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Manage Yourself - manage your time!

Take control of your time by managing yourself effectively. Learn to prioritize, say no, avoid procrastination, and handle interruptions. Utilize Pareto’s Law and the ABC Method for optimal results. Streamline your tasks with the ‘TOSS’ Principle. Act promptly to prevent overwhelm.

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Manage Yourself - manage your time!

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  1. Manage Yourself - manage your time!

  2. Everyone has 2 choices:ORGANIZE or ‘go with the flow’(Yoder-Wise, 1999)

  3. Think of ‘time management’ more as SELF MANAGEMENTStephen R.Covey

  4. When we begin toMANAGE OURSELVESwe will begin toMANAGE OUR TIME!

  5. Where does our time go? Group Work

  6. Where does our time go? Doing too much Inability to say ‘no’ Procrastination Complaining Perfectionism Interruptions Disorganization Too much information

  7. What are our existing ideas or methods to manage time? Group Work

  8. “That which we persist in doing becomes easier - - not that the nature of the task has changed, but our ability to do has increased.” Ralph Waldo Emerson

  9. Pareto’s Law (80/20 Principle) Vilfredo Pareto – (1843-1923), a French- Italian economist & sociologist. • “Law” first published in 1896-97, related to taxes, i.e. 20% people paid 80% of taxes. • Currently, observed/used in diverse settings. • e.g. ~20% patients utilize up to ~80% hospital’s resources. • 80% of the work is done by 20% of the people!

  10. Pareto’s Law 20% of our time is spent accomplishing 80% of the important tasks. If we can "expand" that 20%, we can greatly "expand" our accomplishments.

  11. Classification of Priorities IMPORTANT YES NO YES I III URGENT NO II IV

  12. The ABC MethodIt ranks tasks into three categories: A = Vital B = Important C = Nice

  13. ‘TOSS’ Principle re. Paperwork / E-mail • Trim – remove yourself from excess E-mail, mail, memos, minutes, policy documents, newsletters... • Save –file things you must save immediately. Regularly compress and purge paper and electronic files. 80% of what you keep, you’ll never use again! • Outsource immediately – throw it away, pass it on... • Start – Do it now.Set aside time daily to handle Email and paperwork, then bin it, handle it, answer it, file it as you work through the pile.

  14. Final Thought

  15. If you do nothing about it in 24 hours… you’ll do probably do nothing about it!!

  16. Thank YouDiolch

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