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This partnership in practice aims to reduce the risk of fires and promote fire safety through Safe and Well home visits. By collaborating with health organizations, outcomes show improvements in fire prevention strategies. Recommendations include refining referral pathways, enhancing record-keeping, and involving mental health partners. Case studies highlight the impact of Safe and Well visits in identifying fire risks and improving overall safety for individuals with complex needs. Training and awareness initiatives further strengthen fire safety awareness among staff. This collaborative approach underscores the importance of proactive prevention measures.
The Partnership in Practice:Prevention Paula Breeze Health and Social Care Coordinator breezep@manchesterfire.gov.uk #careaboutfire @breeze_paula @manchesterfire Ms JaxEffiongCommunity Safety Manager effiongj@manchesterfire.gov.uk
What we will cover • What we set out to achieve – the Prevention aims of the partnership • What we did • The outcomes • Our recommendations for future partnership working and for you to take away
What is Safe and Well? Safe and Well home visits are the main tool that GMFRS use to prevent fires and educate the public about fire safety safe and well video
Aim 1To work in collaboration to reduce the risk of fire, fire injuries and deaths: What we did GMFRS and PCFT promote and improve access to Safe and Well visits for service users of PCFT. A Safe and Well referral pathway was created and promoted to PCFT staff via their intranet and during mandatory fire safety training. The pathway involves staff contacting GMFRS contact centre either by phone or referral form to request a Safe and Well visit for a service user, with their consent.
Aim 1: Outcomes The figures show an increase year on year. However, more work needs to be done to maintain this increase going forward.
Aim 1 Outcomes continued… • GMFRS have procured a new system to manage and report on referrals. This partnership has influenced the development of the new system. • Captured evidence through Case Studies which demonstrate the qualitative benefits of Safe and well visits.
Aim 1: Case Study • Mr X (age 54) lives with his Grandson (age 17). Mr X made a self-referral for a Safe and Well visit. • Mr X has a number of physical and mental health problems including, mobility problems, asthma, COPD, angina, arthritis, spondylitis, fibromyalgia, memory impairment (associated with his mental health), panic attacks, anxiety and depression. • He regularly falls asleep on the sofa due to the sedative effects of his medication. He is deaf in one ear. He smokes occasionally when feeling stressed. He is being supported by a Consultant Psychiatrist and the Early Intervention Service and has telephone numbers for RAID and the Crisis Team. He has an appointment with the Consultant the following week. Mr X reported that his medication is ineffective when he feels stressed.
Case Study Outcomes Fire risk identified during Safe and Well visit • Cannabis use • Unsafe use of extension cables • Medication causes drowsiness • History of dropping a lit cigarette on the couch • Chip pan used 2 to 3 times per week. • Deaf in one ear and hearing impaired in other ear (70% deaf) Unable to wear hearing aids as the ear drum is perforated and hearing aids would be ineffective. • Clutter in Living Room (level 1). • Clutter in front upstairs Bedroom (level 2). • Access to window blocked in upstairs front bedroom. • Candles in living room. • Feels lonely Recommendations and actions taken by GMFRS • The 24/7 Sanctuary number provided • Deep fat fryer was provided and demonstrated to replace the chip pan • Double fire retardant throw for couch provided • Hard of Hearing alarm with 3 • wi-safe smoke alarms fitted • Information and contact details provided for Silverline and Healthy Minds • Joint follow up visit with CMHT arranged to ensure that all risks are factored into Mr X’s care plan and risk assessments • Safeguarding referral made • Hard of Hearing alarm tested, working and demonstrated
Aim 1: Recommendations • Agree referral pathways for Safe and Well visits. • Establish effective methods of recording and reporting. • Joint visits in complex cases should be encouraged where possible and appropriate.
Aim 3To work in collaboration to improve the health and wellbeing of the communities we serve
Accidental Fire deaths (108) Contributory Factors/Profile 2007 – 2016
Aim 3: What we did • PCFT are a consultant for GMFRS on mental health • Helped shape mental health section of Safe and Well visit • Service Directories • 24/7 Triage advice line
Aim 3: Outcomes numbers of people living with mental health problems are accessing safe and well visits Improvements to how GMFRS record outputs and outcomes Anecdotal evidence tells us we are signposting and referring people to sources of support
Aim 3 - Recommendations • Safe and Well to include mental health to inform fire risk • Use the opportunity to start conversations, offer brief advice, signposting and referrals • Involve mental health partners in developing safe and well • Build or access a local service directory • Consult service users and carers when developing fire safety interventions • Consider how to record outcomes E.g. referrals made to other agencies
Aim 4: To improve fire safety awareness and health awareness to staff in order to reduce disruption to service within both organisations • Training • Resources • Awareness Raising • Communications
Aim 4What we did: Training • GMFRS trainers delivered face to face training to 46 PCFT members of staff. • A short promotional video and webinar was made. • GMFRS deliver training to PCFT staff at hospital site. • PCFT have delivered training to GMFRS Protection staff. • The Patient Advice & and Liaison Team (PALS) from PCFT have delivered face to face mental health awareness training to GMFRS staff.
Aim 4 What we did: Resources • Posters with Safe and Well information • Safe and well referral leaflet made • Local Service Directories • GMFRS Community Resources Brochure
Aim 4What we did: Raising Awareness A launch event took place when the partnership agreement was signed off by Directors. Key managers and stakeholders attended this event, to encourage them to engage in delivery. We continue to collaborate by attending events and supporting campaigns which promote the aims of the partnership. The opening of the Irwell Unit at Fairfield Hospital, in Bury. PCFT and GMFRS delivered a bespoke Fire Safety Awareness Week event at PCFT headquarters in 2015, to raise the profile of the partnership, and promote Safe and Well visits to service users.
Aim 4: Outcomes PCFT staff training • 4500 briefed on safe and well pathway during mandatory fire training • 45 received input on community fire safety and safe and well referral pathway GMFRS staff training • Fire safety and business safety trained on NHS structure and design of hospital buildings • 700 mental health awareness • Deliver fire safety in the home to in-patients
Aim 4: Outcomes cont. numbers of safe and well visits booked incidents in PCFT premises costs and disruption to service
Aim 4: Recommendations • Identify fire safety champions • Visible referral pathways • Different options to raise awareness • Collaborate on national campaigns
Thank you for listening!For further information please see our partner webpage www.manchesterfire.gov.ukor contact usbreezep@manchesterfire.gov.ukeffiongj@manchesterfire.gov.uk