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Eco Review: Thermodynamics, Ozone, Trophic Relationships

Explore key concepts in AP Environmental Science Chapter 3 and 4, from thermodynamics to trophic relationships, with a focus on the ozone layer and biomass pyramids. Study efficiently for your upcoming test with this comprehensive review.

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Eco Review: Thermodynamics, Ozone, Trophic Relationships

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  1. APES year in review Chapter 3 and 4 The test will be long, 45 multiple choice questions and 2 short answer questions, so begin when you get to class!

  2. Describe the 2nd law of thermodynamics

  3. When energy is transformed the ability to do work decreases even though the quantity of energy does not change. Describe the 2nd law of thermodynamics

  4. Why do we need the ozone layer?

  5. Why do we need the ozone layer? To block harmful UV rays from the sun

  6. Which chemicals were responsible for destroying the ozone layer?

  7. Which chemicals were responsible for destroying the ozone layer? Chloroflorocarbons (CFCs) from air conditioners, aerosol cans and the manufacture of Styrofoam.

  8. What type of habitat is the Florida Everglades?

  9. What type of habitat is the Florida Everglades? Wetland, Riparian, river of grass, marsh

  10. Trophic Relationship Put the following in order from greatest biomass to least biomass: Tertiary consumers, producers, primary consumer, secondary consumer

  11. Trophic Relationship Put the following in order from greatest biomass to least biomass: , producers, primary consumer, secondary consumer, Tertiary consumers

  12. Give an example of an autotroph.Where does it get its energy?

  13. Give an example of an autotroph.Where does it get its energy? Plant, algae, bacteria or phytoplankton Energy comes from the sun through photosynthesis

  14. Biomass and Biomass Pyramid • How much energy from one trophic level (producers) moves to the next trophic level (primary consumers)?

  15. Biomass and Biomass Pyramid • How much energy from one trophic level (producers) moves to the next trophic level (primary consumers)? 10%

  16. Biomass and Biomass Pyramid • How much solar energy is captured by the autotrophs?

  17. Biomass and Biomass Pyramid • How much solar energy is captured by the autotrophs? 1%

  18. If 80,000 j of energy comes from the sun to an ecosystem, how much energy will be in the secondary consumers?

  19. If 80,000 j of energy comes from the sun to an ecosystem, how much energy will be in the secondary consumers? 80,000j x .01= 800j • 800j x .1 = 80j • 80j x .1 = 8j

  20. If you are given the gross primary production of 1 hectare of coastal sage scrub, how do you calculate the net primary production of that area?

  21. If you are given the gross primary production of 1 hectare of coastal sage scrub, how do you calculate the net primary production of that area? Subtract cellular respiration

  22. Name the process in which water moves from plants to the atmosphere.

  23. Name the process in which water moves from plants to the atmosphere.

  24. What happens to the net primary production of an ecosystem when you add a limiting factor?

  25. What happens to the net primary production of an ecosystem when you add a limiting factor? NPP increases

  26. Carbon cycle • Name 3 ways carbon can enter the atmosphere.

  27. Carbon cycle • Name 3 ways carbon can enter the atmosphere. Cellular respiration, burning fossil fuels, burning trees, volcanoes, etc.

  28. Nitrogen cycle • Where is the biggest nitrogen reservoir?

  29. Nitrogen cycle • Where is the biggest nitrogen reservoir? The atmosphere is 78% nitrogen.

  30. Nitrogen cycle • Explain what will happen when legumes are planted in a grassland ecosystem. • Why will it happen?

  31. Nitrogen cycle • Explain what will happen when legumes are planted in a grassland ecosystem. Nitrate level will increase • Why will it happen? Legumes have nodules that provide a home for bacteria which fix nitrogen

  32. Phosphorus cycle • Is there a gas phase in the phosphorous cycle? Phosphorous is a limiting factor in aquatic systems. How could adding phosphorous to a lake decrease biodiversity of the lake?

  33. Phosphorus cycle • Is there a gas phase in the phosphorous cycle? No Phosphorous is a limiting factor in aquatic systems. How could adding phosphorous to a lake decrease biodiversity of the lake? Eutrophication and could cause species adapted to low phosphate levels to become extinct.

  34. What does deforestation do to the nutrient levels of streams that receive runoff from deforested areas?

  35. What does deforestation do to the nutrient levels of streams that receive runoff from deforested areas? Nutrient levels increase initially.

  36. What is the difference between ecosystem resilience and ecosystem resistance?

  37. What is the difference between ecosystem resilience and ecosystem resistance? Resilience how fast an ecosystem comes back after a shock, and resistance is how hard a shock an ecosystem can take before it changes.

  38. Which side of the Sierra Nevada Mountains will support giant sequoias, a redwood tree species that requires abundant precipitation? wind

  39. Which side of the Sierra Nevada Mountains will support giant sequoias, a redwood tree species that requires abundant precipitation? West Side (windward) wind

  40. List 3 to 6 factors which influence the climate of an area.

  41. List 3 to 6 factors which influence the climate of an area. Latitude, topography, winds, currents, coriolis Effect, distance to water, elevation, season

  42. Which latitude is going to get the most direct sunlight?

  43. Which latitude is going to get the most direct sunlight? 0°

  44. Which latitude is going to get the least direct sunlight?

  45. Which latitude is going to get the least direct sunlight? 90°

  46. 42 LATITUDE Which site would likely be warmest? A 40 38 B 36 34 C 32

  47. 42 LATITUDE Which site would likely be warmest? 40 38 36 C 34 32

  48. 42 LATITUDE Which site would likely be coolest? A 40 38 B 36 34 C 32

  49. 42 LATITUDE Which site would likely be coolest? A 40 38 36 34 32

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