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This document outlines the strategy of Association EURATOM-CEA for fusion energy development including programmatic priorities, organizational structure, and implementation guidelines. It covers the participation in ITER and next-generation projects, enhancing physical understanding, and developing fusion reactor conceptual studies. The goal is to maintain a global assessment capability and secure necessary resources for achieving these aims. The strategy includes adapting organization, expanding networks, and initiating industrial cooperation. The document emphasizes the contribution to ITER projects, scientific exploitation preparation, and maintaining high standards in physics activities. It also highlights future goals like developing fusion as a major energy source. Various topics such as design integration, diagnostics, plasma engineering, and real-time control are discussed, showcasing the association's commitment to advancing fusion energy research.
Association EURATOM-CEA Presented by A. Bécoulet
Outline • Introducing Association Euratom-CEA • Programmatic Priorities for the coming decade • Structure & Organization • Concluding Remarks
march 25th, 1957: Signature of the EURATOM treaty in Rome Association EURATOM-CEA: the first Association (1959) • The Association includes: • CEA/DSM/IRFM ~ 270 permanent CEA staff + ~ 60 non permanent • Fédération de Recherche Fusion par Confinement Magnetique + other CEA Institutes ~ 75 ppy incl. PhD (280 persons involved)
Technological Research (DRT) Nuclear Energy (DEN) Military Application (DAM) Physical Sciences (DSM) (~2300) Life Sciences (DSV) IRFM: A Research Unit within CEA IRFM : Magnetic Fusion Research Institute (~280)
IRFM and the French National Network Lille LPP INRIALMPGM • Equilibrium & MHD stability • Turbulence & transport • Edge plasma, radiation and Plasma facing Components • Heating & Current Drive (waves, beams) Paris LMD LIMHP ENSAM/LIM Palaiseau LPP CPhT Orsay LPGP LCAM Villetaneuse LIMHP Strasbourg LSIIT IRMA INRIA Nancy LPMIA INRIA IECN Orléans CEM-HTI Grenoble CRTBT SIMAP LPSC • Materials • Diagnostic & data processing (operational safety) Lyon LMI Ampere Bordeaux IMB/LABRI INRIALCTS Cadarache CEA Nice LJAD INRIA Toulouse MIP LAPLACE LCAR IMT/MIP Montpellier PROMES Marseille PIIM, CPT LATP, M2P2 CP2M MSNM-GP LP3, IUSTI Toulon SIS
Outline • Introducing Association Euratom-CEA • Programmatic Priorities for the coming decade • Structure & Organization • Concluding Remarks
The CEA strategy a wide spectrum to maintain at national level a global assessment capability on fusion energy development Objective 1 ST1: Participating in the realisation of ITER and the Broader Approach projects JT 60 SA Objective 2 ST2: Preparing the operation of next generation devices ST3: Enhancing and focusing physical understanding along empirical and first principle approaches, Objective 4 ST4: Developing a capability for fusion reactor conceptual studies.
The CEA strategy IRFM overall challenge, a progressive and challenging transitionto a fusion research focused on ITER Objective 3 M1: Adapting its organisation and its manpower M2: Developing strong national, European and international networks and initiating close industrial cooperation M3: Securing the resources necessary in achieving these aims.
CEA strategy implementation guidelines CEA has the ambition to be a major contributor, to the experimental scientific and operational program of ITER. • Direct contribution to the development and construction of ITER, and of BA elements • Preparation of the scientific exploitation of ITER: Heating and current drive, PFC’s,…, and key physics issues (turbulence, ELMs, disruption mitigation, plasma control …) by dedicating Tore Supra to this aim and prototyping the relevant tools • Keeping a high standard at the forefront of physics activity (experiment and theory/modelling) CEA also aims at developing a global vision of fusion as a potential energy source (long term aim): reactor studies have been re-activated
JT 60SA TF coil Development&construction of ITER & BA projects SelectedTopics: • Design Integration • Diagnostics (Vis/IR PFC monitoring, magnetics, reflectometry) • ICRH & LHCD • Cryomagnetism • Plasma facing components, • Test blanket modules LHCD full implementation in ITER 7 m
Preparation of the scientific exploitation of ITER TITAN SelectedTopics: • Control of long pulse discharges in actively cooled environment, • Platforms&test facilities for ITER • Integrated modelling, • Plasma engineering & real time control • Ab initio simulations W7-X JET
A mutation of the Tore Supra Facility is proposed WEST : WEnvironment in Steady-state Tokamaks • Proposal: Turn Tore Supra into a Test Bed besides ITER, dedicated mostly to tungsten (W) actively cooled PFCs (requires an X-point configuration) • Motivation: • Risk minimisation (manufacturing and operation) on ITER relevant technology • Unique capability within the decade • Key for ITER, but also for EAST,JT60-SA, W7X... • Feasability study achieved in 2010, welcomed by high level international panel and by French Gvt Evaluation panel; conceptual study underway Dedicating Tore Supra to ITER preparation and risk minimisation
GYSELA Electric potential Fluctuations Preparing for the numerical tokamak (« VENUS ») • Through intensive collaborations (Fédération de Recherche, EU, …) IRFM is participating to a world class tools development, with a strong focus on its scientific outputs • HPCs yield access to ab initio calculations, allowing to address fully developed tokamak physics (« numerical tokamak » + confrontation to experiment) JOREK
Power Plant Physics & Technology Developing a capability for fusion reactor conceptual studies • System code for DEMO (modularity, evolutivity, ITM-based) • Plasma scenario; magnets; blanket; divertor; He-cooling • H&CD systems optimisation using scenario • Exploring innovative PFC concepts & materials (collaboration with FR-FCM)
Challenges in front of us The next 25 years: a brand new era for fusion • MAKE ITER&JT60-SA A SUCCESS! • Burning Plasma Physics • Validation of magnetic fusion as a nuclear process • Advanced Tokamak and Steady-state operation • Controlled and safe plasma discharges • Integrated modeling and flight simulators for operation • CREDIBLE REACTOR CONCEPTUAL DESIGN! • Full validation of reactor-relevant configuration • Materials for fusion reactors (R&D, tests, simulation) • First principle numerical description of plasma discharges (multi-physics/multi-scale)
Challenges in front of us 2010-2020: Adapting or Vanishing • A commonly agreed long term programme, adapting the competences of the entire fusion community to next step challenges (techno., exp., theory&modelling) • Innovative structures: • Associations’ network: strength and solidarity • Associations’ staffs&tools as a seed for innovation and training/adaptation of competences • IO-F4E-Association project-oriented partnership • EFDA implementing the common undertakings • JET; HPC-FF; IFERC; preparing JT-60SA and ITER operation…. Towards a credible fusion reactor perspective • EU industry & innovation aspects integrated in the programme