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Explore the fundamentals of decision theory, from theoretical concepts to practical applications in individual and group decision-making. Learn about normative and descriptive branches, rationality, and philosophical perspectives. Discover how decisions are made and study real-life examples.
Decision Theory CHOICE (Introduction) Professor : Dr. Liang Student : Kenwa Chu
What is Decision Theory? • making sense of how individuals and groups make or should make decisions • Economists • Mathematicians • Philosophers • social scientists • Statisticians • very abstract speculations <--->practical advice • ideally rational agents • Decision theorists with a strong mathematical • real people • Social scientists discovering how real people actually behave
two main branches • normative (prescriptive) decision theory • prescribe how decisions ought to be made • study ideally rational agents • descriptive decision theory • find out how decisions are made • study human behavior • Keep both in mind • study how expert business executives make decisions in order to find rules for prescribing how ordinary folk should make their business decisions
arguments • ideally rational agents • Philosophers-little question of how humans should behave • can acquire, store, and process unlimited amounts of information • never make logical or mathematical mistakes • know all the logical consequences of their beliefs • The Author- valuable • still serve to guide and correct our thinking • Ex. Computers’ memories • some abstract decision • neither normative nor descriptive ends in mind • Ex. notion of rational economic man is not a descriptive model • Maximizing personal profit is not necessarily the highest good for human beings • The Author- dropping the normative-descriptive distinction • more speculative discussion • This book-abstract decision theory
division • Individuals Decision • not be a single human being • Corporations, nations, … make decisions as individuals to realize some organizational goal • Groups Decision • several individuals who belong to the same corporation…adjudicate differences about group goals. • game theory • involve more than one individual • each individual chooses an action with the aim of furthering his or her own goals • concerning how other participants will decide • no effort will be made to develop a policy applying to all the participants
Division _con. • Case- Republican United States Presidents • Elections are one way for United States citizens to make group decisions • Once elected the president also makes decisions - in effect an individual decision by a nation • Case- post-Christmas sale • Each knows that if one has the sale and the other does not, the latter will get little business • anticipating what the other will do • find a way to choose a schedule for having sales- a group decision
Match Case States Acts
PROBLEMS • 1. Classify the following as individual or group decisions. Which are games? Explain your classifications. • a. Two people decide to marry each other. • b. The members of a club decide that the annual dues will be $5. • c. The members of a club decide to pay their dues. • d. .The citizens of the United States decide to amend the .Constitution. • e. Two gas stations decide to start a price war. • 2. If it turned out that everyone believed that 1 + 1 = 3, would that make it rational to believe that 1 + 1 = 3? • 3. Although decision theory declares no goals to be irrational in and of themselves, do you think there are goals no rational being could adopt, for example, the goal of ceasing to be rational?
Match Case_con. States Amount of Gas Present Acts
determine a problem specification • problem specification to be definite and complete • states must be mutually exclusive and exhaustive • one and only one of the states must obtain • Case- Match • neglect some but not much vapor • none of the above • Case- swine influenza vaccine • paralyze a number of people • failed to use the proper problem specification
Problem Specifiations • the proper description of states • ALL-Star Games Betting • Second order decision (secondorder problem specification) • a decision about decision problem specifications • choosing between decision tables • whenever we apply decision theory we must make some choices • right decisions andrational decisions
the proper description of states _ALL-Star Games Betting • how probable you thought the American League to win
the dominance principle_ALL-Star Games Betting • to rule out dominated acts
dominance principlemisapplication _Disarmament Case • but that continuing to arm makes war very unlikely • have not considered act we choose affects the probabilities of the states
Secondorder decision _Car Buying Case • Case- Car Buying • asking price : $4,000 • alternative bids • $3,000 ? • $3,500 ? • $4,000 ? • wider range of bids • bids with smaller increments • Secondorder decision • a decision about decision problem specifications • choosing between decision tables • Be Trapped in infinite regress - benefit
immediate decision • not always rational • gut reactions • Case- • angry bear is chasing you • Car driving
right decisions andrational decisions _leasing an oil field case • decision base • Baker-hires a decision analyst • not bid on the lease • Smith-on the flip of a coin • pays dearly for the lease • finds one of the largest oil reserves • was Baker's use of decision theory irrational? • Unfortunately, most of our decisions must be based on what we think mighthappen. • Yet we still should tryto make choices based on the information we do have • a rational decision can be entirely praiseworthy even though it did not turn out to be the right decision
PROBLEMS • 1.Set up a decision table for the following decision situation. Jack, who is now twenty, must decide whether to marry his true love Jill immediately or not see her again until he is twenty-one. If he marries her now then he will lose the million dollars his uncle has left him in trust. If he waits to see her until he is twenty-one, he will receive the money and can marry Jill at that time if she still loves him. (Part of your problem is selecting an appropriate set of acts, states, and outcomes.) • 2.Pascal reasoned that it was better to lead the life of a religious Christian than to be a pagan, because if God exists, religious Christians go to Heaven and everyone else goes to Hell, whereas if God does not exist, the life of the religious Christian is at least as good as that of the pagan. Set up a decision table for this argument and explain why the dominance principle supports Pascal's reasoning.
