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The GEF Small Grants Programme GEF Constituency Meeting – Africa Cape Town, South Africa

Explore exemplary environmental projects in Botswana, Lesotho, and Malawi supported by the GEF Small Grants Programme. Discover how initiatives like sustainable energy adoption and waste management contribute to conservation and community empowerment.

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The GEF Small Grants Programme GEF Constituency Meeting – Africa Cape Town, South Africa

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  1. The GEF Small Grants Programme GEF Constituency Meeting – Africa Cape Town, South Africa 1-3 November, 2011


  3. SGP REGIONAL OVERVIEW Regional Portfolio Distribution by Focal Area

  4. SGP BotswanaExamples of Successful Projects • Bush Encroachment Management and relocation of Black Rhino at Khama Rhino Sanctuary Goal: To increase the tourism potential through controlling bush encroachment and re-introduction of a male black rhino Main Activities: Engage communities in controlling bush encroachment and trans-location of the black male rhino from Zimbabwe Key Results: 150 ha cleared of encroaching species, the availability male rhino • Promotion of adoption of renewable energy through solar home systems Goal: To reduce environmental pressure and green house gas emissions by introducing the use of solar energy Main Activities: Installation of 32 solar home systems for needy families Key Results: Solar home systems installed, completed and handed • Urban Agriculture for Community Empowerment Goal: To enhance environmental awareness through backyard gardening Main Activities: Establishment of 10 organic backyard gardens for families Key Results: Families established backyard gardens, planted vegetables and shared both the harvest, skill and knowledge with their neighbors

  5. SGP Botswana Country Level Impact SGP projects supported , documented and influenced: • At national level: CESRIKI has been appointed to produce the indigenous knowledge policy for the Ministry of Infrastructure Science & Technology due to Ethno-survey and Promotion of Indigenous Knowledge System-Based Solutions for Botswana; the Ministry of Environment Wildlife and Tourism adopted avi-tourism as part of the eco-tourism initiative by BirdLife Botswana on Towards a Red Data Book • At local level: The Teemashane Community Trust made decisions on the time for harvesting thatching grass Successful projects scaled up and replicated: • Human Wildlife Conflict implemented by CARACAL • Protection of birds and Important Bird Areas in the Makgadikgadi ecosystem by BirdLife Botswana SGP activity: • Globally significant species protected: cheetahs, rhinos, wattled cranes, flamingos and hoodia

  6. SGP LESOTHO Examples of Successful Projects • Tšenekeng Communal Botanical Garden Goal: In situ conservation of biodiversity Main Activities: Community botanical garden and training Key Results: Natural habitats restored; endangered species protected • Promotion of Renewable Energy Technologies - Biogas Digester at MCDC Goal: To demonstrate renewable energy technologies Main Activities: Construction of a biogas digester and training on maintenance, open days for promotion of technology Key Results: Awareness about renewable energy, increased income reduced costs of energy and sewage disposal • Solid waste management and greening of schools Goal: Reduce C20 emissions and pollution through waste management Main Activities: Environmental education, recycling, awareness creation Key results: Awareness, reduction in burning of waste, recycling of waste

  7. SGP LESOTHO Country Level Impact SGP impact in figures: • Over 50 species of plants conserved and protected • Over 4500 benefitted in different ways: skills in construction and maintenance of biogas digesters, poultry product, plant propagation , production of crafts from waste paper and plastic, access to clean water, aloe based Vaseline making • Soil and water conservation SGP Policy Influence at the Local, Regional or National Level • Over 100 ha degraded land rehabilitated • At least 5 project sites conserved and declared by local authorities as excluded grazing areas • At least 17 herders associations registered Replication or up-scaling • Breeding of indigenous chickens to enhance impact of other poultry initiatives has potential to be up scaled and replicated The GEF SGP in Lesotho Grass-root Action for the Global Good

  8. SGP MALAWIExamples of Successful Projects • Soche Mountain Landcare Extension Project Goal: Sustainable management of Soche Mountain Forest Reserve Main Activities: Afforestation, soil and water conservation, environmental education, gravity fed water supply and income generating activities Key Results: Rehabilitated 18 hectares of bare land and provided potable water to 250 households • Technology transfer for sustainable livelihoods: From mining to harvesting Goal: Charcoal producers engaged in alternative enterprises Main Activities: Beekeeping, mushroom production , poultry production and environmental education. Key Results: Communities running viable mushroom and poultry production enterprises as alternatives to charcoal production. • Mwenyekondo sustainable waste management Goal: Reduced burning of household and market waste in the area Main Activities: Awareness raising, waste composting and sales. Key Results: Reduced burning of waste and associated CO2 emissions, increased sanitation & hygiene at household level

