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Empowering Maths Education with National Maths Hubs

Discover how Maths Hubs lead a national initiative to enhance math teaching, curriculum, and leadership in schools. Explore the strategic partnerships and operational support driving the Teaching for Mastery approach. Get insights into key principles and priorities shaping math education across England.

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Empowering Maths Education with National Maths Hubs

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  1. BBO Maths Hub Welcome 7th February 2019 bbomathshub.org.uk

  2. What are Maths Hubs and what is their remit? Determined support for all schools/colleges to improve: • the teaching of mathematics • the leadership of mathematics • the school’s mathematics curriculum

  3. National Maths Hubs Programme • Flagship DfE funded Initiative • 35 regional hubs to provide specialist, school-led support to improve Maths education • Coordinated by the NCETM to provide national expertise and leadership • Cross-phase, collaborative, joined up

  4. Where Maths Hubs fit in the Landscape • Teaching Schools • Approx 800 Teaching Schools vs 35 Maths Hubs. Many Maths Hubs led by a Teaching School. • Teaching Schools: lead on tailored school-to-school support from SLEs, NLEs etc., local PD provision • Maths Hubs: lead national workgroups, and local workgroups focusing on maths education priorities • Often working together: several Teaching School SLEs lead or work together in work groups through Maths Hubs • Local Authority (LA) teams • Some Teaching for Mastery leads, Hub Steering Group members or local workgroup leads also work for LA teams • Multi-Academy Trusts (MAT) • Some Teaching for Mastery leads and PD leads are MAT or Federation based teachers • However all Maths Hub funded workgroups must be open to all, so these teachers work with a range of schools • Some MAT teachers taking part in workgroups led by teachers from outside their MATs

  5. Maths Hub Growth Maths Lead Hub Administrator Senior Leader with a strategic role School Other Institution Lead School: Providing the mathematical and partnership leadership Strategic partners: Working with the lead school to provide strategic leadership for the hubs Operational partners: Further local leadership and specialist expertise to support whole area

  6. Maths Hubs Strategic Priorities 2018/19 (March 2018)

  7. Teaching for Mastery 5 big ideas • Access • Pattern • Making Connections • Chains of Reasoning • Making Connections Mathematical Thinking Representation & Structure Coherence Small steps are easier to take Variation Fluency • Procedural • Conceptual • Making Connections • Number Facts • Table Facts • Making Connections

  8. Teaching for Mastery Key Points The Essence of Maths Teaching for Mastery, NCETM Devoting more time to introduction of key concepts Focusing on one key idea only per lesson Keeping the whole class together Concentrating on pupils’ thinking (as well as doing) Anticipating difficult points and misconceptions Choosing representations and models carefully Planning questioning carefully Expecting and supporting precise explanations and reasoning from pupils Applying variation theory Intervening quickly to support those falling behind

  9. Teaching for Mastery Specialists Secondary Specialists Year 1: Develop their own practice in their classroom Year 2: Implement TfM across their department Year 3+: Work with other schools, facilitating TRG & undertaking supportive school visits. Primary Specialists Year 1: Develop their own practice and implement across their own school Year 2+: Work with other schools, facilitating TRG & undertaking supportive school visits. Classroom teachers who receive national training to increase their knowledge and hold a deep understanding of Teaching for Mastery (TfM). Implement TfM into their own practice and across their school, with support from SLT and their designated TfM Lead. Supported to have the skills to facilitate Teacher Research Groups (TRG) with other schools across the region.

  10. A long-term investment The DfE is committed to the programme to embed maths teaching for mastery throughout England’s schools. Funding has been agreed until 2023 for Teaching for Mastery, by which time it is planned to have involved over 60% of primary schools and 50% of secondaries across England. Assurance from Ofsted that Teaching for Mastery is wholly consistent with the Mathematics curriculum, as both the new curriculum and the Ofsted handbook stress that the objective of teaching was to create deeper understanding rather than to accelerate pupils into new content.

