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Causes of WWI & New Weapons: A World in Crisis

Explore the 5 critical causes that led to World War I, from Nationalism to Alliances, and how they ignited the global conflict. Learn about the significant impact of new weapons like machine guns and poisonous gas in the unprecedented war. Discover what made WWI unique and the key role of militarism, imperialism, and alliances. Witness the dramatic events surrounding the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand and Germany's invasion of Belgium. Immerse in the historical context of the Great War through insightful facts and details.

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Causes of WWI & New Weapons: A World in Crisis

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  1. Ch. 8: The First World War Section 1: A World in Crisis List 5 causes of World War I and describe how each played a role in starting World War I? What made this war different from any war before? List 5 new weapons used during WWI. What effect did these new weapons have on World War I? Remarkable Facts About World War One - YouTube

  2. 1. Nationalism • What is Nationalism? • Nations within Europe began to crave more power. • One of the greatest empires ever, The Ottoman Empire, was falling apart • Austria-Hungary saw this as an opportunity to acquire lands in the Balkans (Bosnia and Herzegovina) • The people of the Balkans (Serbs) were furious. Why? • Russia, saw itself as the protector of the Slavs; therefore opposed Austro-Hungaria’s taking of Balkan land. • 3. Militarism • Germany built a strong navy to rival Britain’s • Germany enlarged its army and bought the latest weapons. • Germany created the Schlieffen Plan, which called for attacks on Russia and a surprise attack on France through Belgium • When Germany built up their military, what did Britain, France, and Russia do to their military? Causes of WWI: Conditions in Europe in 1914 • 2. Imperialism • What is Imperialism? • Late 1800s: Britain and France already had many colonies. • The German emperor, Kaiser Wilhelm II, wanted colonies for Germany. • In order to get colonies what did Germany need?

  3. The Balkans

  4. Kaiser Wilhelm II,

  5. Alliances were formed to maintain peace but would lead directly to a WORLD WAR! Triple Alliance (Central Powers) Germany Italy Austria-Hungary Triple Entente (Allied Powers) France Russia Great Britain Some European leaders believed war could be prevented by creating a Balance of Power through this system of Alliances. Causes of WWI: 4. Alliances

  6. How do these Alliances create a World War?

  7. Gavrilo Pincip

  8. Archduke Franz Ferdinand

  9. In 1912 a Bosnian teenager named Gavrilo Pincipjoined the Black Hand terrorist organization, which wanted to free Bosnia-Herzegovina from Austro-Hungarian rule. This group plotted to assassinate Archduke Franz Ferdinandof Austria on his visit to Bosnia. On June 28, 1914, Princip shot and killed the archduke and his wife. Princip was arrested and interrogated. Austria-Hungary found that the Serbian government gave the Black Hand their weapons to assassinate Franz Ferdinand. Austria-Hungary furious blamed Serbia for the Archduke’s death and declared war on Serbia. Russia promised to protect Serbia? And declared war on Austria-Hungary. Then Germany declared war against Russia and France? within five weeks after the Assassination, World War 1 had begun in 1914. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=njINCi9iIrA Causes of World War I: 5. The Assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand

  10. List 5 causes of World War I and describe how each played a role in starting World War I?

  11. Germany Makes the First Move • Following the Schlieffen Plan, on August 4, 1914, German troops crossed into the neutral country of Belgium. • Germany’s invasion of Belgium drew a new, powerful nation into the war? • Belgium was no match for the powerful German Military. • Germans burned villages and executed women and children in Belgium. • With Great Britain declaring war, the major powers of Europe had chosen sides and two new Alliances were formed. Central Powers Germany Austria-Hungary the Ottoman Empire Allied Powers Great Britain France Russia

  12. According to this map, who has a big advantage, the Allied Powers or the Central Powers?

  13. Frenchtroops looked much as French soldiers did over 40 years earlier, wearing bright red coats and shiny brass helmets. The Germantroops dressed in gray uniforms that worked as camouflage on the battlefield. The French war strategy had not changed since the 1800s. French soldiers marched in rows onto the battlefield, with bayonets mounted to their rifles, preparing for close combat with the Germans. The Germans, however, had machine guns, and slaughtered 15,000 French troops per day in early battle. 1 German machine gun equaled the firepower 100 French rifles. Many Germans thought the war with France would be over very quickly b/c of their superior technology. The war with France did not end quickly though. What did France do to stay alive? A New Kind of War?

  14. Airplanes • Both sides used planes to map and to attack trenches from above. • Planes first dropped briks and heavy objects on enemy troops. • Soon they mounted guns and bombs on planes. • Skilled pilots fought in air battles called dogfights. • The German Red Baron downed 80 Allied planes, until he was shot down. What made WWI Different from any war before? • Poisonous Gas • Germany was the first to use Poisonous Gas. • Gas in battle was risky: wind changes could backfire the gas. • Traditional officers considered the use of poisonous gas to be unfair and barbaric • Eventually, British and French forces began using gas also, to keep things even. • Tanks • When soldiers began to carry gas masks, they still faced a stalemate. • British forces soon developed armored tanks to move into no-man’s-land. • These tanks had limited success because many got stuck in the mud. • Germans soon found ways to destroy the tanks with artillery fire.