  9. SGP MALAWI Country Level Impact SGP projects supported , documented and influenced: At local level: 2 decisions on waste management, 6 decisions on establishment and management of village forest areas SGP impact in figures: • Globally significant species protected: 6 • # areas protected, rehabilitated or sustainably managed: over 5,000ha of globally significant biodiversity and 3,000 ha of forests. SGP Policy Influence at the Local, Regional or National Level • SGP Project partly influencing planned relocation of encroachers on Soche Mountain

  10. SGP MOZAMBIQUEExamples of Successful Projects • Community rehabilitation of mangrove communities in Nhangau, Sofala province Goal: Rehabilitation and conservation of mangrove in Zambeze river delta Main Activities: Rehabilitation of degraded mangrove forest of Njalane and Chissape communities; expansion of tree nursery; improvement of fisheries at community level; establishment of natural resources collaborative management arrangements Key Results: increased environmental awareness; rehabilitated mangroves; important fish-stock nursery better conserved; and local communities with diversified livelihood options reducing pressure on the ecosystem • Pilot initiative on use of solar freezers for small rural and artisanal fishermen communities in Machanga, Sofala province, Mozambique Goal: Install a solar energy freezer for conservation of fresh-fish in a remote artisanal fishermen village, while contributing to biodiversity conservation, mitigation of climate change effects. Main Activities: Promotion of use of renewable energies; conservation of coastal-marine wildlife Key Results: A 12m3 solar freezer was installed in Machanga fishermen village; increase in fish commercial value and household income due to its better conservation and processing; and reduced pressure with better conservation of natural resources due to decreased fishing effort.

  11. SGP MOZAMBIQUE Country Level Impact • Policy Influence: land tenure customary rights adopted for local communities and social benefits are derived for local development; government adopted the policy of district as pole of development with major grant and subsidized projects initiated to benefit community development; mainstreaming of GEF/SGP grant approach by the environmental sector for environmental conservation. • Successful project initiatives scaled up and replicated: • Caritas developed a honey production by communities of Zinave National Park that is now largely sold in major supermarkets; the Madjadjane community developed a community Lodge that also serves as University Eduardo Mondlane Research Camp for graduating students field work. • SGP had involvement of community projects in Maputo Game Reserve, Mahel Community Game Farm, Limpopo Transborder-National Park (adjacent to the Kruger National Park in South Africa), Zinave National Park, Bazaruto Archipelago National Park, Marromeu Game Reserve, Gorongosa National Park, Matibane Forest Reserve, Quiimbas Archipelago National Park, Niassa Game Reserve, and Lake Niassa/Malawi Reserve; these activities involved collaborative management of natural resources • Knowledge sharing: 10 provincial seminars and 2 national seminar were held involving programme stakeholders.

  12. SGP Namibia Examples of Successful Projects • Conservation of the Kalahari Melon (Citrilus lanatus) in King Nehale Conservancy Goal: Conservation awareness raising and controlled harvesting of the seed Main Activities: Provide relevant training, establish centre for harvesters/producers Key Results: Protected globally significant species • EZY - Energy efficiency stove initiative Goal: Development of Energy efficient stoves and awareness on renewable energy Main Activities: Development of higher efficiency, non-toxic material, safe, emission reducing stove, train manufacturing to youth Key Results: Significant decrease of CO2 emissions; awareness raised on energy efficiency

  13. SGP Namibia Country Level Impact SGP projects supported , documented and influenced: • At national level: 2 environmental policy development initiatives and that is on human and wild life conflict reduction policy development as well as on the climate change policy development • At local level: 2 managing principles on water use and timing, supporting traditional authority guidance on forest products use, 1 conservancy decision on eco tourism, 187 guiding decisions on self help group institutionalisation for food security. Successful projects scaled up and replicated: • Use of micro drip irrigation • and Conservation Tillage SGP activity in figures: • Globally significant species protected: more that 120 • More than 80% women involvement in all projects • More than a million ha of land sustainably manage

