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XV.GIMNAZIJA. PARENTS MEETING Monday , 25th September 2017. A G E N D A. Introduction School calendar Gifted students ’ programme and e- schools project Handbook ( Attendance procedures , Code of conduct,Subjects at our school , Assessment , P romotion to next year , Personal
XV.GIMNAZIJA PARENTS MEETING Monday, 25th September 2017
AGENDA • Introduction • Schoolcalendar • Giftedstudents’ programmeand e-schoolsproject • Handbook( Attendanceprocedures,Codeofconduct,Subjects at ourschool, Assessment, Promotion to nextyear, Personal Project, promotion to DP…) 5. Service as Action 6. Schooltrip 7. Parents’ council 8. AOB
Head ofschool: Mrs. Ljiljana Crnković IBMYP Coordinator: Ms. Darija Kos 1M Home room teacher: Ms. Darija Kos 1N Home room teacher: Ms. Utrinka Mihelić Srdelić
6 computerlabs School premises
SCHOOL CALENDAR First Term: 4 September - 22 December, 2017 Christmas party 15 December, 2017 • Winter Holidays: 27 December ,2017– 12 January, 2018 Second Term: 15 January ,2018- June 15, 2018 SchoolDay (ԉday) and PP festival 14 March,2018 • Spring Holidays: 29 March 2018 – 6 April , 2018 • 2-day schooltrip 10&11 May, 2018 • Lastdayofschool 15 June, 2018
DAILY SCHEDULE • School begins at 8 a.m. • Classes last 45 minutes. • During the ‘big break’, from 10:25 till 10:50, the students may exit the school building and stay nearby. • During the5-minute breakbetweenclasses, students are not allowed to leave the school. • Theclasses regularly end at 2.05 p.m. or sometimes at 2.55 p.m.
DAILY SCHEDULE • After class, students can attend extracurricular activities or: • use the library from 8 a.m. till 3 p.m. • use the PODROOM • use the gym for the scheduled extra-curricular activities • If a gap appears in a student’s schedule, he/she should use the schoolfacilities. • No student should roam the halls during class periods.
ATTENDANCE PROCEDURES Attendance • Attendance roll will be taken at the beginning of each period. • Extended absences must be announced to the homeroom teacher in advance ( details are inthehandbook) Punctuality • Students must arrive punctually toclass. Should a student arrive late he/she will not be admitted in the classroom for that period.
ATTENDANCE PROCEDURES Excusedabsences (Parentsresponsibility) • Regularattendenceisessential to success • Parents should promptly report to the school their child’s absence or late arrival-email will do • If a child is absent, a parent should within 5 days, present a written excuse which must include – the date/dates of absence, the reason for the absence, the parent’s/guardian’s signature and a doctor’s report. Also parents/guardians have to come to school personally to verify the absence, at the latest by the first afternoon consultations. • During school year a parent can personally or in a written form excuse his/her child’s absence from school without a doctor’s report, for no more than 3 consecutive/sequential days . Parents can also request absence from school for their child in advance. • If it is an emergency then orally - the subject teacher,homeroomteacherof MYP coordinator • In a written form for up to 3 days - the homeroom teacher • In a written form for up to 7 work days - the schoolprincipal • In a written form for more than 7 working days - the teaching staff of XV.gimnazija • If a student misses 100 or more periods by the end of the first term, parents will be summoned to school to a meeting with the homeroom teacher, MYP coordinator and the principal.
