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Understand logic gates, Boolean algebra concepts, gate design challenges, static complementary gates, gate structures, pullup and pulldown networks, complete sets, AOI/OAI gates, logic levels, transfer characteristics, noise margins, CMOS inverter, device models, delay analysis, capacitive load effects, resistive transistor models, and gate delay measurement methods.
VLSI DesignLecture 5: Logic Gates Mohammad Arjomand CE Department Sharif Univ. of Tech. Adapted with modifications from Wayne Wolf’s lecture notes
Topics • Combinational logic functions. • Static complementary logic gate structures.
Combinational logic expressions • Combinational logic: function value is a combination of function arguments. • A logic gate implements a particular logic function. • Both specification (logic equations) and implementation (logic gate networks) are written in Boolean logic.
Gate design Why designing gates for logic functions is non-trivial: • may not have logic gates in the libray for all logic expressions; • a logic expression may map into gates that consume a lot of area, delay, or power.
Boolean algebra terminology • Function: f = a’b + ab’ • a is a variable; a and a’ are literals. • ab’ is a term. • A function is irredundant if no literal can be removed without changing its truth value.
Completeness • A set of functions f1, f2, ... is complete iff every Boolean function can be generated by a combination of the functions. • NAND is a complete set; NOR is a complete set; {AND, OR} is not complete. • Transmission gates are not complete. • If your set of logic gates is not complete, you can’t design arbitrary logic.
Static complementary gates • Complementary: have complementary pullup (p-type) and pulldown (n-type) networks. • Static: do not rely on stored charge. • Simple, effective, reliable; hence ubiquitous.
Static complementary gate structure Pullup and pulldown networks: VDD pullup network out inputs pulldown network VSS
Inverter + out a
VDD tub ties transistors GND Inverter layout + (tubs not shown) out a a out
NAND gate + out b a
VDD tub ties GND NAND layout + out out b a b a
NOR gate + b a out
VDD tub ties GND NOR layout b a b out out a
AOI/OAI gates • AOI = and/or/invert; OAI = or/and/invert. • Implement larger functions. • Pullup and pulldown networks are compact: smaller area, higher speed than NAND/NOR network equivalents. • AOI312: and 3 inputs, and 1 input (dummy), and 2 inputs; or together these terms; then invert.
AOI example out = [ab+c]’: invert symbol circuit or and
Pullup/pulldown network design • Pullup and pulldown networks are duals. • To design one gate, first design one network, then compute dual to get other network. • Example: design network which pulls down when output should be 0, then find dual to get pullup network.
a a dummy c b b c dummy Dual network construction
Logic levels • Solid logic 0/1 defined by VSS/VDD. • Inner bounds of logic values VL/VH are not directly determined by circuit properties, as in some other logic families. VDD logic 1 VH unknown VL logic 0 VSS
Logic level matching • Levels at output of one gate must be sufficient to drive next gate.
Transfer characteristics • Transfer curve shows static input/output relationship—hold input voltage, measure output voltage.
Logic thresholds • Choose threshold voltages at points where slope of transfer curve = -1. • Inverter has a high gain between VIL and VIH points, low gain at outer regions of transfer curve. • Note that logic 0 and 1 regions are not equal sized—in this case, high pullup resistance leads to smaller logic 1 range.
Noise margin • Noise margin = voltage difference between output of one gate and input of next. Noise must exceed noise margin to make second gate produce wrong output. • In static gates, t= voltages are VDD and VSS, so noise margins are VDD-VIH and VIL-VSS.
CMOS Inverter: Transfer characteristic (Review) A: N: off P: linear B: N: saturated P: linear C: N: saturated P: saturated D: N: linear P: saturated E: N: linear P: off
Delay • Assume ideal input (step), RC load.
Delay assumptions • Assume that only one transistor is on at a time. This gives two cases: • rise time, pullup on; • fall time, pullup off. • Assume resistor model for transistor. Ignores saturation region and mischaracterizes linear region, but results are acceptable.
Current through transistor • Transistor starts in saturation region, then moves to linear region.
Capacitive load • Most capacitance comes from the next gate. • Load is measured or analyzed by Spice. • Cl: load presented by one minimum-size transistor. CL = S (W/L)i Cl
Resistive model for transistor • Average V/I at two voltages: • maximum output voltage • middle of linear region • Voltage is Vds, current is given Id at that drain voltage. Step input means that Vgs = VDD always.
Ways of measuring gate delay • Delay: time required for gate’s output to reach 50% of final value. • Transition time: time required for gate’s output to reach 10% (logic 0) or 90% (logic 1) of final value.
Inverter delay circuit • Load is resistor + capacitor, driver is resistor.
Inverter delay with t model • t model: gate delay based on RC time constant t. • Vout(t) = VDD exp{-t/(Rn+RL)/ CL} • tf = 2.2 R CL • For pullup time, use pullup resistance.
t model inverter delay • 0.5 micron process: • Rn = 6.47 kW • Cl = 0.89 fF • CL = 1.78 fF • So • td = 0.69 x 6.47E3 x 1.78E-15 = 7.8 ps. • tf = 2.2 x 6.47E3 x 1.78E-15 = 26.4 ps.
Power consumption analysis • Almost all power consumption comes from switching behavior. • Static power dissipation comes from leakage currents. • Surprising result: power consumption is independent of the sizes of the pullups and pulldowns.
Other models • Current source model (used in power/delay studies): • tf = CL (VDD-VSS)/Id • = CL (VDD-VSS)/0.5 k’ (W/L) (VDD-VSS -Vt)2 • Fitted model: fit curve to measured circuit characteristics.
Power consumption circuit • Input is square wave.
Power consumption • A single cycle requires one charge and one discharge of capacitor: E = CL(VDD - VSS)2 . • Clock frequency f = 1/t. • Energy E = CL(VDD - VSS)2. • Power = E x f = f CL(VDD - VSS)2.
Observations on power consumption • Resistance of pullup/pulldown drops out of energy calculation. • Power consumption depends on operating frequency. • Slower-running circuits use less power (but not less energy to perform the same computation).
Speed-power product • Also known as power-delay product. • Helps measure quality of a logic family. • For static CMOS: • SP = P/f = CV2. • Static CMOS speed-power product is independent of operating frequency. • Voltage scaling depends on this fact.