  11. National Collaborative Projects Early Years: NCP 18-07 • Focus on core subject content, effective Early Years pedagogies, language Northern Powerhouse Projects • Early Years Subject Knowledge (8 days) • Early Years PD Lead Pilot National Early Years Professional Development Materials on website Hub level Innovation work

  12. National Collaborative Projects Primary NCP18-01 Cohort 4 of TfM Primary Specialists NCP18-02 China – England Exchange (Primary) NCP18-08 Primary TfM Work Groups NCP18-09 Sustaining (2017/18) Primary TfM Work Groups NCP18-10 Mastery Readiness NCP18-11 Primary Focused Issue • a.) Lesson design • b.) Intervention in a Mastery context • c.) Planning for greater depth NCP18-20 Primary Subject Knowledge Enhancement Assessment for Mastery Materials and PD materials on the NCETM website Hub Level Innovation Work

  13. National Collaborative Projects Secondary & Post-16: NCP18-02 China – England Exchange (Secondary) NCP18-03 Secondary Mastery Specialists Programme NCP18-12 Secondary TfM Work Groups NCP18-14 Y5-Y8 continuity NCP18-13 Mathematical thinking for GCSE NCP18-15 Challenging topics at GCSE NCP18-16 Supporting post-16 GCSE resit NCP18-17 Supporting Core Maths NCP18-18 Embedding A level technology NCP18-19 Developing A Level teaching Assessment for Mastery Materials and PD materials on the NCETM website Hub Level Innovation Work

  14. Advanced Mathematics Support Programme (MEI) NCETM/Maths Hubs working with AMSP AMSP supports increased participation in level 3 mathematics (Core Maths, AS/A level Maths, AS/A level Further Maths) Serves all state-funded schools and colleges in England Extra focus on opportunity areas and areas of low participation

  15. BBO EYFS & Primary Opportunities Please see our website for latest news bbomathshub.org.uk • EYFS Work Group, Bracknell Forest*New Cohort* Back by popular demand! Nathan Crook will be running a third cohort of this popular work group, focusing on key concepts in Early Years development and effective pedagogies that support EY mathematics learning. The work group will be based at Uplands Primary School. Yr5-8 Continuity Work Group : Multiplicative Reasoning, Oxford Teachers from different phases work together to improve communication between Key Stages 2 and 3, with the overall aim of improving continuity of learning by pupils in the four years between Years 5 and 8. Participants will focus on multiplicative reasoning develop a consistent approach to it through discussion, joint lesson design and delivery, observation and the development of documentation to support continuity. • SEND Work Group, Chesham Participants will explore ways to encourage reasoning and the use of manipulatives, providing a different approach to working with SEND students across mainstream and special schools. The pedagogy introduced, and any resources trialled, would support the principles of teaching for mastery. • Primary Subject Knowledge Enhancement, Reading and Bracknell *New Cohorts* Two additional cohorts of this popular work group. Led by Nathan Crook, the two sessions are based around Fractions and Progression with Calculation.

  16. Secondary & Post 16 Opportunities Please see our website for latest news bbomathshub.org.uk • SEND Work Group, Chesham Participants will explore ways to encourage reasoning and the use of manipulatives, providing a different approach to working with SEND students across mainstream and special schools. The pedagogy introduced, and any resources trialled, would support the principles of teaching for mastery. The work group comprises 3 full-day sessions and is based at the Chiltern Hills Academy, Chesham. • Challenging Topics at GCSE: The Trouble with Fractions, Slough This work group will be led by Dr. Fiona Curtis from Reading University and will focus on fractions; the issues, the misconceptions and how these might be addressed. The work group comprises 4 afternoon sessions, 1-4pm and is based at Burnham Park Hall. • Yr5– 8 Continuity, Oxford Lucy Sayce-Browne will be leading this work group with the aim of developing common approaches within Primary and Secondary teaching to support students in their transition to Secondary School. Based at Unipart House in Oxford. • Core Maths, Oxon The Core Maths Work Group is next meeting on Thursday 28th March at Wheatley Park School, Oxon. This project, run collaboratively by the Maths Hubs Network and the AMSP, will contribute to the wider national effort to grow and embed Core Maths confidence and culture within school and college maths departments.

  17. Immediate Opportunity nextweek! Please see our website for latest news bbomathshub.org.uk

  18. Secondary Mastery Open Sessions & Taster Days Following the successful Secondary Shanghai Showcase events at the end of January, we are delighted to be offering a number of open mornings across our region for secondary school teachers wishing to explore the Teaching for Mastery approach. The Open Mornings are based around a lesson observation and then Q&A with our Mastery Specialist and are hosted by: • Baylis Court School, Slough • The Oxford Academy • Tring School • Wycombe High School Secondary Mastery Taster Days will take place at The Oxford Academy on the 20th May and at Baylis Court School on the 18th June.

  19. Our Reach https://bbomathshub.org.uk/get-involved/

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