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Understand electric-power supply systems, energy production and supply chains, market connections, and system concepts in power engineering for effective management. Explore the historical development of energy systems and their networking.
MMEElecture n.1Definition of basic concepts of the course.Management and Marketing in Electric-Power-Engineering MMEE L.1
MMEE • Definition of electric-power-supply system, and its historical development. • Energy production and supply chains, energy management. • Management of supply and consumption systems - energy management. • Market - linking of supply and consumption systems. • Energy systems and their networking Lecture n.1 MMEE L.1
Definition of electric-power-supply system • technical = system providing the power supply for electrical appliances • social = system which is suitable to meet the needs of residents for electricity MMEE L.1
external links SYSTEM impact on the environment imputs outputs internal parts and their connection External influence Technical Electric Power Engineering Electric power system (Electrification system - ES) - It is a generic term for a system that ensures meeting the energy requirements of electricity consumers represented by the electrical machinery and equipment. Electrification system - consists of a set of elements that are interconnected and serve a defined energy objectives - coverage requirements for electricity consumers To define a system is necessary to define the object, its structure, properties and behavior. MMEE L.1
System Concepts - Parameters System = purpose-defined set of elements and relationships between them, which as a whole has a certain property System Element= Smallest elementary part of the system at the selected level of resolution Bonds in the System = way of connecting elements Bond Content = tangible, intangible, information Bond Parameters = ties depends on the nature and purpose of examining (information → type of information medium, frequency) Direction of Links = unidirectional, bidirectional, vertical, horizontal, diagonal System Structure = relatively static, functionally ordered set of elements and relations system System Surroundings = that part of the neighbourhood, which is running in the interaction → open, closed systems, border elements System Target = state whose system has achieved System functions = characteristic that reflects its finality (mission, competence, skill) MMEE L.1
Basic Terminology • Elements of the systems are usually describe by their physic function • Machines (Engine, generators) – transform input energy form to output in difrent form: • electro mechanic generator – mechanic/electric • thermoelectric generator – heat/electric • electric engine - electric/mechanic • - - - • - or in the same form: • electricity converters • transformers • compensators • Equipment – does not carry out transformation, it use for the action the effects of its energy. MMEE L.1
System concepts - properties • Functioning of the system = behavior: • system responses to stimuli → Transformation • the realization of objectives • Transformation = conversion of inputs to outputs • deterministic stimuli cause a clear response • stochastic reaction with a certain probability • The hardness of the system = the rate at which the system can be objectively identified and described exact formalized means: • tough system = generally simple technical systems • Soft system = social and economic • Regulation = active, purposeful influencing the course of processes in the system, so the system was in equilibrium at a constant value - that has not changed: • program - the goal is a function of time • adaptable - result depends on previous states - eexperience • optimal - the goal is to find max. respectively. min. function • control – the goal is changed MMEE L.1
Electric Power System definition System is specifically defined set of elements and links between them (affecting the properties of the system), which as a whole has certain properties. It is a complex of elements found in certain (defined) interaction and has defined inputs and outputs. The system is influenced by the external environment and he also acts on it. MMEE L.1
electric power economy inputting energy form work done by primary (raw) energy source electric consumers electric power system Inputs and Outputs of ES - System Function PCS [W], WCS[W.s] PPS [W], WPS[W.s] Electricity system - electricity power system (ES), electrical energy economy, consisting of a plurality of elements which are interconnected to transform input energy forms for electricity, its transportation and use of consumers and is influenced by, and itself it affects, the external environment. System Functions of ES – without consumption there is not production PPS [W]=PCS[W.s] MMEE L.1
Finally forms Primary sources production, processing consumption transportation efficiency efficiency costs-price pollution pollution costs Power Economy System – subsystem dividing Supplying system Consumption system MMEE L.1
c o n s u m p t i o n p r d u c t i o n o t r n s p o r t Type of ES • for one appliance or for defined group of electric appliance(local concentrate): DECENTRALIZED ES • for all consumers in defined territory (national states): CENTRALIZED ES transport MMEE L.1
Economy Area of social activities, through which they are produced, distributed, exchanged and consumed utility value. Can be classified under: • Territorial area: • state economy, • local economy etc. • The nature of economic relations: • slave, • feudal, • capitalist, • socialist. The economy is the area of human activity that serves to satisfy human needs. Human needs are practically unlimited, resources that can be used to satisfy them are limited. This limitation compels a man to farmwith limited resources, decide on their alternative use, apply the principle of rationality. It requires a certain objective is achieved with minimum resources MMEE L.1
