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Test your knowledge on economic policy, taxes, and trade with this interactive Jeopardy game. Learn about legislation, finance, taxes, and more. Challenge your friends and have fun!
JEOPARDY GAME RULES FINAL ROUND Legislation Misc. Information Taxes Finance Trade 100 100 100 100 100 200 200 200 200 200 300 300 300 300 300 400 400 400 400 400 500 500 500 500 500
Category A 100 Deregulation is part of this type of economic policy
Category A 100 What is Laissez-Faire economics?
Category A 200 The total value of all goods and services produced by all firms in a specified period of time
Category A 200 What is aggregate supply?
Category A 300 A chart showing the quantity of real GDP purchased at each possible price level
Category A 300 What is aggregate demand?
Category A 400 This man said the economy is divided into four sectors- consumer, investment, government, and foreign, and that the health of the economy is based on the spending of all sectors, each impacts the others
Category A 400 Who is John Maynard Keynes?
Category A 500 The oldest, most prestigious stock exchange
Category A 500 What is the New York Stock Exchange?
Category B 100 When a supplier can past on a tax increase, known as the incident of a tax, to the consumer demand is said to be what?
Category B 100 What is inelastic?
Category B 200 A charge placed on certain items such as alcohol and cigarettes to control or change behavior and/or to raise government revenue
Category B 200 What is a sin tax?
Category B 300 Also known as a flat tax, the same % of tax is levied on everyone regardless of income.
Category B 300 What is a proportional tax?
Category B 400 Tax you are required to pay for old age and medical care
Category B 400 What is FICA?
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Category B 500 When exports are taxed it is known as a customs duty or this
Category B 500 What is a tariff?
Category C 100 The idea that supply and demand for the worker’s skills and services determine the wage or salary.
Category C 100 What is the traditional theory of wage determination?
Category C 200 The idea that employers are willing to pay more in wages to those who have special skills or degrees, or special abilities
Category C 200 What is the signaling theory?
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Category C 300 This legislation gave employers the right to sue unions for breaking contracts, 80 day strike delay, and allowed states to pass right to work laws
Category C 300 What is the Taft-Hartley Act?
Category C 400 Also known as the Wagner Act established the right of unions to collective bargain
Category C 400 What is the National Labor Relations Act?
Category C 500 When a neutral third party collects facts and makes non-binding recommendations for resolving the dispute
Category C 500 What is fact-finding?
Category D 100 It must be portable, durable, divisible, and have limited durability.
Category D 100 What is money?
Category D 200 Coupon, par value, and maturity are all parts of this.
Category D 200 What is a bond ?
Category D 300 The privately owned, publicly controlled central bank of the United States that controls the supply of money
Category D 300 What is the (FED) Federal Reserve System?
Category D 400 The term for money that includes traveler checks, coins, currency, and demand deposit and checking accounts
Category D 400 What is M1?
Category D 500 The currencies used by countries to conduct international trade
Category D 500 What is foreign exchange?
Category E 100 The tax placed on imports that is high enough to give the government income, but low enough not to restrict trade
Category E 100 What is a revenue tariff?
Category E 200 People that promote the restriction of imports in favor of domestic industry
Category E 200 Who are protectionists?
Category E 300 This replaced GATT and administers trade agreements, helps with trade negotiations settles disputes between countries, and aids developing countries
Category E 300 What is the World Trade Organization (WTO)?
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