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Ambient Findability Massive Scale Beyond Your Imagination A Recommended Approach to Creating the World Brain with Instant Recall. Peter Morville, IOP 2006. Peter Morville. Background Library and Information Science Information Architecture Pioneer
Ambient FindabilityMassive Scale Beyond Your ImaginationA Recommended Approach to Creating the World Brain with Instant Recall Peter Morville, IOP 2006
Peter Morville • Background • Library and Information Science • Information Architecture Pioneer • Co-Author, IA for the World Wide Web (1998, 2002) • Current Roles • President, Semantic Studios • Co-Founder, Information Architecture Institute • Faculty, UM School of Information • Author, Ambient Findability (2005)
The combination of organization, labeling, and navigation schemes within an information system. • The structural design of an information space to facilitate task completion and intuitive access to content. • The art and science of structuring and classifying web sites and intranets to help people find and manage information. • An emerging discipline and community of practice focused on bringing principles of design and architecture to the digital landscape.
“Most of the complaints we get are due to the way users search; they use the wrong keywords.” • Manufacturing Manager in Must Search Stink? by Forrester Research
Search is a System • http://semanticstudios.com/publications/semantics/search.html
Hits Trust Location Location Location
Findability Facts • For every search on cancer.gov, there are over 100 cancer-related searches on public search engines. • Of these searches, 70%are on specific types of cancer.
find·a·bil·i·ty n • The quality of being locatable or navigable. • The degree to which an object is easy to discover or locate. • The degree to which a system or environment supports wayfinding, navigation, and retrieval. • am·bi·ent adj • Surrounding; encircling; enveloping (e.g., ambient air) the ability to find anyone or anything from anywhere at anytime
Chained Libraries • In the Middle Ages there were few books, and those that did exist were usually kept locked in chests or cupboards, or chained to desks in a church. “This book belongs to the monastery of St. Mary of Robert's Bridge, whosoever shall steal it, sell it or in any way alienate it from this house, or mutilate it, let him be forever cursed.”
Print, film, magnetic, and optical storage media produced about 5 exabytes of new information in 2002. Ninety-two percent of the new information was stored on magnetic media, mostly in hard disks. How big is five exabytes? If digitized, the nineteen million books and other print collections in the Library of Congress would contain about ten terabytes of information; five exabytes of information is equivalent in size to the information contained in half a million new libraries the size of the Library of Congress print collections. Although the Internet is the newest medium for information flows, it is the fastest growing new medium of all time, becoming the information medium of first resort for its users. http://www.sims.berkeley.edu/research/projects/how-much-info-2003/
A wealth of information creates a poverty of attention.Herbert Simon, Nobel Laureate Economist
David Rose ambientdevices.com
Automatic Locates Schedule an "automatic locate" to see where your child is at a given time. Breadcrumbing Feature This feature is great for identifying a specific route or series of destinations.
Ubiquitous Findable Objects Products - Possessions - Pets - People - Places “In July, Mexico's attorney general became a smart object. Rafael Macedo de la Concha had an RFID chip implanted in his arm that can track and authenticate him, a bold bid to fight government corruption. Of course, it's his brain that makes him smart. It's the chip that makes him an object: cataloged, searchable, and locatable in space and time.”Bruce Sterling, Wired
Reciprocal Transparency “In the information age to come, cameras and databases will sprout like poppies – or weeds – whether we like it or not. Over the long haul, we as a people must decide the following questions: Can we stand living exposed to scrutiny, our secrets laid open, if in return we get flashlights of our own that we can shine on anyone who might do us harm – even the arrogant and strong? Or is an illusion of privacy worth any price, even the cost of surrendering our own right to pierce the schemes of the powerful?”
Metadata Revenge of the Librarians
The old way creates a tree. The new rakes leaves together. David Weinberger
Learns, Proposes, Innovates, Gets All The Attention Remembers, Disposes, Integrates, Has All The Power PACE LAYERING
Paid search is the fastest growing business in the history of media; estimated to hit $23 billion by 2010. Go “Search has become the new interface of commerce.” John Battelle
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“There are known knowns; there are things we know we know. We also know there are known unknowns; that is to say we know there are some things we do not know. But there are also unknown unknowns - the ones we don’t know we don't know.”
Open Source Intelligence • “In the world of secret services, Open Source Intelligence (OS-INT) means useful information gleaned from public sources.” • “We use the term differently…OS-INT means the application of collaborative principles developed by the Open Source Software movement to the gathering and analysis of information.” • http://www.firstmonday.org/issues/issue7_6/stalder/