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Plan and lead a one-hour Scratch workshop with this guide. Participants will create hide-and-seek games where characters disappear and reappear. Includes agenda and activities.
HIDE AND SEEK / EDUCATORGUIDE HIDE AND SEEK / EDUCATORGUIDE EDUCATORGUIDE Hide andSeek WorkshopOverview Here’s a suggested agenda fora one-hourworkshop: With this guide, you can plan andlead a one-hour workshop usingScratch. Participants will make a hide-and-seek game with characters that appear and disappear. First, gather as a groupto introduce the theme and sparkideas. IMAGINE 10minutes Next, help participants asthey make hide-and-seek games, working at their ownpace. CREATE 40minutes At the end of thesession, gather together to share andreflect. SHARE 10minutes 1 2 SCRATCH EDUCATOR GUIDE •scratch.mit.edu/go SCRATCH EDUCATOR GUIDE •scratch.mit.edu/go
HIDE AND SEEK / EDUCATORGUIDE HIDE AND SEEK / EDUCATORGUIDE Imagine Get Ready for theWorkshop IMAGINE Begin by gathering the participants tointroduce the theme and spark ideas forprojects. Use this checklist to prepare for theworkshop. Preview theTutorial The Hide and Seek tutorial shows participants how to create their own projects. Preview the tutorial before your workshop and try the first fewsteps: scratch.mit.edu/hide Warm-up Activity: GuessingGame Arrange for participants to play a guessing game. Give each pair of participants three paper cups and have them choose a small object to hide. In each pair, one person hides the object under one of the cups and moves them around. The firstperson guesses which cup has the object underneath. Then switch. Print the ActivityCards Print a few sets of Hide and Seek cards to have available for participantsduring the workshop. scratch.mit.edu/hide/cards Provide Ideas andInspiration Show the introductory video for the Hide and Seek tutorial. The video shows a variety of projects for ideas andinspiration. Gather materials for the warm-upactivity: For each pair, gather 3 paper cups and a small object tohide. Make sure participants have Scratchaccounts Participants can sign up for their own Scratch accounts at scratch.mit.edu, or you can set up student accounts if you have a Teacher Account. To request a Teacher Account, go to: scratch.mit.edu/educators Set up computers orlaptops Arrange computers so that participants can work individually or inpairs. View at scratch.mit.edu/hide or vimeo.com/llk/hide Set up a computer with projector or largemonitor 3 4 SCRATCH EDUCATOR GUIDE •scratch.mit.edu/go SCRATCH EDUCATOR GUIDE •scratch.mit.edu/go
HIDE AND SEEK / EDUCATORGUIDE HIDE AND SEEK / EDUCATORGUIDE Create Support participants as theycreate hide-and-seek games, on their own or inpairs. Demonstrate the FirstSteps CREATE IMAGINE Demonstrate the first few steps of thetutorial so participants can see how to getstarted. Start withPrompts Ask participants questions to getstarted Choose a sprite tohide. Go to Scratch to create anew project. Choose abackdrop. What do you want to happen when that character isclicked? Which characterdoyou want in yourgame? ProvideResources Offer options for gettingstarted Make it keepgoing. Make your spritehide andshow. Some participants maywant to follow the online tutorial: scratch.mit.edu/hide Others may want toexplore using the activity cards: scratch.mit.edu/hide/cards • Make your sprite respond whenclicked. • Suggest Ideas forStarting • Choose a bear or othersprite • Make it hide andshow • Make it do something whenclicked • Play with thetiming 5 6 SCRATCH EDUCATOR GUIDE •scratch.mit.edu/go SCRATCH EDUCATOR GUIDE •scratch.mit.edu/go
HIDE AND SEEK / EDUCATORGUIDE HIDE AND SEEK / EDUCATORGUIDE Share SHARE CREATE More Things toTry Have participants gather in small groups and take turns playing each other’sgames. • Movearound • Scorepoints • Make hidingplaces • Add morecharacters Ask them to think about thesequestions: Did you get some ideas for your own game? What would you like to trynext? What did youlike best about the games youtried? Many Paths, ManyStyles Different participants will approach projects in different ways. Celebrate this diversity, and allow them to go at theirown pace and follow their ownpaths. What’sNext? Here are a couple variations on the hide-and-seek project you cansuggest. NeighborhoodHide-and-Seek Make a game featuring a place you know. Import a photograph of your room, school, or neighborhood. Create a new sprite from a drawing or photo to find in thatplace. Prepare toShare To add instructions andcredits to a project, click the button: “See projectpage”. This video shows how to sharea project on the Scratch website: vimeo.com/llk/share Invent aVariation: Another way to get started is to remix a project, such as from the Hide-and-Seek Studio: scratch.mit.edu/studios/1614974/. When participants see a project they like, they can click the See Inside button and then the Remix button. Then, make changes tocustomize the game. Remember to add credits on the ProjectPage. Scratch is a project of the Lifelong Kindergarten Group at the MIT MediaLab. 7 8 SCRATCH EDUCATOR GUIDE •scratch.mit.edu/go SCRATCH EDUCATOR GUIDE •scratch.mit.edu/go