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INTEGRITI. pengurusan berintegriti (ethics). PROFESIONALISME dalam PENGURUSAN. pengurusan berkesan (expertise). PENGURUSAN BERINTEGRITI. Before we can talk about the culture of integrity i n educational management we need to know what i ntegrity is. some definitions.
pengurusanberintegriti (ethics) PROFESIONALISME dalam PENGURUSAN pengurusanberkesan(expertise)
Before we can talk about the culture of integrity in educational management we need to know what integrity is
some definitions • etymology: Latin integer; English whole, complete • Hornby (2001): quality of being honest and morally upright • EnsiklopediaMalaysiana: honesty • EnsiklopediaDuniaMelayu: honesty, complete
according to IIM GlosariIntegriti (2006) - concerning traits …that are based on noble values such as honesty, truthful, trust, fair, transparent, efficient, accountability and wisdom …ideal qualities that exist in a wholesome and integrated manner … where ethics is the foundation …in the day-to-day actions
integrity is not a single virtue but an encapsulation, the unity of virtues…the attainment of a particular virtue is a step towards the attainment of integrity, which is a totalpackage… it becomes a summary of virtues which is pertinent in all contexts, and its constituents are virtues that are pertinent in particular situations … Chapfika , B. (2008)
Chapfika, B (2008) • keen insight and good judgement of what is good and admirable (‘passive’ integrity) • involving acting on what is good and openly challenging what is bad; hence, an integral person is not a ‘yes-man’ (as the old saying has it ‘if you do not stand for something, you will fall for anything’), and integrity is called for in the context of challenge…it emerges in the context of a moral dilemma or challenge (‘active’ integrity)
Chapfika, B. (2008) While we sometimes use ‘integrity’ and ‘morality’ synonymously, it is possible to separate ‘acting with integrity’ from ‘acting morally’. It is possible for persons of integrity, as a result of mistaken moral views held, to act immorally though they would usually not know they are acting so.
Based on the thesaurus related to the concept of integrity, please identify the core values or character traits that you need to have and practise to enhance your integrity as an academic at UPM. Explain the reasons for your choice.
thesaurus… synonyms, related words .… accountability/responsibility, accuracy, adherence, allegiance, balance, certainty, chastity, cleanness, clearness, coherence, completeness, consistency, constancy, credibility, decency, dignity, directness, duty, entirety, equity, ethicalness, exactness, excellence, fairness, faithfulness, fidelity, finality, fortitude, forthrightness, goodness, harmony, honesty, honor, identity, impartiality, impeccability, incorruption, independence, innocence, justice, lawfulness, loyalty, morals, merit, modesty, nobility, oneness, openness, order, peacefulness, perfection, precision, principle, probity, purity, reliability, respect/self-respect, right, righteousness, simplicity, sincerity, soundness, steadfastness, temperance, togetherness, totality, trustworthiness, truth, truthfulness, unity, uprightness, veracity, virtue, wholeness, worthiness…
integrity is commitment, even in the face of adversity, to certain core values, qualities, traits or virtues, and these fundamental values are to enable the educational manager to translate professional ideals into ethically commendable actions in managing the teaching-learning process and in conducting his/her other related duties as a leader in an educational institution.
TatasusialaProfesionPerguruan KPMEtikaKerja KPMGarisPanduanIntegritiAkademikInstitusiPengajianTinggi Malaysia Specifically, the professional ideals are found in the…
EtikaKerja KPMamanah; benar; bijaksana; bersyukur; dedikasi; ikhlas; penyayang GarisPanduanIntegritiAkademikInstitusiPengajianTinggi Malaysia, KPTM amanah; bijaksana; akauntabiliti; hormat; telus; adil
GarisPanduanIntegritiAkademikInstitusi Pengajian Tinggi Malaysia, KPTM Kata-kataAluan Y.B. Menteri Pengajian Tinggi Malaysia • Mentransformasinegaramenjadisebuahnegaramaju yang manaintegritimerupakan… nilaiasas…dalampentadbirankerajaan • Menilaisejauhmanatahapintegritiahliakademiksebagaipemangkindanukurankepadakejayaantransformasinegara • Menerapkannilai-nilaiintrinsiksepertikejujuran/honesty, keadilan/fairness, kepercayaan/trust, hormat-menghormati/respect dantanggungjawab/responsibilitydalamjiwaahliakademik di semua IPT • Integritiakademikdalamkalanganpensyarahakanmenjadirujukandanikutanpelajarsekaligusdapatmembantumembudayakanintegritidalammasyarakatkampus, justerumenjadiasaskepadamelahirkanpersekitaranAkademikBerbudayaCemerlang yang akhirnyadapatmenjana modal insan yang berkualiti
The fundamental values of academic integrity of The Center for Academic Integrity (a consortium of 200 colleges and universities) at Duke University Honesty Trust Fairness Respect Responsibility
How to promote, enhance, sustain, nurture, internalise, etc. INTEGRITY in MANAGEMENT?
