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Wireless Mobile Computer Cart for Student-Centered Learning

Provide weekly access to technology skills and enhance projects for Hillside students in a student-centered learning environment with a wireless mobile computer cart.

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Wireless Mobile Computer Cart for Student-Centered Learning

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  1. Ready for the 21st CenturyApplication to Corning Foundation Deborah Murray Hillside Academy Garland, Texas November 4, 2002

  2. Purpose A wireless mobile computer cart will provide the opportunity for every Hillside student to have weekly access so that they may participate in a student-centered learning environment as they practice technology skills and enhance projects required in their classes.

  3. Statement of Need • TEA’s long-range plan • TEKS for Technology Applications • Individual access • Equal access for disadvantaged

  4. Vision of Technology in Education, 2010 TEA’s Suggested Student-to-Workstation Ratio 1988-2000 ratio 4:1 1999-2002 ratio 3:1 2003-2010 ratio 1:1

  5. Ratio at Hillside Current student-to-computers ratio 12:1 With addition of wireless mobile computer lab 7:1

  6. TEKS for Technology Applications(K-2) • Use proper keyboarding techniques • Apply keyword searches • Use font attributes, color, white space, and graphics to ensure that products are appropriate for the defined audience

  7. TEKS for Technology Applications(3-5) • Apply electronic search strategies including keyword and Boolean search • Use software to express ideas and solve problems including the use of word processing, graphics, databases, simulations, and multimedia • Publish information in a variety of media including printed copy, monitor display, Internet documents, and video

  8. Chinese Proverb… “I hear, and I forget. I see, and I remember. I do, and I understand.”

  9. Today’s Technology Lesson

  10. Tomorrow…Technology Lesson at It’s Best

  11. Hillside’s Digital Divide • 37% economically disadvantaged • Informal survey: - 98% of G/T students have home access - 35% of “neighborhood” and bilingual students have home access

  12. Goal: To ensure equitable access by all Hillside students to technology for one-to-one learning opportunities so they are able to improve their technology skills as defined in the TEKS for Technology Applications and to engage in active rather than passive learning.

  13. Objective 1: Provide all students with individual access to computer technology. • Librarian will schedule use. • K-2 classes - minimum of half an hour per week. • 3-5 classes and CBSE - minimum of one hour per week.

  14. Objective 2: Provide all students with the opportunity to learn and individually practice technology skills and to use technology as an integral part of their class work.

  15. Timeline for Project • January-May 2003 • Establish baseline benchmarks for evaluation • Acquire and install hardware • July 2003 • Train staff in use of computer lab • Train new teachers in use of software applications and Big6

  16. Timeline for Project – cont’d • August 2003 • Develop fall schedule • Design lesson plans • Administer student self-evaluation • September 2003 – May 2004 • Implement student activities • Collect data for evaluation • May 2004 • Complete project evaluation

  17. Budget

  18. Personnel • Librarian • Scheduling of lab to oversee equitable use • Collaborate with teachers for planning • Teacher • Plan lessons to ensure all TEKS objectives are being taught • Maintain data sheets on lesson plans • Vice Principal • Monitor data sheets on lesson plans • Technology Cadre • Troubleshooting of wireless lab • Assist teachers with software questions

  19. Project Evaluation • Measure Student Accessibility • Circulation data of lab • Monthly usage report of TLC databases • Measure Technology Instruction • TEKS check sheets • Standardized project rubric • Student self-evaluation survey

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