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Explore the life, works, and legacy of William Shakespeare, an English playwright who has shaped the world of literature for 400 years. Discover interesting facts, famous quotes, and visit significant places associated with Shakespeare in Stratford. Prepared by an English teacher with 9th-grade students.
Шекспір та місце англійського драматурга в світовій культурі людства (400 років після смерті ) Мандрівка Стратфордом П’єси Шекспіра Фрази, які стали крилатими Цікаві факти з біографії драматурга Що нового ви дізналися про Шекспіра? підготувала вчитель англійської мови Старостенко В. Л. разом з учнями 9-х класів
Mary Arden's house Mary Arden's house, three miles northwest of Stratford. Here lived Shakespeare’s mother. This is a typical farm house of the period.
Shakespeare's birthplace in Henley Street John Shakespeare lived and kept his shop in this house. His eight children were born here. Two of them died young.
C 4 To me, fair friend, you never can be old, For as were when first your eye I ey’d, Such seems your beauty still. Three winters cold Have from the forests shook three summers’ pride; Three beauteous springs to yellow autumn turn’d In process of the seasons have I seen; Three April perfumes in three hot Junes burn’d, Since first I saw you fresh, which yet are green. Ah! yet doth beauty, like a dial-hand Steal from his figure, and no pace perceiv’d; So your sweet hue, which methinks still doth stand, Hath motion and mine eye may be deceiv’d: For fear of which, hear this, thou age unbred, - Ere you were born was beauty’s summer dead. William Shakespeare Нет старости примет в твоих чертах. С тех пор, когда впервые, тебя увидел я, Три лютые зимы наряд лесов сгубили. Плод осени, сменил цветы весны. И трижды запахи апреля Июльским зноем были сожжены. И трижды красота весны сменилась холодом зимы. Как в первый день стоишь передо мною ты. Но пробил час и стрелка часовая, Покинув цифру день к концу ведёт, Краса твоя такой же остаётся И не идёт за стрелкою вперёд. Нет не боюсь светил исчезновения, Поскольку это было до твоего рождения. Перевела на русский язык ученица 8 «а» класса Болотина Евгения.
Shakespeare's schoolroom This is the schoolroom where Shakespeare was educated, as many people believe. It is still in use.
Anne Hathaway's cottage Anne Hathaway's cottage, a mile from Stratford, where she was born in 1556, and lived until she married William Shakespeare in 1582.
Sonnet 25 Дайте тем,кто рождён под их звёздами Гордиться славой и не жить под грёзами! Я жил мечтами не видя ничего Но она была чудеснейшим истоком для него... Под лучами солнца завяли все розы Во всём пустом саду остались лишь мимозы. Розы завянут ,будут гаснуть И в славе их умрёшь,не успеешь и ахнуть! После тысячи великих побед Слава исчезнет,угаснет рассвет! И всё забыто,потерян след! И он забыт малый просвет! Всеми они были любимы И гаснущие розы будут непобедимы! Переводученика 7 «А» класса Раджаба Ибрагимова Let those who are in favour with their stars, Of public honour and proud titles boast, Whilst I whom fortune of such triumph bars Unlooked for joy in that I honour most; Great princes’ favourites their fair leaves spread, But as the marigold at the sun’s eye, And in themselves their pride lies buried, For at a frown they in their glory die. The painful warrior famoused for fight, After a thousand victories once foiled, Is from the book of honour razed quite, And all the rest forgot for which he toiled: Then happy I that love and am beloved Where I may not remove nor be removed.
The place where Shakespeare died This is place where the house in which Shakespeare died used to be. It was a big house bought by William Shakespeare for his family when he was still in London. Here he spent the last years of his life. Unfortunately, the house was destroyed.
Holy Trinity Church This is plasewhere Shakespeare was buried. Visitors coming to Stratford admire the beauty of the church and honour his memory. It’s interesting that he died on his birthday, 23 April, 1616
C90 Then hate me when thou wilt, if ever, now Now while the world is bent my deeds to cross, Join with the spite of Fortune, make me bow, And do not drop in for an after-loss. Ah do not, when my heart has scaped this sorrow, Come in the rearward of a conquered woe; Give not a windy night a rainy morrow, To linger out a purposed overthrow. If thou wilt leave me, do not leave me last, When other petty griefs have done their spite, But in the onset come; so shall I taste At first the very worst of Fortune's might; And other strains of woe, which now seem woe, Compared with loss of thee, will not seem so. Сонет№ 90, УильямШекспир Уж если презираешь - не скрывай! Скрывать удел лжецов и простодуров, И вспоминая, глаз не опускай, И забывая, не шепчи проклятье. И уходя, не возвращайся больше, Закрывши дверь - открыть её нельзя, Не для того я возводил мосты, Чтобы сожгли их девичьи сердца. Не мне судить о чувтсвах, о высоком, Мне всё одно; пороки за пороком, В душе моей терзается обман, Я зло познал, и Впредь я знаю, что больней всего. Однажды буду брошен я - признаю, Но боль моя достанется лишь мне. И вот тебе моё короткое посланье; Прими его, и легче станет мне. Перевод Ястребцевой Юлии, ученицы 9 "А" класса
Royal Shakespeare Theatre The present building was constructed in 1932. The first building was opened on Shakespeare’s birthday in 1879 and destroyed.