Adhere to rules and regulations, the laws, codes of academic integrity (ethics/conduct), service charters, integrity guidelines, etc.
The university of Waikato Code of ethics for academic staff as teachers and supervisors Academic staff should: • treat students with respect at all times; • not allow personal relationships with students to affect or appear to affect the professional relationship between them; • recognise that all forms of harassment are completely unacceptable; • encourage students to think independently and to exchange ideas freely;
cont… • develop and maintain expertise in areas in which they teach; • communicate effectively in both formal and informal teaching contexts, and allow students reasonable assess for this purpose; • develop assessment procedures that are fair and effective and that contribute to student learning, and administer them in a fair and efficient manner, and provide timely and constructive feedback to students;
cont… • ensure that they are familiar with current University degree and other regulations relating to their teaching and assessment procedures; • continually seek to improve their teaching effectiveness on the basis of all available information about their performance and its impact on students; • undertake professional development activities intended to improve teaching effectiveness;
cont… • where appropriate, provide suitable advice and assistance to former students in their academic and professional development; • refrain from seeking or revealing confidential information about students without the permission of the student concerned except in a recognised official capacity and in appropriate circumstances such as a clear risk to the student or another person, in an emergency, or where required by law.
brief and general in nature; hence, often cannot be utilised as standards that can function for cases which are not clear-cut in nature, or in situations where there are conflicts between competing values; indeed, there are situations where reference to code of ethics/conduct cannot provide the academics with the answer or solution
hence, (according to Whitton, 2001) “Publishing a code of ethics by itself, will achieve little”.It“is an insufficient effort”. Other efforts are essential if codes of ethics (even codes of conduct)“are to be worth more than the paper on which they are printed”.
How to become an integral academic? – for the individual • Cultivate our virtues (good/ethical character traits) to improve the self towards achieving the ethical standards of a professional and moral exemplar
cont… • Augment our ethical awareness ~ be open to criticism, and participate in articulating (discuss and debate) the moral dimensions or standards of professionalism in our initiatives, policies, directives, judgements, decisions, practices, actions and behaviours
cont… ~ keep up to date (knowledge and skills) through continuous professional development programmes, maintain related folder, and take part in quality assurance audit for good professional practice and performance improvement
cont… • Improve our ethical decision making in resolving moral tensions or conflicts, i.e. by adopting well negotiated thoughts and positions
cont… • Raise our ethical courage, i.e. overcome ‘moral weakness’; do not take the ‘ethical bystander’ stand, but instead practise ‘active integrity’
‘active’ integrity’ involving acting on what is good and openly challenging what is bad; hence, an integral person is not a ‘yes-man’ (as the old saying has it ‘if you do not stand for something, you will fall for anything’), and integrity is called for in the context of challenge…it emerges in the context of a moral dilemma or challenge Chapfika, B (2008)
One of the ‘must do thing’ for educational leaders is to manage with integrity. How should these leaders demonstrate honesty, trust, fairness, respect and responsibility in their management?
Protect students’ interests and well-being (t, ry) • Provide students a safe learning environment (t, ry) • Provide students, regardless of their diverse background, with equal opportunities for learning and achievement (rt, f) • Provide resources and time for students requiring additional assistance (ry) • Teaching in ways that ensure each student will rationally and critically understand the subjects or courses taught (h, f) • Equity in grading and disciplining (f) • Giving the right feedback on students’ academic work (h, f) • Citing sources for teaching materials and acknowledging the work of other academics (h)
integrity is commitment, even in the face of adversity, to certain core values, qualities, traits or virtues, and these fundamental values are to enable academics to translate professional ideals into ethically commendable actions in the teaching-learning process (also in research and publication, in commercialization and consultancy work, and in community service); the professional ideals include upholding truth, knowledge and scholarship as well as to enhance academic dignity.
