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Learn about the Horizon 2020 program, its significance, objectives, and funding opportunities for research and innovation projects in Europe. Navigate the budget, types of actions, and criteria for grant applications.
Horizon 2020 – funding opportunities Naďa Koníčková
What is Horizon 2020 ? • A core part of Europe 2020, Innovation Union and European research area (ERA) • Responding to economic crisis to invest to future growth and jobs • Adressing people´s concerns about their livelihoods, safety and environment • Strengthening the EU´s global position in research, innovation and technology • Budget 79 bill. Euro (2014 – 2020)
EU framework programmes 7. FP (2007-2013) Horizon 2020 (2014-2020)
What is new? • A single programme bringing together three separate programmes/initiatives (FP7, CIP and EIT) • Coupling research to innovation from research to retail,all forms of innovations • Focus on societal challenges facing EU society e.g. health, food security, clean energy and transport • Simplified access for all companies, universities, research institutes in all EU countries and beyond
Types of actions - projects • Research and Innovationactions • Innovationactions • Coordinationand Support actions • SME instrument • ERA-NET Cofund • Pre-CommerciaProcurement (PCP) Cofundactions • Public ProcurementofInnovationSolutions (PPI) Cofundactions Characteristicofactions are in General annexofWPs
Research and Innovation actions (RIA, RI) • Activities to establish new knowledge, • and/or to explore the feasibility of a new or improved technology, product, process, service or solution. • Activity may include basic and applied research, technology development and integration, testingand validation on a small-scale prototype in a laboratory or simulated environment. • Projects may contain closely connected but limited demonstration or pilot activities aiming to show technical feasibility in a near to operational environment • Funding rate 100%
Innovation actions (IA, I) • activities directly aiming at producing plans and arrangements or designs for new, altered or improved products, processes or services • Limited activities of research and development • Focused to prototyping, testing, demonstrating, piloting, large-scale product validation and market replication • Demonstration and pilots: aims to validate the technical and economical viability of a new or improved technology, products, ….. in operational environment (near to large scale) • Market replication: aims to support first (EU or sector) application/deployment on the market • Funding rate 70% (100% for universities)
Coordination and support actions Activities: • accompanying measures such as standardisation, • dissemination, awareness-raising and communication, • networking, coordination or support services, • policy dialogues and mutual learning exercises and studies, • design studies for new infrastructure • strategic planning, networking and coordination between programmes in different countries • Funding rate 100%, one participating country is possible
Phase 3 = 2% budget SME instrument Phase 1: Concept and feasibility assessment Phase 2: R&D, demonstration, market replication Phase 3: Commercialisation No direct funding Input: Idea/Concept: "Business Plan 1" (~ 10 pages) 10% budget Activities: Feasibility of concept Risk assessment IP regime Partner search Design study Pilot application etc. Output: elaborated "Business plan 2" Input: "Business plan 2" plus description of activities under Phase 2 (~ 30 pages) 88% budget Activities: Development, prototyping, testing, piloting, miniaturisation, scaling-up, market replication, research Output: "investor-ready Business plan 3" Promote instrument as quality label for successful projects Facilitate access to private finance Support via networking , training, information, addressing i.a. IP management, knowledge sharing, dissemination SME window in the EU financial facilities (debt facility and equity facility) Possible connection to PPC (and PPI?) 10% success 30-50% success Lump sum: 50.000 € ~ 6 months 1-3 (5) M€ EC funding ~ 12 to 24 months
Fast Track to Innovation Objectives: • Reduce the time from idea to market • Increase the participation of industry, SMEs and first time applicants in Horizon 2020 • Stimulate private sector investment in research and innovation • Promote research and innovation with a focus on value creation and accelerate the development of technologies into innovative products, processes and services • Open to any legal entity - consortia of no more than 5 participants • Funding of innovation actions (close-to-market) • Proposals relating to any technology field under LEITs and Societal Challenges (bottom-up-driven logic) • Grant up to € 3 million • Permanently open call with three cut-off-dates per year • Impact criterion given a higher weighting in evaluations • Time-to-grant: 6 months • Means: Full-scale pilot starting in 2015
Financing rules H2020 • Single funding rate for all beneficiaries and all activities performed in the project Up to 100%of eligible costs Innovation actions limited to 70%of eligible costs • Derogation for non-profit organisations: up to 100% • Single flatrateforindirectcosts: 25%ofeligible direct costs (withoutsubcontracts)
Spreading excellence and widening participation - background • Currently national / regional disparities in research excellence and innovation performance, hamper competitiveness, business growth and employment creation. • A number of countries are experiencing low participation in the EU Framework Programmes; • Disparities due to structural issues, such as: • insufficient national RDI investment, • lack of synergies between certain countries national research systems and EU research landscape, • insufficient capacities, • reduced access to international networks.