Additional Function of Electric power System • ES has to have interconnected elements allowing the energy flow from the inputs - the primary sources for the desired outputs carried out by electrical appliances. • This system functions is essential for the functioning (operation) of the system • System must respect the law of conservation of energy. • We usually require additional functions from this system: • reliability • operation safety • For these features to be filled, there is necessary to be added to the system other elements that allow us to realize the following functions: • measuring • regulatory Number of the system elements and their interconnections growing up MMEE L.1
ES - historical development • The first ES have been implemented for a limited number of appliances, concentrated in one place = decentralized ES • Next the possibilities and use of electrical appliances started to expand (electric lighting, electric transport). • The deployment of appliances spread from one place to the bigger territorial units • Increase in transport distances to the consumers flowed to the creation of a territorially extensive transport networks – Electric Power Systems – central systems • Electricity has started used for the common needs of all residents of a particular territory (public) and became one of the priority interests of society - the public interest. historical municipal electric systems in CZ MMEE L.1
power economy personal use primary sources electric power goods to exchange Centralisation of electric power systems • Electricity has begun used for personal use, electrical appliances provided work more efficiently and more comfortable way - the work carried out by electrical appliances are divided into: • work consumed by material production and for public service • work consumed by people for personal use • Electricity networks began to be interconnected – Central Systemhas appeared MMEE L.1
Definition of ES from the point of its function Electricity has become a commodity like any tradable commodity subject = subject of the exchange There has been creating market linkages in the system among suppliers and customers There were inputted new elements which enabled: economy, market, information flows To the system came increasingly also the human element comprising elements of the systems owners, operators of technical, financial resources, the realization brokers of system function realisation: ES should be defined from different point of views: technical, economic, energetic, social, market etc.. By using uniformly defined parameters, the individual systems there are therefore possible to compare among themselves MMEE L.1
Goods-market definition Definition of ES in terms of market relations is determined by supply and demand among customers (consumers) and suppliers A system used to satisfy demand for a commodity, and its next utilization by customers being affected and itself influences the external environment. Goods inside the market system is electricity. MMEE L.1
Subsystems of ES • Each system can be divided into subsystems, representing a certain very specific function of the system with which systems can be also compared between themselves • ES can be divided, as well as any system designed to meet the demand for a particular commodity, with respect to its function on two basic subsystems: • resource-supply section - power (supply) • consumer system section Resource-supply system is additionally composed from two basic parts: • Source's part – power stations („manufacturing plant “) • Transport MMEE L.1
supply ES system Transport power system economy personal use personal use PS primary sources power st. TS DS consumption goods to exchange electric power goods to exchange Block's presentation of ES subsystems MMEE L.1
Subsystem of ES • Power stations transform PS to electricity • by market classification, it is possible to classified them as a subject for goods production. Factories generally serve to increase useful properties of inputs to outputs. • Transport ensure delivering of electricity. • in the case of ES is represented by transport roads, which is for ES represented by transport ways called product pipelines or power lines. Power lines are devided to two parts: • Transmissions system (TS) – transport electricity near to consumption • Distribution system (DS) – delivering electricity to consumers MMEE L.1
VHV/VHV VHV/HV HV/HV HV/LV C J B D E A G H F I Basic voltage dividing of ES – technical parameters TS production supply system consumption MMEE L.1
Owners´ structure of ES in CZ Power sources Consump. Czech TSO Distribution sys. Transmission levels : 400 kV (2900 km), 220 kV (1440 km), 110 kV (105 km) = hard lines – power output of power station EMĚ2) Distribution levels: 110 kV, 22 (35 kV), 0,4 kV MMEE L.1
Schema of CZ TS MMEE L.1
Schema of France TS MMEE L.1
Czech DS of 110 KV MMEE L.1
France TS and main lines of DS MMEE L.1
DS – owners in CZ MMEE L.1
Production, Processing Concumption Transport Electric Power System vs. Power System Power System serves to ensure production, transport and utilisation of the Final Energy Forms which are possible to buy on the power market. Power supply system Final forms Primary sources Power Economy MMEE L.1
Electric power system System of power supply for defined territory – continent, state, region, area wit final energy form – electricity - ES MMEE L.1
Which final energy forms we have? (We need or we can buy) What man needs for live: • food • heat • light • motion Energy forms required = Final Energy Forms UTILISATION Preserving life = Personal Use For the needs of other = goods to exange (material production) MMEE L.1
