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Having a solid foundation of fundamental English grammar rules is one of the keys to IELTS success. This is why excellent IELTS training facilities like the JRooz Review Center kick off their lectures by revisiting the basics of the English language.
The Student’s Guide to Punctuations: Apostrophe Having a solid foundation of fundamental English grammar rules is one of the keys to IELTS success. This is why excellent IELTS training facilities like the JRooz Review Center kick off their lectures by revisiting the basics of the English language. Though most of them were already taught to you in primary or secondary school, IELTS review online instructors will begin their lessons by revisiting elementary grammar concepts - such as the parts of speech and the subject-verb agreement. The coaches of the JRooz Review Center, for instance, will drill the importance of proper capitalization and pronoun usage into their students in the get go. Exceptional IELTS review online teachers and their classroom-based counterparts begin their sessions with recaps not only to establish a solid English foundation in their students but also to help them master advanced lessons easier. Revisiting the basics of English grammar can also help students hone their knowledge of the commonly overlooked concepts of the language. The proper usage of punctuation is one such principle. Convenience and Flexibility | Unlimited Class Access | On-Point Exam Emulations http://www.jroozonlinereview.com/
Forming Possessives with the Apostrophe The apostrophe is one reference mark that people often use but tends to overlook. Used to express ownership, its applications vary depending on the kind of noun that you want to use it on. Here are the rules that you should master. When forming a possessive singular noun, add apostrophe + s Example: The painter's easel / The bird's nest / The lake's ecosystem When forming a possessive plural noun, add an apostrophe Example: The painters' easels / The birds' nests / The lakes' ecosystems When forming a possessive plural noun that does not end in s, add apostrophe + s Example: The children's books / The women's struggles When forming a possessive singular Proper noun that ends in s, you can either: Add an apostrophe Example: Nicolas' journey / Travis' house Or add an apostrophe + s Example: Nicolas's journey / Travis's house Some English style books would recommend the latter while others would favor the former. If you are not following a specific style book, you can just choose one of the two options and stick with it throughout your composition. Meanwhile, if you are forming a possessive plural Proper noun that ends in s, always add only an apostrophe Example: The Jacksons' vacation plans / The Smiths' backyard Contractions and Omissions Apostrophes are also used to represent the missing parts of a contraction - words or phrases that omit certain letters or syllables to shorten an expression. Contractions are typically used in casual conversations and informal compositions. Here are some of the most commonly used contractions in English discourse: WILL - 'LL Examples: You will come with me, right? You'll come with me, right? Convenience and Flexibility | Unlimited Class Access | On-Point Exam Emulations http://www.jroozonlinereview.com/
We will be there by 8 p.m. We'll be there by 8 p.m. IS - 'S Examples: It is coming for them. It's coming for them. He is not what they expected. He's not what they expected. I AM - I'M Examples: I am not sure of my answers on the second part of the exam. I'm not sure of my answers on the second part of the exam. I am a student of this university. I'm a student of this university. NOT - N'T Examples: I cannot come to the party this weekend. I can't come to the party this weekend. Is she not the one that you were looking for? Isn’t she the one that you were looking for? ARE - 'RE Examples: We are finished. We're finished. You are going to be late if you don't leave soon. You're going to be late if you don't leave soon. HAD / WOULD - 'D Examples: I would do it all again in a heartbeat. I'd do it all again in a heartbeat. She would wait for him at the same spot every day. She'd wait for him at the same spot every day. LET US - LET'S Examples: Let us begin today's English lessons. Let's begin today's English lessons. Convenience and Flexibility | Unlimited Class Access | On-Point Exam Emulations http://www.jroozonlinereview.com/
Let us end this meeting soon; it’s already past midnight. Let's end this meeting soon; it’s already past midnight. Aside from these rules, there are other ways that you can use the apostrophe in your compositions. Enroll in JRooz Review Center and find out how to use it to express joint possessions and quotations. Elevate your chances of securing your band score goal by mastering the proper applications of the apostrophe. REFERENCES: Ross, Britney. “Apostrophe Rules.” Grammarly. Accessed May 10, 2017. https://www.grammarly.com/blog/apostrophe/ Clark, Roy Peter. The Glamour of Grammar: A Guide to the Magic and Mystery of Practical English. New York: Little, Brown and Co., 2011. Strunk, William, and E. B. White. The Elements of Style. North Charleston, SC: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, 2016. Convenience and Flexibility | Unlimited Class Access | On-Point Exam Emulations http://www.jroozonlinereview.com/