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A year on our farm. Our farm. Total area ; 75 hectares ; about 30 hectares food- and starch potatoes and rest 35 hectares are cereals ( wheat , oats , barley …)
Ourfarm Total area; 75 hectares; about 30 hectares food- and starchpotatoes and rest 35 hectaresarecereals (wheat, oats, barley…) 5 tractors, a plantingmachine (4-rows), a liftingcombine (2 rows), a combineharvester and several workingmashines. Laborforce; my son and me. Temporarily my brothertoo.
The followingyearbigins in the formerautumn • October-December • Autumnworking; plowing et cetera • Roughplannings for nextseason; baced on soilanalysis and made bycomputer program -> the shoppingof fertilisers, pesticide and so on based on bookkeeping
January - March • The yield of the lastyear and the seed for the seasonwillbeclassified • The transport forward
A shortplanning for onesection April • The yield-contract with the factories • Finalplannings for the seasonusing the computer ->sendingplanningsby e-mail to the agricultureoffice 233075640 Perälä Jaakko LYHYT VILJELYSUUNNITELMA 2011 Lohkon nimi lajike Viljelyala Keskuskoulu B: Melody 0,75 ha Siemenperuna Melody Satotavoite 25000 kg Ala Määrä/ha Siemenet Siemen Peruna Melodysert A 2011 2666,67 kg/ha Määrä/ala N P K :Lannoitteet Lannoite kevät YaraMila Perunan Y 1 8-5-19 2011 600 /ha Yhteenveto N P K Kasvukaudella kertyneet; Ero tarpeeseen (N = 48 P = 55 K = 395) -25 -281 Ero ympäristötuen max ilman esikasvin siirtymiä (N = 85 P = 55) -37 -25
May - June • On an averagewestart to plantpotatoes on the 10. of May (endingabout in the end of May. In the sametimefertilisergoes to the soil. • A daybeforeplantingwecultivate the fieldup to 15 cm
Hurrycontinues • Soonafterplantingweshape the rows. About 3 weeksafter plantingstarts the sparying of weeds. The spayingendsbefore the Midsummerweek. Water usage is 200 l/hectare
July - August • About the 10 of Jyly begins the spraying of the potatoeblight (potatoesareabout 30 cm high). Wehave to dothis 3-5 timesduring a season (400 l/hectarewater and about 1l pesticide) • In manyyearsweget the first frost in the firstweek in August; afterthatweneed not spray anymore.
Sebtember-(October) The lifting of potatoesbeginsabout 20.8. bylifting of seed Potatoesaretransported in boxes to the storage • Liftingmachinetakes 2 rows at onetime, speed is about 5-7 km/h, the output in goodconditions is about 1 ha/ 2 h by 3 persons. Normally the lifting is over in September.
Shortly – ouryearwaslikethis Thankyou