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Learn about the hydro energy employment scenario in Italy and how assoRinnovabili is promoting the interests of renewable energy producers. Get updates, training, and international opportunities.
assoRinnovabili, Via Pergolesi, 27 Milan, October 27th, 2015 HYDRO ENERGY EMPLOYMENT SCENARIO IN ITALY assoRinnovabili
assoRinnovabili Since 1987 assoRinnovabili has brought together and has represented the producers of electricity from renewable sources, the providers of professional services, technology and active components in the renewable energy industry with the aim of defending their rights and promoting their interests at national and international level. We are the main representative and the focal point within the sectors for: • bioenergy (biomass, bioliquids and biogas) • wind power • solar energy • hydropower • components and services for the industry lobby | technicalsupport | studies and analysis | training center
We are members of: • EPIA (European Photovoltaic Industry Association) • EWEA (European Wind Energy Association) • The General States of the Green Economy • RES4MED • Kyoto Club • Coordinamento FREE (Green Energy and Energy Efficiency) • We are partners of European projects: • KnowRES • PV GRID • RESTOR HYDRO • KEEP ON TRACK!
activities and services Representation and safeguarding assoRinnovabili represents the renewable energy industry at all institutional levels, constantly monitoring the decision-making and law-making processes that steer the development of renewable energy. Communication assoRinnovabili is constantly in touch with political and governmental institutions, with citizens and other stakeholders to facilitate a transition towards a sustainable society and economy. Follow us on Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, Google+ and Youtube.
activities and services • Constant Support and Updates • assoRinnovabili guarantees its members continuous updates on laws regarding approval procedures to create electric production plants that make use of renewable sources, on how to enter the electricity markets, and on the incentive systems, through: • Flash news, newsletters, specialist guides and the Parliamentary agenda; • Source-centred meetings and workshops (meetings of a technical nature among members to explore specific topics); • Direct channel of communication with the GestoredeiServiziEnergetici (GSE – the Italian authority on renewable energy); • Assistance in handling changes in rules and regulations and coordination for possible legal actions.
activities and services International Opportunities assoRinnovabili supports its members in their international development thanks to consolidated relations with governmental, financial and industrial institutions in the most attractive countries, starting from those of the Mediterranean area through our partnership with RES4MED. Training assoRinnovabili offers training courses to explore the most interesting topics of the industry with expert advice from accomplished professionals.
Energy situation in Italy Regional distribution of hydro power capacity at the end of 2013 18,366 MW – 75% in the North Source: GSE – year 2015
Energy situation in Italy Regional distribution of the number of hydro power plants at the end of 2013 3,250 hydro power plants – 55.5% in the North Source: GSE – year 2015
CONSIDERATIONS: • In recent years, despite a continuing increase of the installed power, hydropower production has performed very variable for reasons related to: • climatic conditions and hydrological details • management factors (eg. introduction of the DMV) • economic factors • Of the 173 new plants started in 2011, 131 have an installed capacity of less than 1MW and flowing water • Il55,5% of HP are placed in the Northern area.
Energy situation in Italy Evolution of installed capacity and number of hydropower plants in Italy, 2000 to 2013 Source: GSE – year 2015
Energy situation in Italy Number of hydroplants by capacity 2010 +480 New plants Fonte: GSE – anno 2011; elaborazione APER Source: GSE – year 2015; elaboration by assoRinnovabili
Energy situation in Italy Evolution of average size hydroelectric plants in Italy 2000-2011 The analysis of the average size shows a progressive decrease in the size of the equipment installed. More and more small plants are installed. Between 2010 and 2011 the high number increased by 6% (+173 facilities), while the increase in power is equal to '1% (+216 MW). Fonte: GSE – anno 2011 Source: GSE – year 2015
The incentive framework • Hydro plants from 01/01/2013 • (Ministerial Decree July 6, 2012) Plants > 60 kW and <10 MW Access to incentives through Register subscription Plants <60 kW Free access to incentives Plants >5 MW Access to incentives through a mechanism based on “Dutch auction model” (descending-price auction)
How does the Register work? • There are 2 Registerswith different maximum capacitythreshold, the first one (RG) is for new, totallyrebuilt, reactivated or repoweredplants, whereas the secondone (RR) is for refurbishedplants; • Both registers are open once a year for the enrolment of small hydro plants; • Every year both for RG and RR incentives are granted to those hydro plants which manage to get within a certain position in the register rankings drawn by following these specific priority criteria: 1) Smaller installed capacity; 2) Date of permit achievement; 3) Date of enrolment in register. • Registers close when - by summing up the installed capacity of the enrolled plants - the maximum capacity threshold is reached. Maximum capacity threshold 70 MW Excluded
The RSE-E Counter Whatdoesitcount? • Itcounts the yearly indicative supportcostwhichis the sum of allform of incentivesgrantedyearly by GSE to allplantsbelonging to RES different from PV. • The maximum yearlyindicative supportcostasbeenfixed in 5,8 billion €, afterreachingthisthreshold, if no otherDecree on RES incentiveswill be published, therewillnot be anyother chance to getincentives. • The yearly indicative supportcoston 31 july 2015 is: 5,73 billion € • Waiting for new supportscheme, only the free accessplants (windplants ≤ 60 kW) can get • the incentives… Whatnext?
Draft of new Decree… • We are waiting for the approval of a new supportscheme, in the comingweeks therecould be news aboutit; • The structureof the new Decreeissimilar to the previoussystem, with DutchAuctions and Registers; • The mostimportantaspect of thisDecreeishislifetime: oneyearor evenlessif the cost of renewableenergieswillreach 5,8 billion; • In 2017 there may be a further Decree in line with the guidelines of the European community. Large uncertainty among the producers
Hydropowerevolution in Italy Since early 1900 hydropower represented the most important electricity source in Italy. Electrification process started with big hydropower plants in the Alpin region. Big plants and low technological development level required workers on site. Nowadays, the potential for big plants installation has been mostly already employed and the normative and economical framework encourage smaller installations. Moreover, the technologyisnowlargelyemployedto control an monitoringactivities, whichbeforewereperformed by physicalpresence of workers on site.
Employment situation Employment in hydropowersectorisnow more sparkledand related with work on site (carpentry, masonry), design and engineeringof components to maximise the efficiency and by respectingeven more straightenvironmentalconstraints. The mostdifficultchallengeisrelated with development in extra UE ruralareas, where high flexibilityisrequiredmostly for civiland electricalengineers and for construction site supervisors .
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