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The Municipal Systems Amendment Bill

Analysis of the Municipal Systems Amendment Bill focusing on professionalization, accountability, and depoliticization of municipal structures. Recommendations for improving the bill's impact on political culture and behavior.

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The Municipal Systems Amendment Bill

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  1. The Municipal Systems Amendment Bill GGLN presentation to the Portfolio Committee for Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs 8 February 2011

  2. Introduction to the GGLN • Afesis‐corplan • Black Sash • Built Environment Support Group • Centre for Policy Studies • Community Connections • Community Law Centre • Democracy Development Programme • Development Action Group • Eastern Cape NGO Coalition • Electoral Institute of Southern Africa • Fair Share • Foundation for Contemporary Research • Idasa • Isandla Institute • Mvula Trust • Planact • Project for Conflict Resolution and Development • Socio-Economic Rights Institute • Trust for Community Outreach and Education

  3. MS Amendment Bill – general comments • Positive shift towards professionalisation • Appointment of managers based on skills and qualifications • Stronger performance management systems • Increased personal and professional accountability • “Depoliticise” municipal structures: separation of political office from administrative functions

  4. MS Amendment Bill – concerns • Amendments are not retrospective • Current appointments are secure • Inappropriately skilled managers retain their positions • Current managers will still be able to hold political office • Managers below a section 56 manager can still hold political office • This potentially allows a lower ranking municipal official to have an undue political influence within the municipality given their position in their party

  5. MS Amendment Bill – concerns cont. • Municipal Council influential in the appointment of managers • Balance of power should remain within the administrative sphere and not be subject to the political realm of the Municipal Council • Extension of Minister’s powers • Training / skills development of municipal staff; appointment of municipal managers and acting managers; exemption from particular MEC rulings • Unclear why this is necessary and procedures are unclear • Potentially encroaches on the integrity and independence of local and provincial government

  6. Recommendations • The retrospective potential of proposed amendments should be considered • If the intention is to “depoliticise” and professionalise, then all amendments should reflect this agenda consistently: • Municipal Councils should not be appointing managers that are accountable to the municipal managers • All municipal staff should be prohibited from holding political office • The lines of authority of the National Minister and MEC should be clearly outlined: • How proactive/reactive should the Minister be? • How does the Minister’s sphere of influence impact Salga’s responsibility of staff training and skills development?

  7. The GGLN’s overall concern • Legislation has limited impact on political culture and behaviour • Ultimately, the political climate should promote: • Accountability to citizens and residents, and a public service ethos • Transparency • Democratic public participation by empowered citizens

  8. Thank you For additional information about the GGLN: Chantelle de Nobrega Isandla Institute PO Box 12263, Mill Street, Cape Town, 8010 Ph: (021) 683 7903 Fax: (021) 683 7956 Email: ggln@isandla.org.za

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