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Explore the picturesque Tuscia region, rich with Etruscan heritage, mountains, lakes, and unique flora and fauna. Learn about local agriculture, wine, olive oil production, and traditional activities. Experience the beauty of Tuscia through its diverse landscapes and culinary delights.
Tusciais a regioncomprising the province of Viterbo, itis in centreof Italy, and itsnamecomesfrom the ancientEtruscancivilization. • This area isbordered on the South by the city ofRome, to the North byTuscany, Umbria to the East and the West by the TyrrhenianSea. • The territoryismountainous and hilly; we can remember the mostimportantmountains: the Cimini, whosehighestpeakis Monte Cimino ( 1.053 m.), the Volsini, and finally the Monte Rufeno (734 m), whichformsanimportantnaturalreserve. • We can findalsotwolakes, The Lake of Bolsena, and the Lake of Vico, bothofvolcanicorigin. • In the nort-eastofTusciaflows the river Tevere, whichforms a big reservoirforagriculture. • The typical flora ofTusciaconsists in forestsofchestnuttrees and oaks on mountanousareas, and the mediterranean maquis along the Tyrrheniancoasts. • The typicalanimalsof the Tuscia's areas are wild boars, foxes, fallowdeers, squirrels, falcones and differentkindsofbirds. People usedtobring up cows, horses, sheeps, pigs, chickens and rabbitstoo.
The first men's activity in tuscia • TillancienttimesTusciawas a placewhere the menpractised the agriculture. In fact the mostancientproductsofTuscia are oil anche wine. • NowTusciaisdivided in diffentareaswhich are dedicatedforeach production, and alsothere are newtypicalproductions. • Forexample in the area oftownslikeBlera, Vetralla, Tuscania and Canino there in a big production of olive oil. In fact the menduring a periodbetweenNovember and Decemberpick the olives and theybringit in the oil mill. In twohours the productisdoneforeating! • AnotherimportantproductofTusciais wine, it's produced in the area of Montefiascone, Castiglione in Teverina and Tarquinia. The vintage isrealised in the periodbetween the end of August and September, accordingtokindofgrapes and weather. The mostfamousnamesof wine produced in Tuscia are EST ESTESTof Montefiascone and Aleatico ofGradoli. • On the Ciminimountainsthereis a big production ofchestnuts, especially in the townsofCanepina, Caprarola, Soriano, Vasanello and Ronciglione. Ifyouwanttosee the ancientchestnutwoods, you can have a walknear Vico's lake. During the last time the chestnut's production isnotabundantanymoreforillnessoftrees.
AnotherkindofTuscia's farmingishazelnuts. This production isenlargedverymuch in the last ten years in the areasofCaprarola, Capranica, Ronciglione and Carbognano. In thesetownsthere are the factorieswhich work the hazelnuts and chocolate. The secondmen’s activity in Tuscia Etruscanpopulations, wholived in Tusciatill the ancienttimes, wereresponsibleforanimal’s breedingaswellasagriculture. The typicalformwas the domesticbreedingbecauseall the familieshad a fewanimalsfor the maintenance. Forthis job the ancientpopulationswerehelpedby the dogs. Etrurianpopulationsweresedentary and thisallowed the rearingofpigs, sheep and goatsusedfor create itemsofclothingtoo. Todaywe can stillsee the rearingpracticebut more intensive. There are some Tuscia’s areaswhere the breedingisspecialized, likeMonteromanofor the chickens and rabbits-breeding, Monte Panese (Maremma) forcows-breeding and at last Montalto and Pescia Romana for the ichthyic-breeding. The animalsrearingisn’t used just for the food’s production: in fact the dogs, horses and hawks are usedforsportsevents.
The Apiculture • The Beekeeping is a kind of breeding that use the intensive bee’s exploitation for the honey’s production. • The beekeeper’s role consist of to take care of bees in exchange forharvesting of some beehive’s product like: honey, pollen, bee’s wax and royal jelly. • This breeding is practised in all the world and every country has its own bee’s species. It is also helpful for the flower’s pollination and the protection by the degradation of the ambient. • In Tuscia’s area there are some farms in Viterbo, Vitorchiano, Montefiscone, Tarquinia and Nepi who they are united in a great association called “ALPA” (AssociazioneLazialeProduttoriApistici).
AquaticSports in Tuscia • Our territory possess, besides great woods and landscapes, a beautiful and various aquatic ambient. In fact we have some resorts that they are important for tourism and sports like Bracciano, Bolsena, Tarquinia, Civitavecchia, PesciaRomana, Montaltodi Castro and Ronciglione. Many sports can be practiced in this places, alone or in group: starting from the simple swimming and proceeding with rowing, kayak, windsurf, sail, underwater fishing and sport fishing. The mainlakespresent in Tuscia are: • Bracciano, Mezzano, Vico, Bolsena and Martignano’s lakes Vico’s Lake Bracciano’s Lake
Hot springs in Tuscia • What are the hot springs? Hot springs are places located near of some springs and used to hydropathiccare, wellness service for the wealth and harmony of the body and mind. In the ancient times Romans used to go in the hot springs for meetings people or just to relax; they were accessible for all and they were built near the natural sites, but then they were brought inside cities with some particular techniques of water’s warm. Actually in Tuscia we have some important hot springs like “TermedeiPapi”, “La sorgente del Bullicame”, “Le Termedi San Sisto”, “Le Terme del Bagnaccio”; all this hot springs have some particular chemical and physical property useful for man’s care.
Tuscia’s typical products • Alimentary genres in Tuscia, primaries and worked, are various and different among the zones. Sutri is specialized in beans and potato’s production; a big part of Marta’s typical products are used for the torrefaction characterized by a large range of sweetmeat • Montefiascone become famous thanks to his grape’s production used by Falesco’s factory to produce the “EST ESTEST”; extra virgin oil and hazelnut are other kinds of Montefiascone’s typical productions. • Cellenoit’s famous for the great cherry’s production favoured by the field and climate.
Capranicait’s very sought-after for his chocolate product principally by “CiminaDolciaria” a chocolate factory based on high quality chocolate. • Blera is knew for its “MontidellaTolfa” a little ridge where it’s possible to find the truffle. • Many kinds of fishes find a good place to live in Bolsena’s lake like carps, eels, white fishes, jackfishes and crabs. • On “MontiCimini”, that contains the zones of Canepina, Soriano and Ronciglione, the typical production consist of chestnuts.