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Global Infrastructures

Explore the concept of information infrastructures through large-scale technologies and interconnected social elements. Learn about complexity, scaling/growth, integration, standardization-flexibility, organizing/governance, empirical studies, and software development.

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Global Infrastructures

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  1. Global Infrastructures Globally Scalable Information Infrastructures http://www.mn.uio.no/ifi/forskning/grupper/gi/index.html Kristin Braa

  2. People • Faculty • Sundeep Sahay, Jørn Braa, Ole Hanseth, Margunn Aanestad, Jens Kaasbøl, Kristin Braa, Lars Groth • 20% • Petter Nielsen Telenor, Eric Monteiro (NTNU), Ola Henfridson (Victoria Instituttet (Gøteborg)), Magne Jørgensen (Simula), Bente Anda (Skattedirektoratet), Dietmar Pfahl, Lars Groth(Avenir) • Postdocs/researchers • Miria Grisot, Knut Staring, Lars Helge Ødegård, Ola Titlestad • App. 40 Ph.D. students

  3. Focus • Information infrastructures is a concept describing large scale, complex, and networked technologies such as the Internet (or e.g. DNBNor and OUS with 3500 integrated applications) • Include both the technical components and also the interconnected social and organizational elements such as work practices, organizational arrangements, human resources, politics, and other institutional conditions. • Complexity • Scaling/growth • Integration strategies, architectures • Standardization-flexibility • Organizing/governance/collaboration • Understanding, knowing how-to, doing • Empirical Studies & Software development

  4. Områder Renewableenergy for health and com. In dev. countries Open source development for Health in the south Pasientjournaler Mobilt Internet og Cloud Computing

  5. Cources • INF5210 Information Infrastructures (H) • INF5500 - Empiriske metoder og evidensbaserte beslutninger i systemutvikling (H) • INF5750 Open Source Software development and Java frameworks in global networks (H) • INF5780 Open source, open collaboration and innovation (H) • INF5761 - Health Management Information Systems (V) • INF5930 Action Research Workshop (V) • INF?? Master seminar in Information Systems (H)

  6. Meet the GI group! • Thursday August 25th 6 floor at 3 pm – 5 pm • Pizza together with presentation of projects

  7. Health Information Systems Program • HISP is a global network headed and initiated at the Department of Informatics, University of Oslo since 1994. • Responsible for the development of the open source District Health Information Software (DHIS2) implemented in 16 African countries and India, Bangladesh and Vietnam • National standard for intra state HMIS in India. Implemented in 21 states • Health Information Software (DHIS) is developed, customized and used for reporting, analysis and presentation of aggregated health data for analysis at all levels catering for the various programs (HIV, ANC, Malaria, EPI etc) • WHO is adopting DHIS as part of their standard

  8. Internet IIs for governance of the health care sector in developing countries ”Complexity theory” Design Theory For IIs Patient record/ Iis for patient care Research strategy

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