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Explore the challenges and potential of comparative digital epigraphy through the lens of the EDAK project, focusing on improvements, data analysis, and the integration of diverse datasets. Discover how the project aims to create an epigraphic ontology for cross-cultural comparison and advance research methodologies. Learn about the utilization of Distributed Text Services for contextualizing Ethiopic inscriptions and the importance of integrating existing data for new insights. Connect with the forefront of digital epigraphy research and contribute to the evolving landscape of epigraphic studies.
EDAK and Comparative Digital Epigraphy Zadar 15.12.2018 The itinerary to Aksumshowing the ptolemaicinscriptionsatAdulisdepicted in Vat.Gr.699 f.15v (Topographia Christiana by Cosmas) annotated in Recogito
"If you think the 19th century was bad, try living in the 20th" Joshua D. Sosin 2015 Balisage Symposium (About the Integrating Digital Epigraphies project and the challenges it faced.) 21stis/must be better!
‘Papyri and ostraca from Roman Egyptsurvive in sufficientnumbers to invitestatisticalanalysis and thus to teachussomething out of the numbersthemselvesthatisnotevident in the body of any single text.’ MacMullen1982, 234
Small/narrow defined corpora of inscriptions should be "plunged again into the sea of all inscriptions” Roueché and Sotinel (2017)
Ifwehave multiple datasetswhichwe can compare we can learnsomething out of comparing the numbersthatisnotevident from a single set of numbers
We can make a sea of inscriptions to plungeothers in and potentiallyalsoplungethisinto the sea of allwrittenartefacts (coins, manuscripts, papyri etc.)
Distributed Text Services (DTS) w3id.org/dts
Experiment: Contextualize the EthiopicInscriptions 113 Inscriptions in ClassicalEthiopic, Greekdatedbetween 300 and 700 CE Compared with the contemporaryepigraphicdocumentation EXCLUDING SOUTH ARABIA!
48 of thesecharts X 4 Compare Aksumiteinscriptions based on typology to subsetsdated 0300 to 0700 from: EAGLE, ISicily, Trismegistosinscriptions from Egypt, breaking down EAGLE data by content provider
EDAK Epigraphische Datenbank zum antiken Kleinasien
History • Start 1993 • About 6000 inscriptionsfrom Lydia, Ephesos andGalatiawithcommentaryand find spot (googlemaps) • MySQL database EDAK Epigraphische Datenbank zum antiken Kleinasien
PHP applicationwith MySQL (MyISAM) connection • Noreferentialintegrity (foreignkeywithout link, inconsistentdataset) • Workloadofdata manage-mentincreaseswithnum-berofdatasets • Remodelling due tothe „Nachhaltigkeitsstrategien“of UHH in 2015 EDAK Epigraphische Datenbank zum antiken Kleinasien
Improvement • Corporate design • New searchoptions • (date, object type) • Images • German translations • Sustainabledataformat • -> XML andMyCoRe frame- • work EDAK Epigraphische Datenbank zum antiken Kleinasien
MyCoRe Framework EDAK Epigraphische Datenbank zum antiken Kleinasien
Conclusion EDAK Epigraphische Datenbank zum antiken Kleinasien • Noaccesstothehard-codedparts • Notechnicalsupport • Noepidoc, nolinkeddata • Data modellingrestrictedbyMyCoRefunctions • Rudimentaryuseradministration • Bugs anddysfunctionsofthe WCMS • Minimal datamanagementandserversupport • Quick and flexible search • Data in XML • Derivate uploadpossible
Comparative Digital Epigraphy No good news as of 15.12.2018!!
Comparative Digital Epigraphymainaims • Compare EpiDoc data of diverse provenancebased on typologies (and image similarity?) • Contributetowards an epigraphicontology for the cross-cultural comparison of epigraphic data • Analysis on the basis of typologicalfeaturesonly • Update of The EAGLE vocabularies • Use the data for analysis, notproducing new data ifnot for the curation of threedatasets: EDAK, RIE and potentially a thirdorientallanguage
Demo Model 5 / Distributed approach using DTS BetMas Just use yourimagination EpInfo Primarily for Scenario 1, for mortals OEDUc Serves Scenarios 2 and 3 EDAK Primarily for Scenario 4 A generic mash up Aggregator. Primarily for Scenario 4, A new/relaunchingproject Primarily for Scenario 2 Theseactuallyexist A Running project. Also exemplifies mixed contents
Comparative Digital Epigraphy using DTS BetMas ?Ep?Info? Just use yourimagination Semitic/ Sanscrit ??? IDEA EAGLE Vocabularies + EpOnt EDAK Primarily for Scenario 4 EAGLE Primarily for Scenario 4, A new/relaunchingproject Theseactuallyexist Primarily for Scenario 2 Perseids Vocabulary editor A Running project. Also exemplifies mixed contents
Comparative Digital Epigraphy • Networking existingavailable data and reusingit for analysis with an ontologybased on CRMtext and EAGLE CIDOC-CRM • Recontextualizingisolateddatasets • Lookingatcontinuities and discontinuities in the epigraphic production from a distantperspective • Explore and identify new questions on writtenartefactsbased on typologies and relations includingmanuscripts, coins, papyri, etc. testingif breaking the distinctionstakesanywhere. • Prototypingbased on DTS exchanges and RDF serializations of cross-corpus researchquestions and evaluation of visualizationtechnologies
Thank you very much Pietro Maria Liuzzo pietro.liuzzo@uni-hamburg.de Universität Hamburg IDEA, International Digital Epigraphy Association • https://form.jotformeu.com/61524210874350 References You can findall images of inscriptions in thispresentationssearching“EUROPA” in the EAGLE portalhttps://www.eagle-network.eu/basic-search/