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This outline covers the basics of surgical pathology, including vocabulary mining, specimen codes, and generating rules for diagnosis coding. It also explores the structure of surgical pathology reports and the use of computer-assisted coding in this field.
Computer-assisted coding for surgical pathology Outline • What is surgical pathology? • A typical pathology report • Structure of pathology reports • Vocabulary mining • Structure of lexicon • Suffixes • Specimen codes • Generating rules • Recent work: diagnosis coding • Alignment EM for non-math geeks
Pathology subspecialties Surgical pathology (a.k.a. “histopathology”): • Pathologist examines surgical specimens, makes diagnosis • Transcriptionist types up verbal report • Computer assigns best-guess insurance codes for review by human coders • Coding system: CPT-4 • Six levels of coding for specimens, plus add-ons: • Intraoperative consultations • Microscopic stains • Decalcification of bone Other pathology modalities not covered: • Flow cytometry • Cytology • Anatomical pathology (autopsies) • Drug testing • Molecular genetics • Immunology ... etc. ...
SURGICAL PATHOLOGY REPORT CLINICAL INFORMATION: HIDRADENITIS DIAGNOSIS: A - Right axillary lymph node, biopsy: Benign reactive lymph node. B - Skin and soft tissue of right axilla, excision: Hidradenitis suppurativa. See description. SPECIMEN: A) AXILLARY NODE RT SIDE B) AXILLARY RT HIDRADENITIS GROSS EXAMINATION: A - The container is labeled FIRSTNAME LASTNAME, right axillary lymph node. Received fresh is an enlarged lymph node with surrounding yellow adipose tissue. The entire specimen measures 5 x 3 x 1.5 cm. and the lymph node measures 3 x 1.5 x 1.5 cm. The lymph node has a tan nodal parenchyma which is partially replaced by fat. A representative section is submitted. B - The container is labeled FIRSTNAME LASTNAME, right axillary hidradenitis. Received in formalin is an unoriented segment of skin and subcutaneous tissue measuring 9.5 x 4 cm. and is excised to a depth of 2.5 cm. The skin surface is brown with several ulcerations the largest of which measures 3 cm. in greatest dimension. Sections through the specimen reveal no large masses. There is a 0.6 cm. cystic space in the dermis along one edge of the specimen. Representative sections are submitted in two cassettes. AMG/DKR:cac MICROSCOPIC EXAMINATION: A - This is a benign appearing lymph node which has reactive follicular and interfollicular hyperplasia. B - Skin is partly ulcerated in association with a sinus tract lined by granulation tissue and a mixed chronic and purulent inflammatory response. This forms a small cystic abscess cavity in dermis/subcutis which appears to extend to one margin of the sample.
Structure of surgical pathology notes • Regions: • Clinical Information (why surgery was done) • Final Diagnosis (what pathologist found) • Gross Exam (by eye; chain of responsibility) • Microscopic Exam (optional) • Each specimen gets its own CPT code • Information about specimens distributed throughout the note • Ergo, crucial to keep track of which piece of text refers to which specimen • Good news: Most pathologists (90%?) use labels for coreference • Bad news: Can be more than one label per line DIAGNOSIS: A, C & D - Specimens labeled "possible left submandibular gland", excisional biopsies: Benign lymph nodes. No salivary gland tissue is present. B - Specimen labeled "possible left submandibular gland", excisional biopsy: Segment of unremarkable fibrofatty connective tissue. E - Left submandibular gland, excisional biopsy: Chronic sialoadenitis with mild fibrosis. • Sample label combinations to “fan out”: • “A and B”, “A & B” • “A-C”, “A through C” (includes B) • “A, C & D” (doesn't include B)
Vocabulary mining Used tf/idf to extract distinctive/characteristic language • High frequency in target set • Low frequency in overall corpus Various sets of comparison corpora: • All notes that received a given code vs. all notes that didn't e.g., "biopsy" preponderated in Level IV notes • Surgical pathology notes vs. radiology notes e.g., "nevus", "polyp", "Giemsa stain", "resection", ... Largely manual categorization and synonym-detection, done in collaboration with SME's
Structure of lexicon • Categories: bodypart, procedure, stain type, other • Entry = norm with optional variants (synonyms, acronyms, misspellings, irregular plurals) • Longest match preferred • Regular plurals automatically computed • Terms containing non-word characters converted into regexes, indexed by first word for efficiency <entry cat="procedure"><norm>ASPIRATION</norm></entry> <entry cat="procedure"> <norm>FNA</norm> <var>FINE NEEDLE ASPIRATION</var> </entry> <entry cat="bodypart"> <norm>BILE DUCT</norm> <var>BILIARY DUCT</var> <var>BILE DUCK</var> <!-- i kid you not --> </entry>