Types of ethical dilemmas experienced by school administrators • Dilemmas of choice among competing standards of good practice rooted within the profession of education • Dilemmas associated with the implementation or consequences of decisions attendant to an ethically preferred choice among alternative courses of action • Dilemmas of choice associated with conflicts between system-level organizational rules or policies and consideration at the institution-level • Dilemmas which stem from idiosyncratic beliefs or concerns of individual educators regarding the consequences of their actions and decisions • Dilemmas of choice rooted in fundamental ethical principles of conduct • Other dilemmas – matters related to teachers’ work; morality of pupils’ behaviour regarding school and work; common rules in school; and rights of minority groups
Teori Etika
FOKUS ETIKA Pernyataan Bukan Moral (estetika, agama, politik, sosial, ekonomi, intelek, material) Normatif (Nilai) Bukan Normatif atau Deskriptif (Fakta) Moral Ciri Fungsi Jenis • Instrumental • Intrinsik • Subjektif • Objektif • Relatif • Mutlak • Nilai ditonjol secara lisan atau perlakuan • Nilai ‘boleh’ berubah • Keutamaan nilai tidak sama bagi individu yang berbeza Satu piawai asas yang tekal, membantu dan mencorak pemikiran, perasaan dan perlakuan kita
ETIKA falsafah etimologi ‘ethos’ (Yunani) atau ‘mores’ (Latin), iaituhukum, adatresam, adab, tradisi, budipekerti, kesusilaan, sopansantun, dansebagainya Berfikir sendiri tentang apa itu yang dikatakan baik jahat, benar salah, tanggungjawab atau ‘duty’, tentang apa yang patut atau tidak patut dilakukan, dan sebagainya falsafah moral Keperibadian PeraturanMasyarakat Kemoralan Sosial/Konvensional/ Konservatif/Tradisional EtikaKeperibadianMulia(Virtues/Fadhilah) Teleologi Deontologi UtilitarianismeEgoisme Emotivisme PrinsipKewajipanEksistensialisme Intuisionisme
KEMORALAN SOSIAL Maksud Pematuhankepadaperaturankomuniti yang ditetapkanolehautoritidalammasyarakat, olehitu, keperluanmasyarakat, bukanindividu, merupakanmatlamatetika. Kod, peraturandansebagainya yang tertubuhsecaraluaran yang mestidiakur… pantanglarang Kritikan sekiranyabersifatautoritarian/autokratik, iamelemahkanautonomi, pertimbanganbebassertapilihansukarelaindividudanmengakibatkanindividuitumenurutperintahsecaramembutatuli kehilanganperasaantanggungjawab moral relativismekebudayaanbolehmembawakepadakonflik penguatkuasaanbergantungatasisbat (hukuman) yang bolehhilangkuasanya buatapa yang akusuruh, janganbuatapa yang… bertentangandengan ‘keadilan’ kesukaranmenyesuaikanperaturanmasyarakatdengansituasibaru di persadadunia yang kompleks di manamasadankeadaansentiasaberubahdanterdapatbanyakpersoalan yang menjadidilemabagikebanyakan orang sesetengahperaturanataunormamasyarakatdidapatitidakbermoral
Akibat peranan kuku besi pemimpin, guru pula mengikut arahan menambahkan lagi peraturan di dalam bilik darjah, maka menimbulkan ketegangan dalam kalangan murid dan guru; ketidak puasan hati dan perasaan memberontak sama ada secara senyap ataupun nyata akan wujud; kesannya pembelajaran terjejas, pencapaian merosot; tiada kerjasama dan komunikasi antara guru dan murid, dan antara guru dan guru; guru berfungsi secara individu, mempunyai morale atau semangat yang rendah dan sering mengkritik murid dan ini sering membawa kepada salah laku murid dan juga guru.
KEPERIBADIAN MULIA (VIRTUES) Maksud (Aristotle) Tret karakter dan sifat perangai yang mulia; kecenderungan bertujuan, bukan perasaan; tidak bersifat semula jadi, tetapi dimiliki melalui latihan; dan merupakan suatu jalan tengah. (purposive dispositions or traits of character; neither feelings nor faculties; not engendered in a person by nature; and each virtue constitutes a mean) Jadual Virtues dan Vices Aristotle
Kritikan(keperibadian mulia) Nasihat yang sukar dipraktiskan Sesetengah nilai mulia perlu berada dalam keadaan yang keterlaluan atau hanya ada pertentangan Kesukaran mengkategorikan sesuatu keperibadian sebagai mulia serta menentukan ciri watak manakah yang paling utama dan yang manakah pula kurang penting Sebagai suatu kebiasaan sahaja yang tidak dapat membimbing seseorang dalam situasi luar biasa yang menimbulkan dilema moral
UTILITARIANISME Maksud Kebahagiaan yang paling banyak kepada sejumlah insan yang paling ramai (greatest happiness for the greatest number) Baik = Kebahagiaan = Keseronokan Jahat = Kedukaan = Kesakitan (Good = Happiness = Pleasure Evil = Unhappiness = Pain)
