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Healthcare Utilization of Taiwanese Businesspeople in China

This study investigates the healthcare service usage patterns and influencing factors among Taiwanese businesspeople in mainland China. Results indicate preferences for medical care locations, factors affecting healthcare choices, and suggestions for policy and healthcare facility improvements.

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Healthcare Utilization of Taiwanese Businesspeople in China

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  1. 大陸台商之醫療服務利用情形 • 近年來台商跨兩岸經營模式已儼然成為趨勢,大陸的台商人數急速成長,然而這些台商如何能夠在大陸獲得妥善之醫療照護,亦成為浮上檯面的民生問題,本研究即在探討大陸台商的醫療服務利用情形及相關影響因素。 本研究以Andersen醫療服務利用模型為架構,採結構式問卷進行抽樣調查,分別發放紙本與電子問卷。紙本問卷共發放1300份,回收有效問卷500份,回收率66%,加上電子問卷1205份,總計有效問卷1705份。 研究結果發現如下: (一)就醫選擇情形:台商在大陸生病時,選擇回台就醫者,主要原因為台灣的醫療設備完善以及醫療技術佳,佔67%。而選擇在大陸就醫者,則是考量到距離近與交通方便,佔81%。 (二)醫療服務利用情形: (1)台商是否回台就診:影響因素為女性、已婚、教育程度愈高、工作年資愈久、返台間隔愈短、健康狀況愈差者,有較高的比率回台就診。 (2)台商是否在大陸就診:影響因素為工作地點在廈門、有繼續繳納全民健保保費、平均月收入愈高者,有較低的比率在大陸就診。而定居大陸、攜帶常備藥至大陸的台商,則有較高的比率在大陸就診。 (三)大陸就醫場所選擇:相對於大陸公家醫院,已婚、返台間隔時間愈長以及有攜帶藥物至大陸者,選擇台商投資醫院的比率較高。而教育程度愈高、返台間隔愈長以及平均月收入愈高者,選擇診所就醫的比率則較低。 本研究針對台商醫療服務利用情形提出之政策建議為,建立台商健康管理系統,包含門診及住院之醫療服務利用、疾病分佈等資料,以瞭解台商真正的就醫情形,進而使其獲得更完善的醫療照護。對醫院管理者之建議則為,設立相關部門,如提供台商專屬之門診醫院等,以提升其就醫可近性。

  2. Exploring Health Service Utilization of Taiwanese in Mainland China • In recent years there has been a trend for Taiwanese business people to have been working across a Taiwanese and Chinese business model. There has been a rapid growth in the number of Taiwanese business people in China, however, how these Taiwanese business people can gain the appropriate health service they may require in China has surfaced as a people''s livelihood problem. This research inquires into the health service utilization situation and related influencing factors of Taiwanese business people in China. This research, configured with the Andersen model , adopting the construction type questionnaire for sampling, investigating with paper questionnaire and an electronic questionnaire. A total of 1,300 paper questionnaires were distributed of which 500 were returned, resulting in a 66% return rate. A total of 1,205 electronic questionnaires were completed, resulting in total return rate for the sample of 1,705. The following research results were noted: (A) The cure choice situation: Of the Taiwanese business people who become sick in China, of the ones who choose to return to Taiwan for service, 67% choose Taiwan because of high quality health service equipment and the good health service technique.Of the Taiwanese business people who choose to be cured in China, 81% choose this because, with easy transportation, services are nearby. (B) Health services utilization situation: (1)Whether Taiwanese business people return to Taiwan to seek medical advice or not:Females, married people, people with a higher level of education, people with longer employment service, tend to return. Those whose work period has been short or who have more bad health conditions, are more likely to return to seek medical advice. (2)Whether Taiwanese business people seek health service in the China or not:Those who are in Xiamen, who continue to pay the national health insurance fee, and who have a higher average monthly income, tend to seek health service in the China less frequently .Those Taiwanese business people who live in China for an long time and who take the special medications, more often tend to seek health service in China. (3) When the place of health service choice is China:Taiwanese business people tend to choose health service in a public hospital in China more often if they are married, if they seldom return to Taiwan, and if they take medication. If the level of their education is higher, if they have a high monthly income, the Taiwanese business people tend less often to seek health service in Chinese clinics. This research provides suggestions for policy development of health service utilization and for a health management system establishment for Taiwanese business people, including health service utilization, out-patient services, and hospitalization services, etc. The data, which is used to understand the use of health service by Taiwanese business people, will help to develop improved health service for them. This research provides suggestions for a hospital manager the establishment of a section concerned with Taiwanese business people and providing them with exclusive out-patient service, hospital, etc., and to promote it and improve accessibility.

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