  15. The German army quickly advanced through northern France and after only one month of fighting were barely 25 miles from Paris. • What happens if Germany takes Paris? • The French, however, would not give up. The First Battle of the Marne The Battle • The French launched a counterattack along the Marne River east of Paris on September 7, 1914. • This battle became known as The First Battle of the Marne. • 2 million men fought on a battle-front that stretched 125 miles. • After 5 days and 250,000 deaths, the French had pushed the Germans back 40 miles. • This battle gave Russia time to prepare/mobilize for war. • Now that Russia was prepared for war, what did this mean for Germany’s military.

  16. The First Battle of the Marne ended in a stalemate, (neither side could make a move to win) and led to a new type of warfare known as Trench Warfare. Both French and German soldiers dug trenches to seek shelter from enemy fire. By late 1914, two massive systems of trenches stretched 400 miles The battle lines known as the Western Front extended from Switzerland to the North Sea. Life in Trench warfare Soldiers lived in trenches, surrounded by machine-gun fire, grenades, poisonous gas, and exploding artillery shells. 1.4 BILLION bombs were used in WWI Machine guns were pointed at enemy trenches at all times. The area between the trenches was known as “no-man’s-land.” Why? Many men starved to death. Disease killed millions! Why? Soldiers went insane from living in these trenches. A new mental disorder was created from World War 1… Shell Shock Neither the Allies nor the Germans could make any advances, that is until the invention of this new Military weapon? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FvYIIuxh2kY The War Reaches a Stalemate https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SS1dO0JC2EE

  17. Major World War I Battleshttps://youtu.be/Ab653F-fze0

  18. According to the map from 1914 – 1917, who was winning World War 1?

  19. Ch. 8: The First World War Section 2: America Enters World War I List 4 reasons why America entered WWI, and tell why each caused America to enter the War. Why did Russia drop out of WWI? List 3 effects of America’s entrance into WWI? List 3 reasons why World War I ended? https://youtu.be/DHn1Egt6Xdg

  20. Ch. 8 Reading Like a Historian • Document based essay question… • Directions For Essay • Your essay must include the following: • Introductory Paragraph with Thesis Statement (at least 4 sentences) • At least 1 Body Paragraph (at least 4 sentences) • Conclusion Paragraph (at least 4 sentences) • Cite Evidence from the chapter and the documents to support your argument.

  21. Americans thought of World War I as a European problem with little effect on their country. Is this true? Just after the war broke out, President Wilson declared that the U.S. would stay neutral? Wilson’s decision reflected the U.S.’s longstanding policy of Isolationism, or not being involved in other countries problems. Secretly President Wilson was in favor of America fighting in WWI; b/c he feared what Germany could become… which is? The U.S. favored the Allied powers more b/c they had a better relationship with Britain and France. Financially, the U.S. was NOT neutral in WWI. By 1917 Britain purchased nearly $75 million worth of war goods each week from America. The United States Stays “Neutral”

  22. What is the message in this Cartoon?

  23. U-Boats Britain blockaded? all German ports and transportation routes. Using U-Boats?, Germany declared Unrestricted Submarine Warfare? on the seas surrounding Great Britain. In 1915 the German government declared the waters around Great Britain a war zone, and ANY ship that they feel might be a threat will be destroyed. Germany warned the U.S. that neutral ships might be attacked. The German plan for unrestricted submarine warfare? angered Americans. Why? Wilson held Germany accountable for any American losses. America’s Involvement In 1915, German U-Boats sank a passenger ship to Great Britain called the Lusitania, killing more than 1,200 including 128 Americans Americans were outraged, and Wilson demanded an end to unrestricted submarine warfare. The Germans agreed to attack only supply ships but later sank the French passenger ship Sussex, killing 80 people. Wilson threatened Germany again Germany issued the Sussex pledge, promising not to sink anymore innocent boats, “without warning and without saving human lives.” Unrestricted Submarine Warfare

  24. German U-Boat

  25. Civil War in Russia • The people of Russia had suffered for a long time under the rule of Czar Nicholas II. • Most Russians were against WWI. • Czar Nicholas II and his family were imprisoned and eventually executed. • The new government in Russia was Democratic. • Americans felt more favorable toward entering the war, b/c Russia’s new government was democratic. Why? Re-Election, Espionage, and War • Wilson won the 1916 election on the slogan “He kept us out of war!” • in 1916 he asked the allied and central powers to accept a “peace without victory.”How did Europe feel about this, and why? • On February 1, 1917; Germany declared Unrestricted Submarine Warfare again and sank 3 more American merchant ships. The Zimmermann Note • Germany sent a telegram to Mexico proposing an alliance. • TheZimmermann Noteasked for Mexico’s help in exchange for lost territory after the Mexican American War. • The letter was sent via Western Union, who’s headquarters are located in London! • The Mexicans declined, but the British decoded the note, and Americans called for war. On April 6, 1917; America finally declared war

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