  14. SGP South Africa Examples of Successful Projects • Supporting the Richtersveld Community-Based Natural Resource Management Programme Goal: Community Conservation of Richtersveld natural resources and heritage Main Activities: Capacity building of the community , Demarcation of sensitive biodiversity areas, Educational and heritage protection centre Key Results: Protected about 160,000 hectares of land which is rich in endemic biodiversity species resulting into a World Heritage Site • Provision of Local Energy Services Goal: Provide renewable energy and energy efficiency alternatives Main Activities: Storage, distribution and information centre and sales point established for energy services, establishment of Women Cooperative, Key Results: decreased use in electricity , promotion of energy efficiency and provision of affordable energy options to households without Grid. • Improved environmental governance through civil society participation Goal: Reducing the release of POPs by preventing the burning various waste Main Activities: Mobilize and empower communities to participate in policy, formation of waste pickers teams. Key Results: Elimination of POPs, Policies on waste management, Recycling

  15. SGP South Africa Country Level Impact SGP projects supported , documented and influenced: • At national level: contributing to the finalization of the National Environmental Management: Waste Act and improved civil society consultation by government • Community conserved areas and protection of forests in Biodiversity Hotspots At local level: • Demonstration and rollout of renewable energy and promotion of energy efficiency • Empowerment participation and livelihoods improvement Successful projects scaled up and replicated: • Use of cowdung biogas energy scaled up to commercial farming level related CDM project • Heiveld cooperative – conservation of land for endemic wild and cultivated Rooibos tea – Product exported to Europe SGP activity in figures: • Over 200,000ha conserved and sustainably managed • More than 4000 indigenous plants planted in various biodiversity hotspots

  16. SGP ZAMBIA Examples of Successful Projects • Namuswa Bee Products Production, Processing and Marketing as a basis for Biodiversity Conservation Goal: Biodiversity conservation through sustainable bee product harvesting. Main Activities: Awareness raising on biodiversity conservation and sustainable production Key Results: increased household food security through income generation • Community Based Natural Resource Management through Environmental Rehabilitation and Desertification Control for Sustainable Livelihoods and Reduced Vulnerability for Rural communities of Chipata District Goal: promote alternative sources of livelihoods to reduce vulnerability to climate change through to promote sustainable land use management Main Activities :use of environmentally friendly practices such as agro forestry, water and soil conservation, tree planting for fuel wood and fruits . Key Results: empowered groups through trainings, environmentally friendly practices and field work demonstrations; rehabilitated land through sustainable management Community worker offloading honey combs Animal manure being used in vegetable gardens.

  17. SGP ZAMBIA Country Level Impact • At local level:Lobby of villages by-laws- It is through establishment of local level control mechanisms of the utilization of natural resources that indiscriminate cutting of trees and unsustainable harvesting and utilization of Natural Resource areas controlled. The projects conducted sensitization meetings in the project centers to sensitize communities on the need to take care of their resources. Meetings were also held with traditional leaders i.e. the chief and headmen to encourage taking a leading role in setting up control mechanisms at local level.   Results Successful projects up scaled/replicated • Use of energy saving stoves • Prevention of discriminate cutting of forestsSupport towards development of eco-tourism/community camp SGP activity in figures: • Globally significant species protected: The forest spanning 14,000 hectares was under threat by charcoal burners and traditional bee keepers in Raphael village (Nyimba District). Due to the intervention, charcoal burning in this specific area has reduced tremendously and its survival will greatly depend on sustaining the intervention. • Areas protected, rehabilitated or sustainably managed: over 70,000 ha of forests conserved. Working together to remove the shells of the groundnuts

  18. Final Notes • While SGP projects are small, when they are strategically implemented and build up over time, then the positive impacts go beyond the community to the country and even the global level. • SGP is a “fast and effective delivery mechanism” that allows communities, CBOs and NGOs who may not be able to access GEF funds to be able to do so and in the process build their capacity to be proactive actors in the country’s sustainable development efforts. • SGP can be a delivery mechanism for other donors who may wish to be a cofinancing partner and want to save on time and other costs by using an already existing and effective mechanism that brings communities, CSOs and government to work together.

  19. Local Actions, Global Impact Questions? THANKS!

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