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Hollow Cathode Light Source at MSU

Conducting tests on Multi-Order Solar EUV Spectrograph (MOSES) using a Hollow Cathode Light Source (HCL) for image and spectrum capture. Exploring leak detection techniques and adapting equipment for optimal performance.

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Hollow Cathode Light Source at MSU

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Hollow Cathode Light Source at MSU Aaron Kingery MSU 2009 REU

  2. Multi-Order Solar EUV Spectrograph Sounding rocket payload Takes images and spectrum simultaneously MOSES

  3. Multi-Order Grating

  4. Extreme Ultraviolet

  5. Hollow Cathode Lightsource (HCL)

  6. Hollow Cathode Lightsource (HCL)

  7. "The Test" • Pump the intermediate chamber and HCL chamber down  • Isolate the HCL chamber • Record the pressure in the HCL as a function of time

  8. First Tests

  9. Ethanol Test 1: No ethanol 2: Ethanol on top 3: Ethanol on bottom 4: No ethanol

  10. Virtual Leaks

  11. Virtual Leaks

  12. Stabilization Pressure

  13. How Do You Find the Leaks? Remove things from the system Check for leaks If the leak is still present, remove more things.

  14. How Do You Find the Leaks? Problems: Can't remove the pressure gauge or valve Can't rule out anything if the leak persists.

  15. Large Vacuum Chamber Will be used to test MOSES Large enough to put the MOSES payload inside Needs to be clean

  16. Residual Gas AnalysisScan

  17. Photo diode It was held into possition by the pins The electical connections was also made by the pins. Pin broke off We had make a new way to it to be held and allow it to send a signal Upon testing it was found to be broken

  18. To-Do List • Get new photo diode • Turn on the HCL • Test the HCL using Ne • Calibrate and Test MOSES

  19. Conclusions • HCL is almost free of leaks • We need a new photo diode to test the HCL • Overall a very productive summer

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