Primary Source Dividing Non-renewable Renewable PS of defined territory includes natural sources (in the territory extracted or imported with and reduced by energy exports and change in stocks) How PS are balanced is prescribed by the methodology of implementation of energy balance MMEE L.1
Power system producers Production plants serve to utility properties increase of input materials to output (input form is transform to finally energy form = product). Processing plants (systems) serve for processing of input materials (energy form input and output is the same or input is transform to another – output form is is used as final energy or for energy production) Product plant in CZ - Thermal power station Tušimice Processing plant in CZ Oil Refinery Kralupy MMEE L.1
Transformation process (production) where inputs go to outputs work force working means Production Technology transformation Products Services working object inputs utilisation process outputs Production is process of utilisation value creation by consumption of inputs. MMEE L.1
Power transport systems Transport systems depend on the type of transport energy form or on it's physical state phase gas electricity coal MMEE L.1
Power systems and their divisions Control systems of the production of utilised energy form (factories system): electricity = power stations system heat = heating plants systems liquid fuels = refineries system Control systems of the transport of utilised energy form (for product pipe-lines): electricity = transmission and distribution systems of electricity heat = transmission and distribution systems of heat gas fuels = transmission and distribution systems of gas Control systems of the production, transport and distribution of utilised energy form : electricity = electric power economy = electric power system = electrification network (ES) heat = heat economy = heat power systems = system of central heat supply (HCS) gas fuels = gas fuels economy = gasification system (GS) MMEE L.1
Gasification system – gas network Transmission gas lines Distribution gas lines high pressure pressure reducing station midle pressure low pressure gas consumption very hight pressure MMEE L.1
Transient gas pipe lines High gas pipelines Interconnection place Underground accumulation Ústí n.L Hora Sv.Kateřiny Hradec Králové Ostrava Praha Třanovice Plzeň Lobodice Háje Štramberk Waidhaus Brno Tvrdoňovice České Budějovice Dunajovice Mokrý Háj Lanžhot Transients gas system of CZ MMEE L.1
Horá Sv.Kateřiny Waidhaus Lanžhot předávací místa compress station transit system Hraniční předávací stanice accumulation high presure pipe lines high pressure gas lines of DS High pressure lines of distribution gas systems MMEE L.1
Scheme of distribution gas system MMEE L.1
Decentralised heat distribution system primary networ secondary network transfer station local peak source heat source heat consumption heat consumption MMEE L.1
Distribution Heat Networks in region – Zlin region -Moravia • HN – does not cooperate • heat losses Heat consumption in GJ MMEE L.1
Prag´s HN Like the electrical (voltage) and gas network (pressure) for transport over long distances we use higher parameters chosen heating medium (water temperatures and pressures in the mains), the transfer station providing a transformation to parameters of the distribution or consumption. In HN there is possible to transform parameters to higher level, but we use only transformation to lower parameters (II. Thermodynamic law) MMEE L.1
Transport of oil's product MMEE L.1
Management definition Directing processes or activities that take place in a certain dynamic set (capable of change) of interconnected elements - system MMEE L.1
Function of control system Learned responses to selected processes Mental model of the process Emergency procedures Operating procedures Since the control system is required to fulfil individual specific tasks, either in whole or in part as a proportion of a task shared with any other system or personnel. Possible activities Emergency situation the expected result Automatic control Decision Feedback connection Control systems of ES Technology process Activity MMEE L.1
Definition of control concept Control – an intervention to the processes in the system, for the purpose of influencing their course and the consequences to which they lead. It is the activity, whose necessary, but not sufficient characteristic, is the decision, i.e. the variant of the plurality from previously unknown variant solutions. Regulation - there is a choice only from a predetermined plurality of known variants. The process which is based on a specific - anticipated entry, only the automatic response - a confirmation predetermined solution to the situation. No variants of the situation development are created No need of variants of possible development arof the situation, but these variants are predefined and ready for use as a rule, we can not ensure that other than the default, respectively programmed output. MMEE L.1
Technician control definition Control programme Control target Control system The control system allows purposefully act on the driven object to always achieve the desired state of technological system Information about the state of control system Control instructions Control object Outstanding influence MMEE L.1
Regulation required temperature deviation real value action System heat source and room regulator Control of the procedure, which uses feedback (feedback control). The objective of control is to ensure a desired value of the controlled variables (e.g. temperature in the room, the level in the tank), or a desired waveform (e.g. the course of temperature in the room according to a daily or weekly program, heating or temperature in a chemical reactor according to the production recipe). MMEE L.1