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MANAGEMENT ACTION RECORD SYSTEM (MARS) Independent Evaluation at Asian Development Bank for ECG meeting 25 October 2013. Agenda. What is MARS? Implementation Arrangements Some Features of the MARS Trends in Recommendations, Agreement, and Adoption Issues. 1. What is MARS?.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. MANAGEMENT ACTION RECORD SYSTEM(MARS)Independent Evaluationat Asian Development Bankfor ECG meeting 25 October 2013

  2. Agenda • What is MARS? • Implementation Arrangements • Some Features of the MARS • Trends in Recommendations, Agreement, and Adoption • Issues

  3. 1. What is MARS? • Computerized tracking system for actions taken by Management in response to agreed evaluation recommendations • Information system that is accessible thru ADB portal (internet) anywhere and anytime • ADB staff and Board of Directors have access to the information system

  4. 2. Implementation Arrangements • IED uploads agreed evaluation recommendations • Management enters action plans and target dates • Management updates progress (twice a year) • IED validates (annually) the progress reported • IED reports findings in the Annual Evaluation Review

  5. 3. Some Features of theMARS

  6. Accessing theManagement Action Record System (MARS) From the IED database navigation page, access MARS thru the MARS link

  7. Sample of generated MAR report in MS Excel format

  8. Generated statistics

  9. 4.1. Trend of Evaluation Recommendations 5.0 4.1 3.9 4.0 4.7 3.2

  10. 4.2. Percentage of Agreementwith Evaluation Recommendations to ADB N=333 N=47 N=35 N=62 N=86 N=103

  11. 4.3. Rate of Adoption on Agreed Recommendations (%)

  12. 5. Challenges • Separating lessons from recommendations • Keeping number of rec’s down • What is Management ‘agreement’? • Action plans too crude, low quality • Validation of progress hard, time consuming • Tendency to disjointed presentation

  13. 6. Strong points of MARS • Acceptance/mainstreaming of a process in ADB • Improvement in Management Response • Formal tracking of recommendations • Hard figures • Annual reporting of progress to the DEC and Board

  14. 7. Next Steps • Report on progress with lessons and recommendations of key evaluations more comprehensively in Annual Evaluation Review • Can Management write its own synthesis of the follow up given to evaluation reports?

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