Lexical exceptions • Avoid mis-tagging ambiguous words/phrases • Example: “Gram” stain used to identify microorganisms DON'T want to assign stain code for these phrases: • “Specimen weighs 140 grams” • “140-gram specimen” • “Weight in grams:” DO want to assign stain code for these phrases: • “Negative for diplococci by Gram” • “Stains used: Gram, GMS, H&E” • “Gram reveals no evidence of anthrax bacilli” <entry cat="stain12"> <norm>GRAM</norm> <!-- grams (as in "weighs 3 grams") isn't plural of this entry, so create an exception for it --> <except>GRAMS</except> <!-- "<number> gram" is probably a measure of weight; ditto --> <except regex=”true”>\d+\W+GRAM</except> </entry>
Suffixes • Tacked onto all sorts of stems (“bunionectomy”!) • Often useful even if you don't know what the root means • Examples: • -ectomy: Cutting out (ex- 'out' + -tomy 'cut') • -(o)cele: Rupture, hernia • -oma: Tumor Lexical entries: <entry cat="procedure"> <norm>RESECTION</norm> <var>RESECT</var> <var type="suffix">-ECTOMY</var> <var type="suffix">-OSTOMY</var> </entry> <entry cat="bodypart"> <norm>UTERUS</norm> <var>HYSTERECTOMY</var> </entry> Result of tagging “HYSTERECTOMY”: <TAG cat="bodypart" norm="UTERUS">HYSTER</TAG><TAG cat="procedure" norm="RESECTION">ECTOMY</TAG>
Suffixation exceptions Example: -oma 'tumor' As in: carcinoma, melanoma, adenoma, ... But not: • stoma (surgical opening in the abdomen) • hematoma (lit. “blood tumor”, but really just a swelling) • lipoma (lump of fatty tissue, not technically a tumor for coding purposes) “Stoma” is easy: Tell the tagger that a stem must contain vowels. For the others, though, we add an anti-de-suffixation attribute in the lexicon: <entry cat="other"> <norm>TUMOR</norm> <var type="suffix">-OMA</var> <var type="suffix">-OMATA</var> <var type="suffix">-OMATOUS</var> </entry> <entry cat="other" suffix="false"><norm>HEMATOMA</norm><entry> <entry cat="other" suffix="false"><norm>LIPOMA<norm></entry>
Specimen codes Six CPT codes, ordered roughly by invasiveness of surgery: • 88300 - Level I: Gross exam only (the rest require microscopic examination) • 88302 - Level II: e.g. appendix, incidental; fallopian tube, sterilization; fingers/toes, traumatic (accidental) amputation; foreskin, newborn; hernia sac; hydrocele sac; nerve; skin, plastic repair; ... • 88304 - Level III: e.g. abortion; abscess; appendix, non-incidental;arterial or ventricular aneurysm; anal tags; appendectomy; biopsy of conjunctiva; bone fragments,except pathologic fracture; arterial plaque; certain cysts; ... • 88305 - Level IV: e.g. miscarriage; biopsy of artery, axilla, bladder, bone marrow, cervix (except cone biopsy)..., tonsil, urethra, vocal cord, vulva; bone exostosis (e.g. calcaneal spurs); brain tissue, except biopsy or... • 88307 - Level V: e.g. adrenal glands; bone biopsy/curettings; bone fragments from pathologic fracture; biopsy of bone marrow, brain, heart, liver, lung, pancreas, prostate, testis; cervical cone biopsy; brain tumor resection; colon, segmental resection not for tumor; breast excisional biopsy; mastectomy without lymph nodes; ... • 88309 - Level VI: e.g. bone resection; mastectomy with lymph nodes; colon,segmental resection for tumor; esophagus, partial/total resection; ... Big buckets, few generalizations possible
Automatic code assignment? • Good: 30,000 coded surgical-pathology reports from customer • Bad: All were coded by a single coder, inexperienced in pathology • Lacking a gold standard, statistical approaches infeasible • Found a “crib sheet” (humans can't do it either!): http://www.pathology.med.umich.edu/intra/templates/cribsheet.pdf Sample: 88305 Prostate transurethral resection (TUR) 88304 Pterygium 88307 Pulmonary wedge resection 88307 Quadrantectomy 88305 Rectal biopsy 88305 Rectal polyp 88305 Reduction mammoplasty 88305 Renal biopsy 88309 Retroperitoneal mass--for tumor 88307 Retroperitoneal mass--other than for tumor 88305 Adnexa--ovary w/ or w/o tube, non-neoplastic 88305 Ovary biopsy or wedge resection 88305 Ovary w/ or w/o fallopian tube--non-neoplastic 88307 Adnexa--ovary w/ or w/o tube, neoplastic 88307 Ovary with or without fallopian tube--neoplastic
Generating rules for code assignment • Tagged cribsheet using lexicon, auto-generated about 350 rules • Edited by hand for exceptions etc. -- about a day's work • Rule application mechanism: competition -- first to apply wins • Rules ordered by: • Code – from Level VI down to Level I • Presence of “other”-type features (e.g. neoplasm) • Number of components • Bodyparts (alphabetical) • Procedures (alphabetical) • Performance substantially improved over prototype • Perfectly coded reports: 52.6% -> 79.2% • Overall F-measure: 66% -> 84% • Bonus: Resulting system largely maintainable by SME's!