Specific eligibility criteria for WIDESPREAD • Particular political objectives of WIDESPREAD in H2020 • necessitate a targeted approach to help those participants with low performance in R&I • H2020 legal text >>"low performing RDI Member States and regions” • Specific Eligibility Criterion: Composite Indicator that measures Research Excellence at national level (threshold at 70% of the EU average) “low RDI performing” Member States for Widening actions: Latvia, Croatia, Lithuania, Malta, Slovakia, Romania, Luxembourg, Poland, Bulgaria, Estonia, Portugal, Slovenia, Cyprus, Czech Republic and Hungary.
Overview of measures underWIDESPREAD in H2020 • Teaming for Excellence (CoEs) • Twinning (institutional networking) • ERA Chairs (bringing excellence to institutions) • NCPs (information, communication, support) - Policy Support Facility (support for R&I Policy design) • COST ( stimulating cross border science networks) Total Budget for WIDESPREAD in H2020 ~ € 800 million
Teaming for Excellence What? Creation of new (or significant upgrade of existing) Centres of Excellence in low performing Member States and regions How? Proposals:Need to demonstrate the long-term science and innovation strategy of the future Centre based on a SWOT analysis Stage 1: Funding for the development of a Business Plan for thenew Centre of Excellence facilitated by a teaming process with a leading counterpart in Europe Stage 2: Subject to the quality of the Business Plan, and a commitment of the Member State (e.g. support via Cohesion Policy Funds), the Commission may provide further substantial financial support for the first steps of implementation of the Centre.
Teaming (2) The Partners - 2 parties in each Teaming project: (1) the participant organisation (COORDINATOR) from a low performing Member State (for example a research agency at national or regional level, or a regional authority); (2) an institution of research and innovation excellence (public or private) or a consortium of such institutions;
Teaming (3) Call 2014 ("Stage 1"): Business Plan for a Centre of Excellence (CoE) Budget: € 11.85M Call deadline: 17 September 2014 Project Size: €200.000 - €500.000 per proposal Project Duration: 12 months Deliverable: Business Plan of the CoE 2016: ("Stage 2") Implementation of the CoE Budget: ~ € 80-90 M Project Size: €15-20M Project Duration: ~ 5 years Funding for: Substantial support for the implementation phase of the CoE Implementation: Specific Grant Agreement established under a Framework Partnership Agreement (Coordination and Support Action) Total Budget for Teaming in H2020: ~ € 270 M
Twinning What? Strengthening a defined field of research of a knowledge institution in a low performing Member State or regionthrough linking with at least two internationally-leading counterparts in Europe. How? Proposals: Will have to outline the scientific strategy for stepping up and stimulating scientific excellence and innovation capacity in a defined area of research as well as the scientific quality of the partners involved in the twinning exercise Funding for: • expert visits and short-term on-site or virtual training; • workshops & conference attendance; • organisation of joint summer school type activities; • dissemination and outreach activities. Equipment & researchers' salaries will NOT be funded.
Twinning (2) The Partners • ONE institution located in a Low Performing MS/region (COORDINATOR) • A minimum of TWO additional partners from two different Member States or Associated Countries. Call 2015 Details: Budget: ~ € 64 M Call publication date: 2 July 2014 Call deadline: Spring 2015 Project Size: €1 M per proposal Project Duration: 3 years Type of action: Coordination and Support Action Total Budget for Twinning in H2020: ~ € 100 M
WIDESPREAD 2-2014: ERA Chairs – Objectives of the action • Bring high quality researchers and managers to universities and other research organisations with the potential for research excellence. • Institutions should implement structural changes to achieve excellence on a sustainable basis. • In any scientific domain of research and innovation but expected to be inline with regional/national strategies for smart specialisation. • Proposal shall comprisemeasures to foster compliance with ERA priorities (open recruitment, peer review, gender balance, innovative doctoral training). • Proposal will include a plan to increase Research Capacityof the organisation (synergies with SF)
WIDESPREAD 2-2014: ERA Chairs - Eligibility Criteria • As for the other measures under Widening, applicant organisations shall be established in eligible Members States and Associated countries indicated in the Work Programme. • One single applicant (mono-beneficiary action). • EU contribution not to exceed a maximum of EUR 2,5 million for up to 5 years • EU contribution is limited to a maximum of 90% of total estimated budget • Eligiblecosts – salariesofthe ERA-chair and his/her team, trainings, meetings, publications, patenting, (small) researchequipment, measuresfacilitatinginstitutionalstructuralchanges • The grant is not a measure to fund research per se and will not cover research costs!
WIDESPREAD 2: ERA Chairs Calls • A total of 3 calls are foreseen during H2020 with a total budget of EUR 240 million Provisonal call deadlines: 2014; 2017 and 2019 Indicative budget: 1st call EUR 34 million; 2nd EUR 100 million and 3rd EUR 110 million • Widespread 2-2014: 1st Call Open since 11 December 2013! Call deadline: 15 october 2014=> Proposals evaluated by December 2014 EU contribution: maximum of EUR 2,5 million for up to 5 years Funding scheme: CSA-SA (Supporting Action)
Information H2020: http://ec.europa.eu/research/horizon2020/index_en.cfm http://www.h2020.cz http://www.czelo.cz http://www.tc.cz Thank you for your attention konickova@tc.cz tel.: 234 006 109