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Promoting the use of R in the NHS Professor Mohammed A Mohammed. https://www.nuffieldtrust.org.uk/resource/the-nhs-workforce-in-numbers. Health Care System Performance Rankings. Source: Commonwealth Fund analysis. www.ipsos-mori.com/NHSat65. nhsrcommunity.com.
Promoting the use of R in the NHS Professor Mohammed A Mohammed
Health Care System Performance Rankings Source: Commonwealth Fund analysis.
…the NHS-R community works. It’s inclusive, not exclusive. It’s a multi-disciplinary forum, not a talking shop for geeks. Which means that when the final plenary session for the day was trying to identify the main themes to emerge from the conference, it was collaboration that emerged for me as the key word. We do need to find ways of collaborating better. Collaboration that cuts across disciplines, and across organisations. Neil Pettinger, NHS-R Blogger The other great thing about this conference was that it was free and that should not be underestimated. Being free, it attracted those non-management, just starting out in R, not even statisticians and only did maths to GSCE level people like me. The NHS, like many other public-sector organisations, are feeling the pinch and more than ever we need support and training for the hidden side of the NHS – its data people. And it’s those people I hope you will see at the next NHS-R conference showing their achievements and sharing their enthusiasm, because, whilst this was a training/conference event, really it was the coming together of a community. Zoe Turner, NHS-R Blogger It was great to be in a room full of analysts passionate about R and the NHS… I’m pretty sure there was enough brain power in that room to tackle any analytical challenge that could get thrown at the NHS. • John MacKintosh, NHS-R Blogger
2 Day Conference N=300 ~1000 twitter followers ~ 335 subscribers ~43 blogs ~17 bloggers 1 Day Conference N=119 Launch Mar 2018 Oct 2018 Sep 2019 http://clipart-library.com/clipart/6ip5XadBT.htm
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