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Discover the Church of Santa Eulalia, a beautiful Gothic-style building with Renaissance decoration, located in the center of Esparreguera. Learn about its history and take in breathtaking views from the 61-meter-high bell tower.
Thetowerbell In Esparreguera Escola Montserrat
The Church of Santa Eulalia The church of Santa Eulalia is located in the center of Esparreguera.
Itsconstruction in 1587 wascarriedouttofill in thefunctions of theoldchurch, locatedfarfromthepopulation and village.
Itsblessingwasheld in 1612. DuringthefirstCarlistWaritwasoccupiedbytroops. Itwasreconstructed in 1886 and reopened in 1874.
Itsufferedextensivedamageduringthe Spanish civil war(1936-1939), butwasreformedlater.
The building is Gothic Style with Renaissance Decoration.
Itconsists of a nave, 15 m. wideby 51 m. in length and a 23 m. widecoveredvault and Seven-sidedapse at the head.
The sections of the nave are separated by arches and between the buttresses are 12 side chapels.
The foundations are limestone and sandstone. The walls of the church and the bell tower are conglomerates from the Montserrat mountain.
The bell tower is 61 meters high and is the second highest in Catalunya.
The base is square, and from the second floor becomes octagonal. Its construction was completed in 1636.
Fromwherethebells are, itispossibletogo up to a circular balcony vía a smallspiralstaircase.
It was a tradition to go up to the bell tower at Christmas time. This tradition has survived until today.
From the top you can see the whole valley of the Llobregat, the congostMontserrat, as well as the tibidabo in Barcelona.