The statue of Shakespeare The bronze statue of Shakespeare, presented to Stratford by Lord Ronald Sutterland Gower in 1888. Shakespeare’s figure is high above the ground and on the ground there are small figures of Shakespeare’s famous characters.
Tobe, ornottobe: thatisthequestion. (Hamlet) Alltheworld's a stage, andallthemenandwomenmerelyplayers. Theyhavetheirexitsandtheirentrances; Andonemaninhistimeplaysmanyparts. (AsYouLikeit) Romeo, Romeo! whereforeartthouRomeo? (RomeoandJuliet) Nowisthewinterofourdiscontent. (Richard III) Isthis a daggerwhich I seebeforeme, thehandletowardmyhand? (Macbeth) Someareborngreat, someachievegreatness, andsomehavegreatnessthrustuponthem. (TwelfthNight) Cowardsdiemanytimesbeforetheirdeaths; thevaliantnevertasteofdeathbutonce. (JuliusCaesar) Fullfathomfivethyfatherlies, ofhisbonesarecoralmade. Thosearepearlsthatwerehiseyes. Nothingofhimthatdothfade, butdothsuffer a sea-changeintosomethingrichandstrange. (TheTempest) A mancandiebutonce. (Henry IV, Part 2) Howsharperthan a serpent'stoothitistohave a thanklesschild! (KingLear)
William Shakespeare Prepared By Diana Kucherenko
William Shakespeare • William Shakespeare, the great English poet and dramatist, author of 36 plays 154 sonnets and two epic poems. His work, "Hamlet," "Henry V," "King Lear," "Julius Caesar," "Macbeth," "Romeo and Juliet" and others. His personality is mysterious and there are many interesting facts biography of William Shakespeare. • For several centuries, there are disputes about whether he was the true author of the works that were published under his name. Some say that Shakespeare did not exist.
William Shakespeare • Life of the great playwright William Shakespeare has always been shrouded in some mystery, but it's safe to say that a small amount of preserved interesting facts and information about the life of Shakespeare. • Most interesting facts about Shakespeare, life and works of famous English poet and playwright are given below: • Fact number 1: Shakespeare is the account the world's second most-cited author after the Bible writers.
William Shakespeare • Fact number 2: reads that invented the word "murder" was actually coined and put into practice exactly Shakespeare. • Fact number 3: Shakespeare never went to university, but this did not prevent him to acquire global popularity, moreover, he is still considered one of the greatest figures in world literature. • Fact number 4: Extant works of Shakespeare is a collection of 38 pieces, two long narrative poems, huge range of poems, including 154 sonnets.
William Shakespeare • Fact number 5: The best part of all of Shakespeare's plays have been translated into all major languages and life in theaters his plays are staged more often than other well-known plays playwrights. • Fact number 6: It is said that Shakespeare began his career in the art world as a regular actor, and his first play he wrote about the time when he was about 25 years old.
William Shakespeare • Fact number 7: Another interesting fact about the life and work of Shakespeare says that the playwright never published his plays. He wanted all of his plays were performed directly on the stage and was opposed to distributed copies of his plays and read at home. • Fact number 8: As for Shakespeare, then save the information about what to write some of his plays, he borrowed the information from various sources that were available to him, such as stories, plays or poems.
William Shakespeare • Fact number 9: There is also an interesting fact about the personal life of Shakespeare. Historians claim that Shakespeare married Anne Hathaway before his beloved 18 years. They had three children together. He had only one only granddaughter, who died, being childless is why the great playwright no descendants. • Fact number 10: The actual date of birth of Shakespeare to this day remains unknown, so historians push only their assumption that Shakespeare lived only 52 years. • Fact number 11: Shakespeare enriched the English language by 1700 new words
What play was written in What play was written in What play was written in What play was written in What play was written in What play was written in What play was written in Where was a monument erected to the memory of the great playwright? 1595 1601 1600 1606 1597 1599 1596 What play was written in JulIus C a e s a r Of venice M e r c h a n t king L e a r As you it L I k e H a m l e t Night’s dream M I d s u m m e r P o e t’ s corner 1606 And juliet R o m e o M a c b e t h E r r o r s Comedy of T w e l f t h night What play was written in What play was written in 1600 1593
Hamlet Caliban "RomeoandJuliet" Ophelia " KingLear" KingLear "Othello" Juliet "TheTempest" Tybalt "Hamlet"Othello Desdemona Romeo