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Analyzing Minimum Wage: Impact on Poverty and Economy

Explore the economic analysis of minimum wage, from traditional views to current perspectives. Learn about historical minimum wage increases, relevance relative to the poverty line, state laws, and its impact on labor market dynamics. Delve into the arguments for and against minimum wage, the role of Earned Income Tax Credit as an alternative, and rebuttals to traditional analyses. Discover where economists stand today and the efficacy of minimum wage policies in combating poverty.

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Analyzing Minimum Wage: Impact on Poverty and Economy

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  1. Chapter 31Minimum Wage

  2. Chapter Outline • Traditional Economic Analysis Of A Minimum Wage • Rebuttal To The Traditional Analysis • Where Are Economists Now? • Kick It Up A Notch

  3. Why Have a Minimum Wage • The argument for a minimum wage is that people who work full time should not be in poverty. This combines two concepts: • Minimum Wage: the lowest wage that may legally be paid for an hour’s work • Living Wage: a wage sufficient to keep a family out of poverty

  4. Minimum Wage Relative to the Poverty Line

  5. Nominal and Real Minimum Wage(1999 dollars)

  6. Minimum Wage Increases • The Federal minimum wage was originally set at 25 cents per hour. • There have been 21 increases. • July 2011 it was $7.25 per hour. • To be equal to its 1968 high in inflation-adjusted terms it would need to be $11 per hour in 2009.

  7. Minimum Wages in States and Cities • 15 states have minimum wages laws • Many cities have their own minimum wages laws • 7 states index their minimum wages for inflation

  8. W Supply A W* B C Demand Labor 0 L* The Labor Market without a Minimum Wage • Value to the firms: • 0ACL* • Firms pay workers: • OW*CL* • The opportunity cost to workers: • OBCL* • Surplus to firms: • W*AC • Surplus to workers: • BW*C

  9. Minimum Wage Relevance • A minimum wage is only relevant if it is above the market wage. • A minimum wage below the market wage is irrelevant. • The company must pay the market wage to attract workers. • Paying below the market wage is not in its interests because such a wage would not attract sufficient workers to the company.

  10. What’s Wrong with the Minimum Wage • The gain to the workers who keep their jobs is less than the loss to the losers who • lose their jobs and • are firms who have to pay higher wages.

  11. The Case Against (continued) • An increase in the minimum wage by 10% decreases the number of jobs held by teens by 1% to 3%. • A minimum wage increase negatively affects • small businesses more than larger firms. • minorities more than whites. • A majority of minimum wage workers are young adults who are not supporting families. An increase in the minimum wage is an inefficient mechanism for helping poor working families.

  12. The EITC Alternative to the Minimum Wage • The earned income tax credit (EITC) • is a targeted tax credit to the working poor. • was, in 2011, as much as $4,824 for a working poor family with two children. • 70% of benefits go to households in poverty • 70% of minimum wage benefits go to households not in poverty

  13. The Rebuttals to the Traditional Analysis • The Macroeconomic Argument • The money that is transferred from employers to employees in more likely to be spent than saved thereby increasing GDP. • The Work Effort Argument • People who are paid more may work harder than people who are paid less. This may return some of the increased wage paid by employers back to them in terms of increased productivity. • The Inelasticity of Labor Demand Argument • If the demand for labor is inelastic then there is less of a loss in employment and a smaller deadweight loss.

  14. Where are Economists Now • Economists have long been against the minimum wage and for the EITC. • Card and Kruger challenged many of the long-held conclusions in the 1990s with research verifying the Inelasticity Argument. • For most labor economists, subsequent research has re-verified the original pro-EITC, anti-minimum wage argument.

  15. W Supply A W* B E Wmin C F Demand Lmin LS 0 L* Kicking it Up a Notch: Demonstrating the Case Against the Minimum Wage • Value to the firms: • 0AELmin • Firms pay workers: • 0WminELmin • The opportunity cost to workers: • 0BFLmin • Surplus to firms: • WminAE • Surplus to workers: • BWminEF • Unemployed workers • Who had jobs • L*-Lmin • Who are now looking • LS-L* Labor

  16. Low level of DWL Small number of displaced workers Demonstrating the Inelasticity Argument W Supply W* B E Wmin C F Demand 0 L* Lmin Labor

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