Recent work: Diagnostic coding • Now have ~150,000 surgical-pathology reports from various development partners • Susceptible to statistical approaches • Diagnostic coding system: ICD-9 (soon ICD-10) Vocabulary discovery • Work done by colleague for independent CPT-related effort • Inferred hierarchy from regularities in descriptions of ICD-9 codes 891.0: Open wound of knee, leg (except thigh), and ankle, without mention of complication 891.1: Open wound of knee, leg (except thigh), and ankle, complicated • Correlated n-grams not in lexicon with inferred nodes in hierarchy (correlation measures: log likelihood, mutual info, DICE, chi-squared) • Mined for terms not in lexicon • Head start on coding... but what about terms highly correlated across multiple nodes?
Expectation maximization • “Iterative method for computing maximum-likelihood estimates of parameters in statistical models” (thank you, Wikipedia) • Given a model, what parameters make observed results most probable? • Applications: psychometrics, computer vision, image processing, finance, … • In NLP: • Baum-Welch (“forward-backward”) algorithm for HMMs • Inside-outside algorithm for probabilistic CFGs • Expectation: Create a function for expected log-likelihood with current parameters • Maximization: Compute parameters that maximize the expectation function • Analogy: Pumping water through a system of pipes (thank you, Philip Resnik)
Expectation maximization for alignment Recipe: • EM over Bayesian probabilities • Per report: m linguistic feature vectors, n codes • Start with uniform distribution, all alignments equal probability weight: 1/(m*n) • E-step -- For each alignment i,j: Compute Ei,j = sum of probability weights over all reports • M-step: For each report: • Insert E's computed for each alignment • Then re-normalize table so E's sum to 1 (redistributing probability mass) • Lather, rinse, repeat • Probability mass magically converges on correct alignments (even when incorrect alignments have similar numbers of instances)
Simple example Initial: C1 C2 C1 C3 C2 C4 FV1 | 0.25 | 0.25 || FV1 | 0.25 | 0.25 || FV2 | 0.25 | 0.25 | FV2 | 0.25 | 0.25 || FV3 | 0.25 | 0.25 || FV4 | 0.25 | 0.25 | Loop 1: Sum Ei,j over notes, then plug it back into each cell. C1 C2 C1 C3 C2 C4 FV1 | 0.5 | 0.25 || FV1 | 0.5 | 0.25 || FV2 | 0.5 | 0.25 | FV2 | 0.25 | 0.5 || FV3 | 0.25 | 0.25 || FV4 | 0.25 | 0.25 | Then normalize Ei,j's back to probabilities. C1 C2 C1 C3 C2 C4 FV1 | 0.33 | 0.17 || FV1 | 0.4 | 0.2 || FV2 | 0.4 | 0.2 | FV2 | 0.17 | 0.33 || FV3 | 0.2 | 0.2 || FV4 | 0.2 | 0.2 | By Loop 11, we have (with some rounding errors): C1 C2 C1 C3 C2 C4 FV1 | 0.5 | 0.0 || FV1 | 0.98 | 0.01 || FV2 | 0.98 | 0.01 | FV2 | 0.0 | 0.5 || FV3 | 0.01 | 0.01 || FV4 | 0.01 | 0.01 |
Oops: Conditional probability, not joint Revised recipe: • Per report: m linguistic feature vectors, n codes • Joint probability: Start with all alignments equal probability weight: 1/(m*n) • Oops! Conditional probability: 1/n (number of codes) • E-step -- For each alignment i,j: Compute Ei,j = sum of probability weights over all reports • M-step: For each report: • Insert E's computed for each alignment • Then re-normalize so E's sum to 1 (redistributing probability mass) • Joint: Probabilities over whole table sum to 1 • Oops! Conditional: Probabilities for each column (i.e. code) sum to 1 • Lather, rinse, repeat • Probability mass magically converges on correct alignments (even when incorrect alignments have similar numbers of instances) But in the problem domain, it didn't make much difference, because...