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Learn about different types of data conversions including assignment, arithmetic, and casting conversions. Understand the concepts of widening and narrowing conversions.
25 25 int byte 1289.0 1289 Widening Conversions double int
123456 123 byte int 123456.789 123456 double int Narrowing Conversions
SO WHAT? • Ariane 5 was a $500 million unmanned space craft designed by the European Space Agency • On June 4, 1996 it was launched for the first time • Here’s what happened “The failure occurred because the horizontal velocity exceeded the maximum value for a 16 bit unsigned integer when it was converted from it's signed 64 bit representation.” Source: http://www.vuw.ac.nz/staff/stephen_marshall/SE/Failures/SE_Ariane.html
Conversions can occur in three ways • Assignment conversion • Arithmetic conversion • Casting
memory x 1234 y ? Assignment conversion int x = 1234; double y; y = x; Only widening conversions can happen via assignment 1234.0
Arithmetic conversion 15.0 15 4.0 / int gets promoted to a double 3.5 Operands are always promoted to the “wider” type
memory x ? y 12345.67 Casting int x; double y = 12345.67; x = (int) y; 12345 Type is put in parentheses in front of value being converted avg = (double) sum / count; Common use is when we are dividing two ints but want a floating point result
Casting Practice • (double) 10 / 4 • (double) (10 / 4) • (int) ((double) 10 / (double) 4 ) + 1.0
Casting Practice (double) 10 / 4 casting 10.0 / 4 arithmetic promotion 10.0 / 4.0 double division 2.5
Casting Practice (double) (10 / 4) int division (double) 2 casting 2.0
Casting Practice (int) ((double) 10 / (double) 4 ) + 1.0 casting (int) ( 10.0 / 4.0 ) + 1.0 double division (int) 2.5 + 1.0 casting 2 + 1.0 arithmetic promotion 2.0 + 1.0 double addition 3.0
3.0 So what? double gpa; int totalPoints = 114, totalHours = 30; gpa = totalPoints / totalHours; gpa =114 / 30 integer division gpa =3 assignment conversion Note: 114.0 / 30.0 = 3.8 Peer Instruction questions