CODE OF CONDUCT Students’ responsibilities They are expected to: • come to school and classes on time and be prepared for work(necessary equipmentetc.), otherwise they will not be allowed to enter the school/classroom • bring hard copies of written work which must be handed in person to the subject teacher during the class • attend classes on regular basis • demonstrate respect for all fellow students and school personnel • be quiet, courteous, and respectful during the classes • turn off cellular phones and other electronical gadgets during classes and keep them in their bags • refrain from eating, drinking soft drinks, coffee or tea, or chewing gum during the classes
SUBJECTS IN THE MYP AT OUR SCHOOL • Languageand literature (formerLanguages A) - English and Croatian • Languageacquisition (formerLanguages B) -English, German, French, Croatian • Mathematics • Sciences- Biology, Chemistry, Physics • IndividualsandSocieties- History, Geography • Design- DigitalandProductdesign • Physicaland Health education
ASSESSMENT POLICY How do weassess? • Observations • Performance assessments • Process based assessments • Testsandessays • Portfolios, journalsand workbooks How do wereport? • Formativeand summative assessment • Written reports/ commentson formative assessment for each subject (end of the winter term)in ‘e-dnevnik’ • Finalreport (end of the school year)
ASSESSMENT • Eachsubjectgrouphas IB prescribedAssessmentcriteria A - D • Eachcriterion - 1-8 levelsofachievement • Students are awardedlevels for eachsubjectandeachsubjectspecificcriterionthroughtests, quizzes, projects, essays,oralandvisualpresentations,etc. • Marks are recordedine-dnevnik – allsummativeassessment but also some oftheformativeassessmenttasksinthe notes/commentsrubrics • According to the grade bounderies table providedbythe IB thefinalgradesfrom 1- 7 are awarded at theendoftheschoolyear
PROMOTION TO THE NEXT YEAR To be promoted to the next academicyear, the MYP student shouldachieve grade 3 or above in allsubjects. • If a student has achieved ‘1’ or ‘2’ in one or two subjects he/she must attend a minimum of 10 and maximum of 25 extended periods of study or ‘summerschool’ (‘produžnanastava’) according to the schedule provided by the subject teacher at the end of the school year. • If the student does not meet the minimum requirement in July, he/she will take a re-sit exam in August. • If a student has achieved a failing grade (‘1’ or ‘2’ ) from three ormore subjects, he/she will notbe promoted to the next academic year and therefore will have torepeat the same academic year.
PERSONAL PROJECT In year 5 of MYP ( the finalyear of the programme) all studentshave to complete a PERSONAL PROJECT. • PP is a project of student’s own choice produced over an extended period of time-mostly in MYP5 (app. 6 months ) • Isan IB requirement • Basicinformationprovided in MYP4 • Attend the Personal Project festival in March • Asupervisorisassigned • Minimum passing grade is 3. • Assessedby 3 teachersfrom school andmoderatedby IB externally.
Service as Action • Service as action- a required activity or project in each year of the programme. • Action - learning by doing and experiencing • Action is about raising awareness of the world we live in. Service involves the following elements: • Awareness and understanding of an issue be it local or global. • Commitment to help others. • Ability to show empathy.
Service as Action- examples Service activities outside our school: • participating in various humanitarian activities/events • Voluntering in Gornja Bistra children’s hospital – every Friday (students, parents, teachers) • Christmas - collections for Children’s Hospital Gornja Bistra & Schools for Africa, … together with IBDP and national department • tutoring peers in various subjects; collaboration with Volonterski centar Zagreb and Animal Friends Croatia, Crveni Kriz, Caritas, Tiflološki muzej, Hrvatski savez Slijepih (Vinko Bek),etc. Service activities in our school • participating in various activities/events organized inside the school (ԉ Day, Earth Day, Personal Project Festival, Open House /Dani otvorenih vrata,…) • tutoring students at the library • organization of school’s Christmas party: writing posters/invitations for students/ teachers/parents • participating in the organization of “Dojdi osmaš” (representing IB programme) and Open House, and many more
PROMOTION TO DIPLOMA PROGRAMME • A minimum GPA at the end of MYP 4 and MYP 5 should be 4.5. • Cumulative grades in English, Math and Science (average of Biology, Chemistry and Physics) at the end of MYP 4 and MYP 5 should be at least 12. • Good or excellent behaviour with minimal absences.
ONE DAY SCHOOL TRIP to MeđimurjeFriday, 29 September, 2017 Itinerary 8:00 Departurefromtheschool parking lot 11:00 -13:00 eduactionalprogramme-a presentationandwalk at Edukacijski centar Križovec- app 2-hour workshop. 13:30 Lunch 13:30 lunch 15:00-18:00 Sv.Martin Spa/Wellness App. 20:30 arrival at theschool parking lot Detaileditinerarywillbeannounced a daybeforethetrip.
Thank you for listening!!! www.mioc.hr Handbook 2017/18