy,dumy,dumy,dumy}; assign line5={c0_5,c1_5,c2_5,c3_5,c4_5,c5_5,c6_5,c7_5,c8_5,c9_5,dumy,dumy,dumy,dumy,dumy,dumy}; assign line6={c0_6,c1_6,c2_6,c3_6,c4_6,c5_6,c6_6,c7_6,c8_6,c9_6,dumy,dumy,dumy,dumy,dumy,dumy}; assign line7={c0_7,c1_7,c2_7,c3_7,c4_7,c5_7,c6_7,c7_7,c8_7,c9_7,dumy,dumy,dumy,dumy,dumy,dumy}; assign all_lines={line0,line1,line2,line3,line4,line5,line6,line7};

  16. module genchar always @(CounterX or CounterY or in_text or all_lines) begin out_scan = 0; divY = (CounterY >> 1)-64; divX = (CounterX >> 1)-64; if (divY >= 0 && divY < 8 && divX >= 0 && divX < (`TOTAL_SCREEN_CHAR*8)) begin char_no_on_screen = divX >> 3; /* (>> 3) == (/ 8) */ char_no_on_screen_mul_8 = char_no_on_screen << 3; char_encode = { in_text[char_no_on_screen_mul_8+7],in_text[char_no_on_screen_mul_8+6], in_text[char_no_on_screen_mul_8+5],in_text[char_no_on_screen_mul_8+4], in_text[char_no_on_screen_mul_8+3],in_text[char_no_on_screen_mul_8+2], in_text[char_no_on_screen_mul_8+1],in_text[char_no_on_screen_mul_8]}; char_fac = char_encode << 3; /* * 8 */ col_fac = divX - char_no_on_screen_mul_8; /* 0~7 */ line_fac = divY << 7; /* (<< 7) == (* 128) Because each line contains 128 pixels*/ index = char_fac + line_fac + col_fac; out_scan = all_lines[index]; end end

  17. 0 1 2 3 …..9 line0 line1 line7 all_lines • all_lines 2-D Storage 1-D Storage

  18. 0 1 2 3 …..9 Get and Post • A Get Screen 0 Post

  19. Formula 8*8 col_fac= divX - char_no_on_screen_mul_8 0 1 2 3 …..9 line0 line1 line7 char_fac = char_encode * 8 = 3*8 = 24 Line_fac = divY*128

  20. Lab • Steps • Write the test-bench • Answer the following questions • B us (Synch. Pulse)? • C us (Back Porch)? • D us (Active)? • E us (Front Porch)? • Q us, R us, T us?

  21. tb.v • tb.v (partial code) `timescale 1ns/100ps module tb; reg clock; wire vga_hsync, vga_vsync, vga_red0, vga_green0, vga_blue0, vga_red1, vga_green1, vga_blue1; vgafla_g U1(clock, vga_hsync , vga_vsync, vga_red0, vga_green0, vga_blue0, vga_red1, vga_green1, vga_blue1); initial begin U1.syncVGA.ResetCntX=1; U1.syncVGA.ResetCntY=1; #40 U1.syncVGA.ResetCntX=0; U1.syncVGA.ResetCntY=0; #????; $finish; end : endmodule

  22. Waveform • vga_hsync

  23. Waveform • vga_hsync

  24. Waveform • vga_hsync

  25. Waveform • Valid

  26. Waveform • vga_vsync

  27. Waveform • vga_vsync

  28. Waveform • Valid

  29. Exercise 1 • Draw a Circle • (CounterX-600)*(CounterX-600)+(CounterY-240)*(CounterY-240) < R (0,0) (0,0) R (600,240) (639,479) (1288,479)

  30. Exercise 1 • R is controlled by 3 switches • 100, 150, 200

  31. Exercise 1 • Hint … reg dx, dy; … always … … If (CounterX<600) dx=600-CounterX; else dx=CounterX-600;

  32. Exercise 2 • Color Ring

  33. Project • Running Ring Section (Only showing the red part) 12 1 2

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