decision under certainty • Be certain that our acts will result in given outcomes • all you need to do is determine which outcome you like best • you know which act (or acts) is certain to produce it • Case-select a glass of tomato juice • Case-unloaded dice • Case-date a potential mate • everything concerning is certain , which will be your choose? • Case-from New York to Los Angeles • linear programming
decision under risk • a given decision problem is possible to assign probabilities to all the outcomes arising from each act • Case- • Choices between bets on fair coins • roulette wheels • dice • usual • Case- • classify investment decisions • bets on horse races • marketing decisions • choices of crops to plant • evenwhen we cannot assign an exact probability
decision under ignorance(decision under uncertainty) • when it makes no sense to assign probabilities to the outcomes emanating from one or more of the acts • Ignorance may be partial or total • may be possible to assign probabilities to some of the outcomes emanating from some of the acts, but to none emanating from the other acts
philosophically controversial • Classification • estimate upper and lower bounds on probabilities • decision under risk • the range of probabilities is very wide • decision under ignorance • the only certainties are mathematical and logical • there are few true decisions under certainty • we are never totally ignorant of the probabilities of the outcomes resultant from an act • there are no true decisions under ignorance
Some Details of Formulation _ CASE-eat at Greasy Pete's • the food will make you sick • relevant outcomes • get sick and you do not get sick • States • food is spoiled • is not certain to result in your getting sick • exactly one outcome for each act-state pair • How can we use decision tables to represent this simple problem? • introduce outcomes that themselves involve elements of uncertainty • replace the outcomes-a chance of getting sick • more refined division of the environment into states • the food is spoiled but you can handle it • the food is spoiled and you cannot handle it • the food is not spoiled • each act-state pair determines a unique outcome
Some Details of Formulation _ CASE-eat at Greasy Pete's • decision under risk • probabilities will be assigned to states rather than outcomes • assign probabilities to that compound state and the other states • CASE • Suppose • food being spoiled is 70% • unable to handle spoiled food is 50% • probability • getting rotten food at Greasy Pete's and being unable to handle it is 35 % • get bad food but will be able to handle it is 35 % • food will be fine is 30 %
Some Details of Formulation _con. • unconditional probability • CASE-lung cancer • state is independent of an act • conditional probability of the state given the act is the same as the unconditional probability of that state • contracting lung cancer is not independent of smoking • earning good grades is not independent of studying • surviving a marathon is not independent of training for it • Reformulate • you have the protective factor and do (do not) get terminal lung cancer from nonsmoking causes • you do not have the protective factor and you do (do not) get terminal lung cancer from nonsmoking causes • Case-Joan's problem • Abortion • give it up for adoption
PROBLEMS • 1. Classify the following as decisions under certainty, risk, or ignorance. Justify your classifications. • a. Jones chooses his bet in a roulette game. • b. Smith decides between seeking and not seeking a spouse. • c. A veterinarian decides whether to put a healthy stray dog to sleep or to adopt it as his own pet. • d. A student trying to satisfy degree requirements chooses among the courses currently available. • e. A lawyer decides whether to accept an out-of-court settlement or to take her client's case to trial. • 2. Set up a decision table for the last version of the Greasy Pete problem. Why is the outcome description you do not get sick in more than one square? What is the total probability that you will get an outcome so described?
Decision Tree _Disarmament Case Red War Chance Node Disarm Improve Society Peace Decition Node War Dead Chance Node Do Not Peace Status Quo
Description_Seashore Case • Suppose you must first choose between going to the seashore or staying at home. If you go to the seashore, you will wait to determine whether it is raining. If it rains, you will decide whether to fish or stay inside. If you fish and the fishing is good, you will be happy; if the fishing is not good, you will be disappointed. If you stay in, you will feel so-so. On the other hand, if there is no rain, you will sunbathe and be happy. Finally if you stay home, you will feel so-so.
practical advantage of trees _Seashore Case so so Stay in Fishing good Decition Node happy fish rain Chance Node Chance Node Go to seashore disappointed Fishing not good No rain Decition Node Decition Node sun bathe happy stay at home so so
Strategy _Seashore Case • S1 : I will go to the shore; if it rains, I will fish; if it does not rain, I will sunbathe. • is a strategy appropriate for the problem analyzed by the preceding tree. • S2 : I will go to the shore; if it rains, I will stay in; if it does not, I will sunbathe. • S3 : I will stay at home (under all circumstances).
Seashore Case Strategy
PROBLEMS • 1. Formulate the following decision problem using a decision tree. Danny, who has been injured by Manny in an automobile accident, has applied to Manny's insurance company for compensation. The company has responded with an offer of $10,000, Danny is considering hiring a lawyer to demand $50,000. If Danny hires a lawyer to demand $50,000, Manny's insurance company will respond by either offering $10,000 again or offering $25,000. If they offer $25,000, Danny plans to take it. If they offer $10,000, Danny will decide whether or not to sue. If he decides not to sue, he will get $10,000. If he decides to sue, he will win or lose. If he wins, he can expect $50,000. If he loses, he will get nothing. (To simplify this problem, ignore Danny's legal fees, and the emotional, temporal, and other costs of not settling for $10,000.) • 2. Mimicking the method used at the end of this section, reformulate Danny's decision problem using a decision table.