(kritikan - utilitarianisme) Manusia dikuasai oleh keseronokan dan kesakitan, dan kemoralan ialah usaha mencari kebahagiaan iaitu keseronokan, dan kebencian terhadap kesakitan (vs) masochist; kesakitan, bapa kepada keseronokan Pengalaman keseronokan mestilah dimaksimumkan dan kesakitan diminimumkan (vs) Menghukum orang tak berdosa, 9 atau 10?, irihati/tamak, oleh itu berkonflik dengan keadilan atau matlamat menghalalkan cara Semua sensasi terdiri daripada sama ada keseronokan atau kesakitan yang bertentangan (vs) subjektif dan kabur. Mengaitkan keseronokan dengan kebaikan (vs) kebaikan = kebebasan, kesihatan > keseronokan; sadist, vandals = jahat = seronok! Menyamakan keseronokan dengan kebahagiaan (vs) kebahagiaan tak khusus tetapi kepuasan yang agak kekal dan mendalam; a life of pleasure=a happy life? Seronok maksimum (vs) bilangan maksimum? Yang baik (keseronokan) dan yang jahat (kesakitan) yang disukat (vs) Urusan yang menyukarkan:kuantiti, kualiti, masa/tempat, anatara individu
EGOISM(E)Standard/ukuranuntukbaik (good) = menguntungkandirisendiri (benefits oneself); danjahat (evil) = merugikandirisendiri (harms oneself) maksud Sebagai agen moral tanggungjawab tunggal individu ialah memperolehi seberapa banyak keuntungan untuk diri sendiri (as a moral agent, the one and only moral responsibility of the individual is to gain as much benefit as possible for him/herself) Sebagai penasihat moral (selaku orang kedua/pihak ketiga) dalam membuat pertimbangan, dia juga mesti mengutamakan keuntungan bagi dirinya sendiri (as a moral advisor, in making judgement, the individual must also focus on the benefits for him/herself)
Kritikan(egoisme) Eksploitasi, tidak perlu bermasyarakat dan taat kepada autoriti, membenci peraturan, organisasi dan menentang pengorbanan diri untuk kecekapan, kekuatan dan kemajuan vs sifat semula jadi manusia? Jepun! Binatang liar/buas Untuk wira/superman terus hidup dan terdorong dia memerlukan musuh, cabaran dan penentangan daripada orang kebanyakan yang mesti dibelenggu Tidak dapat memuaskan prinsip sejagat Menentang peraturan mutlak sesuatu autoriti dan memperakui hanya peraturan yang bersifat individualistik, iaitu menurut peraturan sendiri adalah bermoral (prudentialism) vs altruism Tidak dapat diuar-uarkan Tidak dapat menjalin hubungan Tanggungjawab sejarah dalam kebangkitan pergerakan Nazi
Eksistensialismekewujudanmendahuluizatdanperubahanadalahkekal. Olehitu, individu yang kewujudannyaauthentic,bebassepenuhnyabuatapa yang diasukadalammenguruskandirisendiri; tiadaapapun yang bolehmembataskankebebasannyauntukmemilihdanmenentukansendiritujuan, sikap, nilaidancarahidupnya; segala-galanyadiizinkan; tiadahukumataunilai kudus/objektif yang wajibdipatuhi; nilaibersifatsubjektif, individualistikdantertaklukkepadasituasi; yang lepasdan yang akandatangtidakpenting. Sekiranyaindividuitutidakmahu ‘freedom of choice’, makadiahidupdalam ‘nothingness’ dandiamempunyaipandangan yang penuhdenganmitostentangkemoralan (bad faith = kepercayaanpalsu)
Eksistensialisme: suatukritikan… • Menjadikantindakanseseorangitubenardenganhanyamemilihtindakanitu – menggalakkanrelativismeindividu • Kemungkinan yang dipilihadalah yang desired, commended dan praised, bukan yang desirable, commendable, praiseworthy • Tanpamatlamat, ideal ataunorma, iatidakmembimbingdanmemberitahuindividuapa yang patutdibuat, individuitu is left hanging in the air atauterawang-awang • Keputusan first hand biasanyamembebankandanmakan masa • Mustahil, darisegipsikologi, wujudnya freedom of choice
Sekolah sebagai terbuka, murid dibenarkan keluar dan masuk sesuka hati, menggalakkan ponteng dan pembatalan kelas; justeru, pencapaian akademik merosot dan murid akan bermasalah disiplin (menagih dadah, gangsterisme, vandalisme, mencuri, mengugut, buli); dan guru pula mempunyai perasaan negatif terhadap murid dan menghadapi stres pekerjaan.
Kantianism – Prinsip Kewajipan (Duty) Tumpuan kemoralan ialah kepada niat atau tujuan, dan motif kemoralan bukanlah untuk memuaskan kecenderungan, tetapi motifnya ialah kewajipan demi kewajipan. Kecuali tekad baik, tiada yang baik tanpa syarat. Individu yang mempunyai tekad baik ialah individu yang sentiasa bertindak atas dasar kewajipan yang diperihalkan sebagai satu set perintah mutlak, iaitu kesejagatan, kemanusiaan (hormat) dan kerasionalan. The focus of morality is on intention/purpose, and the motive of morality is not to satisfy inclinations, but its motive is duty for duty’s sake. Except for the good will, nothing is good without conditions. The individual who has the good will is one who always acts on the basis of duty which is described as a set of categorical imperatives, that is, universalism, humanity (respect) and rationality.