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A Tool to Support Ontology Creation based on Incremental Mini-Ontology Merging

OntoMerge is a tool supporting ontology creation through mini-ontology merging, mapping, and cleaning. It offers manual and plug-in algorithms for semi-automatic and automatic processes, with friendly UI, to manage ontology.

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A Tool to Support Ontology Creation based on Incremental Mini-Ontology Merging

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  1. A Tool to Support Ontology Creation based on Incremental Mini-Ontology Merging Zonghui Lian Supported by

  2. The Problem: Ontology Creation • Information collection and analysis • Concept and relationship design • Iterative construction

  3. Growing Ontology New Growing ontology Mini-Ontology TANGO: Table ANalysis for generating Ontologies Table

  4. Growing ontology OntoMerge New table TANGO: Table ANalysis for generating Ontologies New mini-ontology

  5. New growing ontology Ontology Mapping and Merging A simple case Mini-ontology Growing ontology

  6. Ontology Mapping and Merging A complex case Growing ontology Mini-ontology

  7. Ontology Mapping and Merging A complex case Mini-ontology Edited mini-ontology Growing ontology

  8. New growing ontology Ontology Mapping and Merging A complex case Edited Mini-ontology Growing ontology

  9. Ontology Mapping and Merging A more complex case Mini-ontology Growing ontology Issue: Functional/Nonfunction conflict

  10. Mini-ontology Edited Mini-ontology Ontology Mapping and Merging A more complex case Growing ontology ? Issue: functional/non-functional conflict Default: The merge will make the functional relationship set non-functional. Suggestion: If this is not what is wanted, make the non-functional edge functional before merging.

  11. Ontology Mapping and Merging A more complex case Merged ontology Issue: possible redundant relationship sets: - Country has Name - Country has Language Default: These relationship sets will be removed. Suggestion: If this is not what is wanted, remove/keep relationship sets as desired.

  12. Ontology Mapping and Merging A more complex case Merged ontology New growing ontology

  13. Edited Mini-ontology New growing ontology Merged ontology Ontology Growing Process Mini-ontology Ontology merging algorithms Ontology mapping algorithms Ontology cleaning algorithms

  14. OntoMerge: Framework Ontology editor Cleaning algorithms OntoMerge … Growing ontology Mapping algorithms Merging algorithms Create … … Management functions

  15. Contribution • A tool to support ontology mapping, merging, and cleaning (MMC) • Manual MMC • Enable plug-in algorithms for semi-automatic and automatic MMC • TANGO: ontology creation

  16. The end

  17. TANGO Project An information-gathering engine to assimilate and organize knowledge

  18. TANGO’s working process includes • Recognize and normalize table information • Construct mini-ontologies from normalized table • Discover inter-ontology mapping (UI) • Merge mini-ontology into a growing ontology

  19. Ontology Mapping Based on the characteristics of object sets in two ontologies • Simple mapping • Joint mapping • Union mapping

  20. Ontology Mapping Based on the number of object sets in two different ontologies • The 1:1 cardinality problem • The 1:n (n:1) cardinality problem • The n:m cardinality problem

  21. == Ontology Mapping and Merging • Simple Case

  22. Ontology Mapping • Union Mapping: • 1:n or n:1 • 1:1

  23. Ontology Mapping • Join Mapping • 1:n or n:1 • 1:1

  24. OntoMerge Tool Ontology editor OntoMerge

  25. Concepts: Country, Population total, Population Males and Population Females Relationships: Country[1] has Population total[1:*];Population Males Isa Population total; and Population Females isa Population total Concepts: Country, Population Males, and Population Females Relationships: Country[1] has Population Males[1:*] and Country[1] has Population Females[1:*] Concepts: Country and Population total Relationships: Country[1] has Population total[1:*] Country(s) SimpleMap Country(t) (Population Males, Population Females) UnionMap Population total

  26. == Concepts:Person, Name, First Name, andLast Name Relationships: Person[1] has Name[1:*], First Name[1] isSubPartOf Name[1] and Last Name[1] is SubPartOf Name[1] Ontology Merging • Ontology merging based on join mapping Concepts: Person, First Name and Last Name Relationships: Person[1] has First Name[1:*] and Person[1] has Last Name[1:*] Concepts: Person and Name Relationships: Person[1] has Name[1:*] (First Name[1](s) , Last Name[1](s)) JoinMap Name(t) Person(s) SimpleMap Person(t)

  27. OntoMerge: A tool to support ontology mapping and merging based on existed algorithms • Provide a framework where mapping and merging algorithms can be plugged in • Provide IDS (issue/ default/ suggestions) • Provide users a friendly UI and allow users to fully control mapping and merging including manually map and merge ontologies

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