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Explore the intricate design of life, from amino acids to DNA, revealing the complexity that defies chance. Discover the intelligence behind every cell and the fascinating molecular machines that sustain life. Delve into the information science of DNA, challenging the theory of evolution. Uncover the undeniable evidence of a grand designer in the awe-inspiring creation of life. Join us in unraveling the mysteries of existence through science and wonder. 8 Relevant
Does God Exist or did everything happen by chance? There are 20 amino acids which in various arrangements creates over 30,000 different protein molecules which are the basis of life… 400 or more protein molecules are needed in the smallest self sustaining cell of life The foundation of life…amino Acids
Do you believe in evolution? • If you believe that non living matter came into being through a big bang or other method on its own… • If you believe that non living matter brought living forms into existence… • If you believe that spontaneously life emerged and developed over periods of time into the varied and complex life we know around us…then YOU BELIEVE IN MIRACLES! • We believe in miracles too…
Chance is another Word for MIRACLE! There are 100 Trillion Cells in the Human Body containing tens of thousands of protein molecules directed by amino acids: • Nerve Cells • Blood Cells • Tissue Cells • Photosensitive Cells • Skin Cells • Brain Cells • Organ Cells • Bone Marrow Cells… “We have seen that living things are too improbable and too beautifully “designed”to have come into existence by chance.” Dr. Richard Dawkins, Oxford Univ. The Blind Watchmaker. (An evolutionist)
Common sense tells us that Design requires a DESIGNER • Order requires an ORDERER • Information requires INTELLIGENCE • Programs requirePROGRAMERS
It takes stacked books from the Moon to the Earth… The amount of information contained in the smallest cell is unbelievable!
This Computer graphic image shows DNA’s double helix formation with only four letters being used to arrange and communicate the ton of information found within its structure. What if eight letters or 26 had been used the information would be multiplied exponentially.
Fact: DNA & RNA must CO-EXIST • Millions of bits of DNA information must be read by Millions of RNAwhich is produced by DNA which is read by RNA… which… • (Which came first? One cannot function without the other…)
The Code must be organized, readable, and understandable…A tremendous amount of information contained in each cell is read and understood by what intelligence?
Complexity in the Smallest cell is overwhelming… • Each part needs to be the right size, shape, and material; put together in the rightway…orit will not live.
Molecular Machines • Each Cell contains • microscopic machines: • -Conversion of food • -Transportation of resources • -Transcription of information • -Manufacturing of proteins • -Replication of DNA • -Distribution • -Waste Disposal • -Gate Keepers…etc, etc…
The Body’sEnergy Sourceis Amazing… • ATP are the molecular machines through out our bodies that produce the enzymes and energy we need millions of times each day in a matter of seconds… without them we’d die. Computer graphic
Microscopic in size they rotate 10,000 times a minute and each rotation produces 3 ATP molecules… Discovered in the last decade, the energy source for our lives come from these ATP molecular machines! Made of 1,000’s of components there are innumerous ATP machines in our bodies. Cyanide Poison breaks the bond of ATP…death results in 30 seconds! Computer graphic
Francis Crick Nobel Laureate DNA Research
Evolution claims two processes known today as Natural Selection and Mutation to be responsible for evolving life… • Despite the facts that both of these known processes DO NOT evolve anything…in truth they both work in the opposite direction required by evolution… • There is NO KNOWN natural process that increases information, expands gene production, or provides the upward biological growth needed for simple life forms turning into more complex forms of life.
Natural Selectiononly works on what already exists… It is a decrease in information It is a separation of the gene pool… It isolates the genes from the kinds…
Variations in Kinds: Natural Selection • It all depends on what the original parents…or the original kinds were • God placed a great deal of variety with each kind… • MUTATIONS ARE COPYING ERRORS AND ALWAYS A LOSS OF INFORMATION.
Too Much Information is needed for chance or randomness to provide for life’s origin… • Volumes of books of information are needed for the simplest of life forms in order to survive… • It is Irreducible complexity that evolution can’t explain…
TheMouse Trapexample… Irreducible Complexity means that no part of this mouse trap can be missing in order for it to function and survive…all parts must be in proper relationship to each other…now multiply this truth by thousands in order to grasp all that is needed in the simplest cell…it is not simple at all!
Built in the Right Way…the construction of a house is generally a step by step process so also is the living cell…DNA are the blueprints
Life Requires: • The right kind of • Living(GB’s or lots • & lots)MaterialAND • the rightkind of • Energy AND the • right kind of • Information • -Structured • -Ordered • -Designed
Consider also that LIFE is far more than just biological…it is far more than just chemical reactions. • Evolution is bankrupt in being able to explain the biological origins of life • It is no where close to being able to explain the NON-PHYSICAL (metaphysical) aspects of life which we all know and enjoy…
What about emotions? Love, Joy, peace, kindness, appreciation… What about Conscience, right or wrong, worship, praise? What about imagination, thought, reason, fear, comfort? What about pride, beauty, play, pleasure, fun, sports, entertainment?
What about the human spirit, heart, awareness, language, fellowship, community, being alone? What about judgment, accountability, consequences, sin? What about planning, creativity, design, production, accomplishment? What about wonder, amazement, desire to live, glory, majesty, grandeur?
What about questions like why are we here? Where are we going? Where did life or material come from? It is a CHOICE we make…a perspective we choose! Ultimately PEOPLE CHOOSENOT TO BELIEVE…
“…I have come that they might have life and have it abundantly.” John 10:10 Jesus said: “I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life; No one comes to the Father except by Me.” John 14:6
Our God (creator) comes to us…as a human being why? To seek and to find that which was lost to Him. • He destroys the wall of sin separating us by taking the issue upon Himself (a sacrifice for the sins of the world). • Jesus fulfilled God’s promise to save us from the con-sequences of sin and condemnation…
Is it really that hard to believe? • An Intelligent, designer, programmer, director, creator is behind life…ANDHe comes to us? • Further, Jesus Christ did what no one else could do…or has done
He Healed the blind and lame…calmed storms & seas… He Raised the dead, multitudes were made well… He cast out demons and ultimately… He fulfilled 300 prophecies…and he performed miracles, signs, and wonders…(See Two Proofs on this DVD)
Jesus rose from the dead! • The empty tomb (guarded by 16 Roman Soldiers) proves He is alive…His detractors/enemies never produced his dead body. • Millions have been born again! • Who is this Designer?
Who is this Designer? • Who is this King of glory? • The Lord strong and mighty, The Lord mighty in battle. Lift up your heads, O you gates! • Lift up you everlasting doors! And the King of glory shall come in. • Who is this King of glory? The Lord of hosts, He is the King of glory. Psalm 24:8-10
The Mystery of Life? • God coming to us as one of us, the baby Jesus born of the virgin Mary another miracle…
The Mystery of Life? • To them God willed to make known what are the riches of the glory of this mystery among the Gentiles: which is Christ in you, the hope of glory!Col. 1:27 • He who has the Son has life; he who does not have the Son of God does not have life. I John 5:12
The Mystery of Life? • God coming to us • God saving us • God being born into our hearts • God loving and coming again for us • Do you know this mystery? You can know it…someone came to us; we are coming to you. • See the topic on this DVD: “What does it mean to be born again?”